Saturday, August 19, 2023

Saturday Night Genealogy Fun -- Make an Ahnentafel Report

 Calling all Genea-Musings Fans:

It's Saturday Night again -

Time for some more Genealogy Fun!!

Here is your assignment, should you decide to accept it (you ARE reading this, so I assume that you really want to play along - cue the Mission Impossible music!):

1)  Have you made an ahnentafel report 
("name table" in German) recently?  Show us yours!  How did you do it?  Which program did you use?

2)  Write your own blog post, or leave a comment on this post, or write something on Facebook.

Here's mine:

I used RootsMagic 9 (Publish > All Reports and Charts > Ahnentafel > chose myself, 20 generations) to make this list of my ancestors through 20 generations.

Here is the first page: 
And the second page:

There are 203 pages to this ahnentafel list.  It includes the ancestors for whom I have a name and/or birth or death data.

RootsMagic does not provide a way to identify how many people are in each generation.  I wish they did!  Other programs do.  I usually count the names in each generation.  I haven't done that yet today.


The URL for this post is:

Copyright (c) 2023, Randall J. Seaver

Note that all comments are moderated, so they may not appear immediately.  

Please comment on this post on the website by clicking the URL above and then the "Comments" link at the bottom of each post.  Share it on Twitter, Facebook, or Pinterest using the icons below.  Or contact me by email at

Added and Updated FamilySearch Record Collections - Week of 12 to 18 August 2023

 I am keeping track of the new and updated historical record collections at FamilySearch ( every week.

As of 18 August 2023, there are 3,238 historical record collections on FamilySearch (an increase of 3 from last week):

The new and updated collections this week from FamilySearch are:

--- Collections Added   ---

*  Colombia, Archivo Distrital de Bogotá, Cemetery Indexes, 1887-1995      (; 3,794 indexed records with 194 record images, ADDED 18-Aug-2023

*  Colombia, Costa, Church Records, 1778-2018      (; 233 indexed records with 117 record images, ADDED 18-Aug-2023

(*  Spain, Madrid, Municipal Census Records, 1910-1923      (; 390,854 indexed records with 65,609 record images, ADDED 18-Aug-2023

--- Collections Updated ---

Argentina, Catamarca, Catholic Church Records, 1724-1971        (; 225,205 indexed records with 102,718 record images (was 222,125 records with 102,718 images), UPDATED 18-Aug-2023
Argentina, Corrientes, Catholic Church Records, 1734-1977       (; 473,380 indexed records with 207,943 record images (was 468,800 records with 207,943 images), UPDATED 18-Aug-2023
Argentina, Jujuy, Catholic Church Records, 1662-1975    (; 184,043 indexed records with 69,981 record images (was 178,348 records with 69,981 images), UPDATED 18-Aug-2023
Belgium, Brabant, Civil Registration, 1582-1914 (; 56,879 indexed records with 6,411,594 record images (was 55,870 records with 6,411,594 images), UPDATED 18-Aug-2023
Belgium, Namur, Civil Registration, 1800-1912   (; 628,861 indexed records with 372,768 record images (was 626,891 records with 372,768 images), UPDATED 18-Aug-2023

Bolivia Catholic Church Records, 1566-1996      (; 9,328,204 indexed records with 1,649,601 record images (was 9,322,845 records with 1,649,601 images), UPDATED 18-Aug-2023
Brazil, Alagoas, Church Records, 1802-2016      (; 1,162,170 indexed records with 171,206 record images (was 1,161,876 records with 171,060 images), UPDATED 18-Aug-2023
Brazil, Cemetery Records, 1850-2021     (; 994,637 indexed records with 150,972 record images (was 994,348 records with 150,972 images), UPDATED 18-Aug-2023
Brazil, Mato Grosso, Civil Registration, 1845-2013      (; Index only (525 records), no images (was 523 records with 0 images), UPDATED 18-Aug-2023
Brazil, Minas Gerais, Civil Registration, 1879-1949     (; 866,780 indexed records with 361,252 record images (was 865,096 records with 360,605 images), UPDATED 18-Aug-2023

