The email from MyHeritage said:
"As we know, oral interviews are vital in family history research. Our relatives are a treasure trove of precious family information, and we want to make sure that their stories are preserved forever. Audio Recordings lets you interview your relatives directly from their profile in your family tree, and store the interview for future generations in your MyHeritage family site.
"Audio files are uploaded to the family tree profile of the person you're interviewing, where they can easily be listened to at anytime.
"Audio Recordings is free and available on the latest version of the MyHeritage mobile app on the App Store and Google Play.
"I'd be grateful if you could share the link for your readers to download the app: mobile"
1) I opened the MyHeritage mobile app on my iPhone and found my grandmother in the family tree:
2) I tapped on her icon on the screen above and her profile opened:
3) There is a headphones icon to the right of her name. When I tap on the icon, the Recording screen opens:
It says I don't have any recordings yet.
4) To make a recording, I tapped on the orange "Start recording" button on the screen above. I did, and the orange screen below opened:
To make the recording, I tapped on the "Record" button at the bottom of the screen above.
5) I recorded a short story about my grandmother coming to San Diego twice - once for her son's wedding in 1942 and the second time in 1959 to visit our family and meet her three California grandsons.
When I was done, I tapped the "Stop" button at the bottom of the recording screen.
6) The screen then told me that the recording had ended successfully:
I tapped on the "OK" button to save the recording.
7) The screen changed to the one below:
8) I went to Edit the name of the recording, so I followed directions in the MyHeritage blog post, and swiped to the left to Edit the recording:
10) When I tapped the "OK" button, the screen showed that the recording name had been changed:
11) Well, that was really easy to do!
I learned that I am really terrible at telling stories about my family - I need to have bullet points to do this well. Maybe I can read some of my blog posts? That would probably be too boring!
12) I am not sure who can hear my recordings. I tried to find the profile in the MyHeritage blog post but that profile doesn't exist, apparently.
My guess is that anybody who can access my MyHeritage tree can hear them; there are 30 MyHeritage members who can access my tree. Would someone try to listen to my recording for my grandmother on MyHeritage and see if you can hear it?
UPDATED: Once again MyHeritage advances their state of family tree technology! FamilySearch already has this audio feature in their Family Tree mobile app. My guess is that and Findmypast will add this feature in the near future since it seems so easy to do.
Back to the regularly scheduled programming!
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Copyright (c) 2016, Randall J. Seaver