It's Saturday Night -
1) What Keeps You From Doing Genealogy? What real life activity do you have to do, or like to do, that takes time away from genealogy research?
2) Write your own blog post, or add your response as a comment to this blog post, in a Facebook Status post or note.
Here's mine:
Real life for me is pretty simple. I do the minimum required - eating, personal care, paying bills, shopping, cleaning (minimal!), laundry, trash (weekly), appointments (doctor, dentist, lab, etc.), etc. each week.
I visit Linda in the memory care facility every day at about 10 a.m., if possible. Only for an hour, but that is enough. It takes 15 minutes to get there. We play Uno almost every day because it keeps her mind active.
I watch TV News almost every day and watch Padres and Chargers games every game, if possible. I watch very few entertainment shows on TV. I can read the newspaper, read email, Facebook, Twitter and blogs, read ebooks, and moderate blog comments on my laptop during breaks in the TV action.
I try to go out front every day and pull weeds in the lawn and planter boxes, trim the rose bushes and ivy, and sweep the entry way, but not for long.
I don't go to church on Sunday on a regular basis any more, and it conflicts with my Linda visits.
Sleeping takes the second most time in my day - I am in bed usually by 10 p.m. and get up around 6 a.m., but I don't sleep the whole time. I usually take a short nap before or after lunch in my recliner, mainly due to my erratic nighttime sleep pattern.