Brazil, Paraná, Civil Registration, 1852-1996   (; 3,049,508 indexed records with 1,689,031 record images (was 3,034,701 records with 1,689,031 images), UPDATED 18-Aug-2023
Brazil, Pará, Civil Registration, 1815-1995     (; 100,794 indexed records with 31,766 record images (was 94,589 records with 30,207 images), UPDATED 18-Aug-2023
Brazil, Rio Grande do Sul, Civil Registration, 1860-2006        (; 1,687,843 indexed records with 862,100 record images (was 1,685,899 records with 861,114 images), UPDATED 18-Aug-2023
Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, Civil Registration, 1829-2012   (; 6,901,985 indexed records with 5,100,470 record images (was 6,901,975 records with 5,100,470 images), UPDATED 13-Aug-2023
Brazil, Santa Catarina, Civil Registration, 1850-1999   (; 702,707 indexed records with 1,037,638 record images (was 699,845 records with 1,037,638 images), UPDATED 18-Aug-2023

Brazil, Sergipe, Catholic Church Records, 1785-1994     (; 1,228,768 indexed records with 273,847 record images (was 1,227,615 records with 273,847 images), UPDATED 18-Aug-2023
Chile, Catholic Church Records, 1633-2015       (; 7,976,505 indexed records with 1,004,583 record images (was 7,957,912 records with 1,002,182 images), UPDATED 18-Aug-2023
Colombia, Catholic Church Records, 1576-2018    (; 26,302,958 indexed records with 12,659,776 record images (was 26,460,273 records with 12,659,776 images), UPDATED 18-Aug-2023
Colombia, Civil Registration, 1553-2021 (; 815,110 indexed records with 849,343 record images (was 814,599 records with 849,093 images), UPDATED 16-Aug-2023
Connecticut Naturalization Records, 1795-1945   (; 305,602 indexed records with 277,024 record images (was 117,234 records with 98,713 images), UPDATED 14-Aug-2023

Connecticut, County Coroner's Records, 1883-1934        (; 76,276 indexed records with 44,568 record images (was 76,253 records with 44,551 images), UPDATED 17-Aug-2023
Costa Rica, Catholic Church Records, 1595-1992  (; 4,329,224 indexed records with 962,203 record images (was 4,327,605 records with 962,203 images), UPDATED 18-Aug-2023
Costa Rica, Civil Registration, 1823-1975       (; 6,189,568 indexed records with 404,718 record images (was 6,189,558 records with 404,718 images), UPDATED 13-Aug-2023
Croatia, Church Books, 1516-1994        (; 2,991,628 indexed records with 1,421,761 record images (was 2,991,431 records with 1,421,761 images), UPDATED 17-Aug-2023
Czech Republic, Church Books, 1552-1981 (; 7,657,153 indexed records with 4,668,489 record images (was 7,654,465 records with 4,668,489 images), UPDATED 16-Aug-2023

Dominican Republic, Catholic Church Records, 1590-1975  (; 2,273,031 indexed records with 238,265 record images (was 2,271,508 records with 238,265 images), UPDATED 18-Aug-2023
England Births and Christenings, 1538-1975      (; Index only (45,758,592 records), no images (was 45,763,557 records with 0 images), UPDATED 16-Aug-2023
England Marriages, 1538–1973    (; Index only (11,804,605 records), no images (was 11,805,479 records with 0 images), UPDATED 16-Aug-2023
England, Leicestershire Parish Registers, 1533-1991     (; 2,531,699 indexed records with 338,632 record images (was 2,532,275 records with 338,632 images), UPDATED 16-Aug-2023
England, Middlesex Parish Registers, 1539-1988  (; 2,010,432 indexed records with 357,657 record images (was 2,010,432 records with 353,144 images), UPDATED 17-Aug-2023

