Thursday, January 19, 2023

RootsTech 2023 Schedule, Speakers and Sessions Announced

 RootsTech 2023 is March 2-4, 2023 - in-person in Salt Lake City ($98 registration fee) and Virtual (Free).  You can register on the RootsTech 2023 website -

The schedule of speakers and their classes are on this website -

There are three links and a search box on this page:

1)  The "All Classes" link shows all 292 sessions available - some are On-Demand, but most are in-person sessions (with day, time, and session title shown, but not speaker names):  

They show you 50 sessions at a time, with the On Demand sessions at the top of the list.  There are only about 75 sessions on the On Demand list.

2)  The "Speakers" link shows the names of all of the speakers.  You can do a "Find" for a speaker's name, or you will have to scroll down to find the speaker of interest:

Diahan Southard's speaker page looks like this:

On each Speaker's page there will be a description of their current occupation and a brief profile of their experience, plus their social media contacts.  The Sessions for each speaker are on the right side of the screen - it shows that Diahan will have eight sessions, but only two are On Demand.

3)  The "On Demand" link does not show 2023 On Demand sessions yet - they are all from 2022 and earlier:

4)  here is a search box for Keywords on the first screenshot above ( at the top of the screen just below the RootsTech menu line.  I put "dna" in the search box:

and the list of 58 sessions for the "dna" keyword appeared:

 It appears that there is only one On Demand session about DNA.  It is Diahan Southard's "Help! My Ancestors were related to each other."  I clicked on the session title and saw the information for this session:

This screen shows information about the session - including "Resources" (syllabus material), short description of the session and the Type of session (On Demand or date/time/location for in-person sessions).

On any of the session lists, the user can access the syllabus, and download it as a PDF file, if there is a syllabus (not every session has one).  Even if a Virtual registrant cannot see and hear the session, they can see and download the syllabus (if available). 

5)  I have found that doing the Keyword search, or finding a specific speaker, is easier to deal with dealing with the list of classes that don't show a speaker, as in 1) above.

6)  I have not found the schedule for the Keynote speakers yet.  Perhaps the list is hiding from me!


I will be a Virtual registrant this year because of my health problems and age.  I am looking forward to seeing the On Demand sessions on March 2-4, and all year long.  I am a RootsTech 2023 Influencer and am supposed to write blog and social media posts about the conference.

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Copyright (c) 2023, Randall J. Seaver

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