It's Treasure Chest Thursday - time to look in my digital image files to see what treasures I can find for my family history and genealogy musings.
The treasure today is the Sanborn Fire Insurance Map page for my Carringer family homes in San Diego.
The block from Book 2 of the Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps for San Diego is bounded by 30th Street on the west, Ivy street on the north, Fern Street on the east, and Hawthorn Street on the south. As you can see, the map for this block has been corrected and pasted over the original page (probably several times!). The latest revision to the map book was in 1955, and this map reflects the block as I remember it in 1955.
The Key to the map book indicates that wood-frame buildings are yellow color, brick buildings are pink, stone or concrete buildings are blue, and fireproof material buildings are orange. The Key is shown here:
The houses of interest on this block include:
* 2115-2119 30th Street. This house was originally built in about 1895 by my great-grandparents and was located on the corner of 30th and Hawthorn Streets, then "improved" in about 1927 and moved to the present location then. The improvement was making it two separate dwellings (upstairs and downstairs) with two entrances. The notation 2-F on the map indicates that it is a wood frame house with two floors. The first floor entrance is indicated by a dot in the lower left-hand corner of the house. The second floor entrance is denoted by a 2 in the upper left-hand corner of the building on the map. The map shows a dashed lined "PLFM" (platform) on the east side - this is probably the back porch and stairs (which were constructed at about this time). There is a notation 4' on the north side of the building which is, I think, the clearance between buildings. To the right of that notation is a notation 41' which is a clearance to the next building to the north, which is misleading since there was a wooden fence and a lath house in between the two buildings. There is a solid line on the south side of the house that runs from 30th Street to Fern Street. This is a reinforced concrete brick wall separating the properties.
* 2114-2116 Fern Street. This two-story wood-frame house, with two dwellings, was built in about 1927 by my great-grandparents. The two entrances are noted by a dot (first floor) and a 2 (second floor). The back stairs to the second floor are also shown. There is a 10 foot separation between this building and the 2115-2119 30th Street building.
* 2130 Fern Street. This one-story wood-frame house was built in about 1920 by my grandparents. The entrance is in the bottom right-hand corner. There is a one-story garage (marked A) to the south of the house. This property was sold in about 1950 to Mr. Phillips.
* 2123 and 2127 30th Street. These two small dwellings were built in about 1927 by my grandparents, and are one-story wood-frame houses with attached garages (which are not marked with an A).
* The seven small apartments in three separate buildings at 2107 and 2111 30th, 3004, 3006, 3008, 3010 and 3012 Hawthorn. Two of them are one-story buildings, and the one on the right is a two-story building with a garage below the two upstairs apartments. These were built in about 1953 after my grandparents sold the two lots south of the 2115-2119 building to Mr. Glassford.
I accessed this Sanborn Fire Insurance Company book at the San Diego Central Library yesterday during my short visit there. The genealogy, local history and rare book collections of the library are on the 9th floor. The Sanborn volumes can be requested at the information desk and they will be provided to your workstation.
A source citation, you ask? Here's my effort (using the Maps, Historic" source template in RootsMagic 6, using EE 12.67):
Insurance Maps of San Diego, California (New York: Sanborn Map Co., 1921), Volume 2, page 231, accessed at San Diego Central Library (330 Park Blvd., San Diego), Local History collection.
I looked for other ancestral homes also. I could spend all day browsing through maps like these!
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copyright (c) 2014, Randall J. Seaver
1 comment:
Randy, You're so lucky to find these in color! Mostly I've seen only microfilmed ones all in black and white.
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