Find A Grave Index      (; 233,524,740 indexed records with 233,524,740 record images (was 231,052,111 records with 231,052,111 images), UPDATED 17-Aug-2023
Finland, Tax Lists, 1809-1915   (; 946,416 indexed records with 15,332 record images (was 943,199 records with 9,839 images), UPDATED 14-Aug-2023
Germany, North Rhine-Westphalia, Wuppertal, Civil Registration, 1810-1930       (; 50,149 indexed records with 49,436 record images (was 48,015 records with 47,356 images), UPDATED 18-Aug-2023
Gibraltar, Civil Records, 1777-1990     (; 329,302 indexed records with 215,364 record images (was 264,450 records with 197,690 images), UPDATED 18-Aug-2023
Guatemala, Alta Verapaz, Civil Registration, 1877-1994  (; 1,058,376 indexed records with 17,770 record images (was 1,057,712 records with 17,770 images), UPDATED 18-Aug-2023

Guatemala, Huehuetenango, Civil Registration, 1877-1994 (; 985,460 indexed records with 17,993 record images (was 985,072 records with 17,993 images), UPDATED 17-Aug-2023
Guatemala, Izabal, Civil Registration, 1877-1994        (; 412,880 indexed records with 9,848 record images (was 412,818 records with 9,848 images), UPDATED 17-Aug-2023
Haiti, Archdiocese of Port-au-Prince, Catholic Church Records, 1866-2017        (; 59,107 indexed records with 6,781 record images (was 58,502 records with 8,875 images), UPDATED 18-Aug-2023
Ireland, Catholic Parish Registers, 1740-1900   (; 3,851,406 indexed records with 140,841 record images (was 3,784,588 records with 126,777 images), UPDATED 18-Aug-2023
Italy, Ravenna, Ravenna, Civil Registration (Tribunale), 1866-1929      (; 33,319 indexed records with 1,759,182 record images (was 32,075 records with 1,759,182 images), UPDATED 18-Aug-2023

Italy, Sassari, Civil Registration (Tribunale), 1803-1942       (; 45,649 indexed records with 15,691 record images (was 44,757 records with 15,335 images), UPDATED 18-Aug-2023
Italy, Treviso, Treviso, Civil Registration (Tribunale), 1871-1941      (; 4,598 indexed records with 427,232 record images (was 4,566 records with 427,232 images), UPDATED 14-Aug-2023
Italy, Venezia, Venezia, Civil Registration (Tribunale), 1871-1930      (; 20,412 indexed records with 628,744 record images (was 19,770 records with 628,744 images), UPDATED 18-Aug-2023
Luxembourg, Church and Civil Registration, 1601-1923    (; 143,906 indexed records with 51,776 record images (was 37,089 records with 14,035 images), UPDATED 18-Aug-2023
Mexico, Puebla, Catholic Church Records, 1545-1977      (; 8,826,941 indexed records with 6,124,553 record images (was 8,807,975 records with 6,124,553 images), UPDATED 18-Aug-2023

Mexico, Querétaro, Catholic Church Records, 1590-1970   (; 3,027,805 indexed records with 1,380,077 record images (was 3,027,749 records with 1,380,077 images), UPDATED 17-Aug-2023
Nicaragua Civil Registration, 1809-2013 (; 2,573,340 indexed records with 2,591,542 record images (was 2,573,338 records with 2,591,542 images), UPDATED 13-Aug-2023
Nicaragua, Catholic Church Records, 1740-1960   (; 823,524 indexed records with 86,119 record images (was 823,449 records with 86,119 images), UPDATED 17-Aug-2023
Ohio, Stillbirths, 1918-1953    (; 75,823 indexed records with 102,967 record images (was 75,002 records with 102,147 images), UPDATED 18-Aug-2023
Paraguay, Military Records, 1870-1965   (; 975,313 indexed records with 972,619 record images (was 968,337 records with 910,592 images), UPDATED 16-Aug-2023

