It's Saturday Night -
1) Participate in the Ancestors GeneaMeme created by Jill Ball on the Geniaus blog back in 2011!
2) Write your own blog post, or add your response as a comment to this blog post, in a Facebook Status post or note.
The Rules, and the Meme list, is given below in my response.
Here's mine:
The Rules:
The list should be annotated in the following manner:
Things you have already done or found: bold face type
Things you would like to do or find: italicize (colour optional)
Things you haven’t done or found and don’t care to: plain type
You are encouraged to add extra comments in brackets after each item
6. Met all four of my grandparents (did not meet my paternal grandfather, Frederick W. Seaver, who died in 1942)
7. Met one or more of my great-grandparents (only Georgianna Kemp Auble, who died when I was 9)
8. Named a child after an ancestor (gave first daughter middle name of "Lee" after her grandfather - not my ancestor)
9. Bear an ancestor's given name/s (actually, I have a Randall Grosvenor in the 15th century - does that count?)
10. Have an ancestor from Great Britain or Ireland (probably 70% of my ancestral lines go back to the British Isles)
11. Have an ancestor from Asia (perhaps Genghis Khan, but I have no known link)
12. Have an ancestor from Continental Europe
13. Have an ancestor from Africa (well, not in the last 100 generations or so...)
14. Have an ancestor who was an agricultural labourer (in the US and UK)
15. Have an ancestor who had large land holdings (what's large? Larger than 40 acres? Yep. Larger than 640 acres? Probably.)
16. Have an ancestor who was a holy man - minister, priest, rabbi (Jonathan Oatley in Killingly CT in 19th century, several more in 17th century)
17. Have an ancestor who was a midwife (unsure)
18. Have an ancestor who was an author (unsure)
19. Have an ancestor with the surname Smith, Murphy or Jones (many Smiths, no Murphys, only one Jones line)
20. Have an ancestor with the surname Wong, Kim, Suzuki or Ng (definirely not!)
21. Have an ancestor with a surname beginning with X
22. Have an ancestor with a forename beginning with Z (three generations of Zachariah Hildreths, and a Zechariah Barber)
23. Have an ancestor born on 25th December (many!)
24. Have an ancestor born on New Year's Day (many!)
25. Have "blue blood" in your family lines (supposedly if Royal Descendants book is right)
26. Have a parent who was born in a country different from my country of birth
27. Have a grandparent who was born in a country different from my country of birth (nope, one great-grandparent born in Canada is the last one born in another country)
28. Can trace a direct family line back to the eighteenth century (all but 1 or 2 of my 32 3rd great-grandparents
29. Can trace a direct family line back to the seventeenth century or earlier (quite a few)
30. Have seen copies of the signatures of some of my great-grandparents (Austin Carringer, Della Smith, Georgianna Kemp, Frank Seaver, Thomas Richmond)
31. Have ancestors who signed their marriage certificate with an X (several in England)
32. Have a grandparent or earlier ancestor who went to university (back in the 17th century??)
33. Have an ancestor who was convicted of a criminal offence (several are in Sex in Middlesex book)
34. Have an ancestor who was a victim of crime (logic says someone in 12 generations must have been, not sure about this one)
35. Have shared an ancestor's story online or in a magazine (many in Genea-Musings...)
36. Have published a family history online or in print (two books self-published and shared with family, plus ebooks on Scribd)
37. Have visited an ancestor's home from the 19th or earlier centuries (several in New England, and the Ranslow Smith Inn in Wisconsin)
38. Still have an ancestor's home from the 19th or earlier centuries in the family (not in the family...the Ranslow Smith Inn in Wisconsin would qualify if I'd bought it)
39. Have a family bible from the 19th Century (have Bible pages for births, marriages, deaths, but not the Bible)
40. Have a pre-19th century family bible