Peru, Arequipa, Catholic Church Records, 1660-2020      (; 356,226 indexed records with 71,536 record images (was 345,367 records with 69,679 images), UPDATED 18-Aug-2023
Peru, Catholic Church Records, 1603-1992        (; 21,172,345 indexed records with 4,192,353 record images (was 21,161,359 records with 4,192,353 images), UPDATED 18-Aug-2023
Portugal, Setúbal, Catholic Church Records, 1555-1911   (; 1,083,320 indexed records with 829,309 record images (was 1,083,183 records with 829,309 images), UPDATED 18-Aug-2023
Puerto Rico, Catholic Church Records, 1645-1969 (; 3,366,992 indexed records with 191,547 record images (was 3,364,243 records with 191,547 images), UPDATED 18-Aug-2023
Russia, Lutheran Church Book Duplicates, 1833-1885      (; 309,495 indexed records with 128,317 record images (was 304,933 records with 128,317 images), UPDATED 18-Aug-2023

South Africa, Dutch Reformed Church Records (Stellenbosch Archive), 1690-2011   (; 42,079 indexed records with 496,315 record images (was 42,079 records with 496,315 images), UPDATED 16-Aug-2023
Spain, Province of Gerona, Municipal Records, 1566-1956 (; 1,223,805 indexed records with 390,067 record images (was 1,212,479 records with 390,067 images), UPDATED 15-Aug-2023
Ukraine, Kiev Confession Lists, 1741-1918       (; 1,830,188 indexed records with 40,448 record images (was 1,771,360 records with 40,448 images), UPDATED 16-Aug-2023
Uruguay Civil Registration, 1879-1930   (; Index only (942,733 records), no images (was 926,077 records with 0 images), UPDATED 18-Aug-2023
Venezuela Civil Registration, 1873-2003 (; 1,049,023 indexed records with 586,312 record images (was 1,044,668 records with 586,312 images), UPDATED 18-Aug-2023

Venezuela, Archdiocese of Caracas, Catholic Church Records, 1638-2020   (; 129,875 indexed records with 56,136 record images (was 124,832 records with 52,438 images), UPDATED 18-Aug-2023
Virginia, Bureau of Vital Statistics, Birth Records, 1853-1896  (; 1,878,114 indexed records with 40,480 record images (was 1,873,865 records with 40,359 images), UPDATED 18-Aug-2023
Zimbabwe Death Registers, 1890-1977; Index to Death Register, 1892-1977 (; 27,312 indexed records with 74,045 record images (was 320,653 records with 74,045 images), UPDATED 16-Aug-2023
Zimbabwe Death notices, 1904-1976       (; 19,013 indexed records with 328,546 record images (was 301,749 records with 328,546 images), UPDATED 16-Aug-2023
Zimbabwe, Catholic Church Records, 1897-2022    (; 13,651 indexed records with 64,543 record images (was 663,857 records with 64,543 images), UPDATED 16-Aug-2023

--- Collections with new images ---

England, Cambridgeshire Bishop's Transcripts, 1538-1983 (; 1,108,130 indexed records with 114,977 record images (was 1,108,130 records with 109,474 images), last updated 29-Sep-2021
Germany, Lutheran Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials, 1500-1971   (; 76,138,093 indexed records with 13,806,595 record images (was 76,138,093 records with 13,775,866 images), last updated 19-May-2023
Norway Census, 1801     (; 878,979 indexed records with 13,207 record images (was 878,979 records with 13,206 images), last updated 19-Oct-2020
United States, New York, Index to Passengers Arriving at New York City, compiled 1944-1948      (; 1,129,668 indexed records with 1,112,549 record images (was 1,129,668 records with 1,112,544 images), last updated 18-Mar-2020

--- Collections with images removed ---

Democratic Republic of the Congo, Census, 1984  (; 1,626,276 indexed records with 536,232 record images (was 1,626,276 records with 538,740 images), last updated 28-Jul-2023
Germany, Rhineland, Diocese of Trier, Catholic Church Records, 1704-1957        (; 2,967,130 indexed records with 292,444 record images (was 2,967,130 records with 297,309 images), last updated 03-Nov-2020
Sweden, Stockholm City Archives, Index to Church Records, 1546-1927     (; 1,195,105 indexed records with 75,615 record images (was 1,195,105 records with 78,138 images), last updated 02-Aug-2023


My friend and SDGS colleague, Marshall, has come up with a way to determine which collections are ADDED, DELETED or UPDATED, and to alphabetize the entries in each category. Thanks to Marshall for helping me out here!

In order to select a specific record collection on FamilySearch, go to and use the "Filter by collection name" feature in the upper left-hand corner and use keywords (e.g. "church england") to find collections with those keywords.

Each one of the collections listed above has a Research Wiki page (use the "Learn more" link). It would be very useful if the Wiki page for each collection listed the dates for when the collection was added as a new collection and the dates for major updates also.


Copyright (c) 2023 Randall J. Seaver

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Please comment on this post on the website by clicking the URL above and then the "Comments" link at the bottom of each post. Share it on Twitter, Facebook, or Pinterest using the icons below. Or contact me by email at

Friday, August 18, 2023

Added and Updated Record Collections - Week of 12 to 18 August 2023

 The following genealogy record collections were listed on the Recently Added and Updated Collections on during the period from 12 to 18 August 2023: 

The Updated and ADDED collections include:

U.S., Find a Grave® Index, 1600s-Current; indexed records without record images, Updated 8/17/2023

U.S., Selected Federal Census Non-Population Schedules, 1850-1880; indexed records with record images, Updated 8/17/2023

UK, Absent Voter Lists, 1918-1925, 1939; indexed records with record images, Updated 8/17/2023

Pennsylvania, U.S., Birth Certificates, 1906-1914; indexed records with record images, Updated 8/17/2023

Brazil, Find a Grave® Index, 1800s-Current; indexed records without record images, Updated 8/17/2023

Italy, Find a Grave® Index, 1800s-Current; indexed records without record images, Updated 8/17/2023

Germany, Find a Grave® Index, 1600s-Current; indexed records without record images, Updated 8/17/2023

Global, Find a Grave® Index for Burials at Sea and other Select Burial Locations, 1300s-Current; indexed records without record images, Updated 8/17/2023

Norway, Find a Grave® Index, 1800s-Current; indexed records without record images, Updated 8/17/2023

Sweden, Find a Grave® Index, 1800s-Current; indexed records without record images, Updated 8/17/2023

Australia and New Zealand, Find a Grave® Index, 1800s-Current; indexed records without record images, Updated 8/17/2023

Canada, Find a Grave® Index, 1600s-Current; indexed records without record images, Updated 8/17/2023

UK and Ireland, Find a Grave® Index, 1300s-Current; indexed records without record images, Updated 8/17/2023

Mexico, Find a Grave® Index, 1800s-Current; indexed records without record images, Updated 8/17/2023

Birmingham, England, Birmingham Cemetery and Crematoria Records, 1836-2017; indexed records without record images, ADDED 8/16/2023

Belfast, Antrim, Ireland, Royal Victoria Hospital Register, 1914-1916; indexed records without record images, ADDED 8/16/2023

New South Wales, Australia, Immigration Records, 1840-1902; indexed records with record images, ADDED 8/15/2023

Web: Ulster, Ireland, Ulster Covenant, 1912; indexed records without record images, ADDED    8/14/2023

Puerto Rico, U.S.,™ Stories and Events Index, 1800's-current; indexed records without record images, ADDED 8/14/2023

Maryland, U.S.,™ Stories and Events Index, 1800's-current; indexed records without record images, ADDED 8/14/2023

Texas, U.S.,™ Stories and Events Index, 1800's-current; indexed records without record images, ADDED 8/14/2023

New Mexico, U.S., Land Records of New Spain, 1692-1916; indexed records with record images, Updated 8/14/2023

Arizona, U.S.,™ Stories and Events Index, 1800's-current; indexed records without record images, ADDED 8/14/2023

Montana, U.S.,™ Stories and Events Index, 1800's-current; indexed records without record images, ADDED 8/14/2023


The complete Card Catalog is at  

By my count, there were NEW record collections ADDED this past week, per the list above.  There are now 33,292 collections available as of 18 August, DECREASE of 63 from last week.


Disclosure: I receive a complimentary all-access subscription from, for which I am thankful. has provided material considerations for travel expenses to meetings, and has hosted events and meals that I have attended in Salt Lake City, in past years.

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52 Ancestors - Week 493: #888 Michael Metcalf (1680-1761) of Medfield and Medway, Massachusetts and Keene, New Hampshire

Michael Metcalf (1680-1761) is #888 on my Ahnentafel List, my 7th great-grandfather, who married  #889 Lydia White (1686-????) in 1705 in Mendon, Massachusetts.

I am descended through:

*  their son #444 Michael Metcalf (1706-1771), married #445 Melatiah Hamant (1704-1751) in 1728.
*  their son #222 Burgess Metcalf (1741-1816), married #223 Jerusha --?--  (1750-1817) in 1770.
*  their daughter #111 Mary Metcalf (1780-1855), married #110 Amos Underhill (1772-1865) in 1801.
*  their daughter, #55, Mary Ann Underhill (1815-1882) in 1839. married #54 Samuel Vaux (1816-1880) in 1839.
*  their daughter, #27 Abigail A. Vaux (1844-1931), married #26 Devier James Lamphear Smith (1839-1894) in 1861.
*  their daughter, #13 Abbey Ardell Smith (1862-1944), married #12 Henry Austin Carringer (1853-1946), in 1887.
*  their son, #6 Lyle Lawrence Carringer (1891-1976), who married #7 Emily Kemp Auble (1899-1977) in 1918.
* their daughter, #3 Betty Virginia Carringer (1919-2002), who married #2 Frederick Walton Seaver (1911-1983) in 1942.
*  their son, #1 Randall J. Seaver (1943-....)


1)  PERSON (with source citations as indicated in brackets):

*  Name::                         Michael Metcalf[1–3]
*  Alternate Name:          Micall Medcalf[5–6]
*  Alternate Name:          Michael Medcalfe[5]

*  Sex:                              Male

*  Father:                         Michael Metcalf (1650-1691)
*  Mother:                        Elizabeth Bowers (1654-1724)

2)  INDIVIDUAL EVENTS (with source citations as indicated in brackets):

*  Birth:                           10 October 1680, Medfield, Norfolk, Massachusetts, United States[1-2,4]
*  Death:                          5 March 1761 (age 80), Keene, Cheshire, New Hampshire, United States[1-3]

3)  SHARED EVENTS (with source citations as indicated in brackets):

*  Spouse 1:                     Lydia White (1686-????)    
*  Marriage 1:                  21 March 1704/5 (age 23), Mendon, Worcester, Massachusetts, United States[1,5–6]
*  Child 1:                      Michael Metcalf 1706-1771
*  Child 2:                      John Metcalf 1709-1791
*  Child 3:                      Joseph Metcalf 1714-1759
*  Child 4:                      Jonathan Metcalf 1715-    
*  Child 5:                      Elizabeth Metcalf 1718-1758
*  Child 6:                      Lydia Metcalf 1721-    

4)  NOTES (with source citations as indicated in brackets):    

Michael Metcalf (also Medcalf, Medcalfe, Metcalfe) was born 10 October 1680 in Medfield, Massachusetts, the son of Michael and Elizabeth (Bowers) Metcalf[1-2,4].

He married on 21 March 1704/5 in Mendon, Massachusetts to Lydia White (1686-????), the daughter of Joseph and Lydia (Copeland) White[1,5-6].  They had six children, the first two were born in Medfield and the last four were born in Medway, Massachusetts:

*  Michael Metcalf (1706-1771), married 1728 Melatiah Hamant (1704-1751). 
*  John Metcalf (1709-1791), married 1733 Tamar Daniels (1714-????).
*  Joseph Metcalf (1714-1759), married 1739 Deborah Adams (1716-????).
*  Jonathan Metcalf (1716-????), married (1) 1733 Hannah Smith (1712-1744); (2) 1742 Mary Adams (1722-1754).
*  Elizabeth Metcalf (1718-1758), married 1737 Gideon Ellis (1714-1800).
*  Lydia Metcalf (1721-????), married 1747 Hopestill Lovell (1711-1776).

The family settled in Medway in about 1714.  As early as 11 February 1750, Michael Metcalf and his son, Michael Jr. and grandson Oliver, were settlers at Upper Ashuelot, afterward called Keene, New Hampshire, and were among the founders of the town[2]

Michael Metcalf died in 1761 at Keene, aged 80[1-3]. A Rebecca Metcalf, perhaps a second wife, died at Keene on 17 May 1753, aged 87. 

There is no known burial location for Michael Metcalf, and there are no known probate records.


1. Howard H. Metcalfe, Some Descendants of Rev. Leonard Metcalf of Tatterford Parish,Norfolk, England (Westminster, Md. : Heritage Books, Inc., 2003), #90 Michael Metcalf family sketch.

2. George Edward Metcalf, "Genealogy of a Branch of the Michael Metcalf Family 'The Dornix Weaver'," typescript, FamilySearch Digital Library (, Identifier 459870, 152 pages, page 4, Michael Metcalf #3 family sketch.

3. "New Hampshire Death Records, 1650-1969," digital image, FamilySearch International (, 2010. citing New Hampshire Bureau of Vital Records and Health Statistics. “Death certificates, 1901-1937", Michael Metcalf Sr. entry, 5 March 1761.

4. Vital Records of Medfield, Massachusetts to the Year 1850 (Boston, Mass. :  New England Historic Genealogical Society, 1903), Births, page 71, Michael Medcalfe, son of Michael and Elizabeth, 10 October 1680.

5. Thomas W. Baldwin, Vital records of Mendon, Massachusetts, to the year 1850 (Boston, Mass. : New England Historic Genealogical Society, 1920), Marriages, page 428, Ledia White and Micall Medcalf entry, 21 March 1704/5.

6. "Massachusetts, U.S., Town and Vital Records, 1620-1988," indexed database and digital images, (, Mendon, "Town Records and Earmarks, with Births, Marriages and Deaths," page 69 (image 42 of 106), Micall Medcalf and Ledia White marriage entry, 1704.


NOTE:  Amy Johnson Crow suggested a weekly blog theme of "52 Ancestors" in her blog post 
 52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks on the No Story Too Small blog in 2014.  I have extended this theme in 2023 to 520 Ancestors in 520 Weeks.

Copyright (c) 2023, Randall J. Seaver

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Please comment on this post on the website by clicking the URL above and then the "Comments" link at the bottom of each post.  Share it on Twitter, Facebook, or Pinterest using the icons below.  Or contact me by email at   

Thursday, August 17, 2023

Findmypast Friday: New Herefordshire Parish Records

  I received this information from Findmypast today:


Explore 500 years of Herefordshire history this Findmypast  Friday         

Over 650,000 new parish records for the county of Herefordshire released 

Findmypast’s newspaper archive hits 70 million pages 

Three new Welsh language titles now available to explore 

Herefordshire  Baptisms 

With 231,270 new baptism transcripts added to this existing collection, it’s never been easier to research Herefordshire roots. Spanning from 1433 to 1950, the new additions may reveal an ancestor’s name, date and place of baptism, and names of parents. 

Herefordshire  Marriages 

86,782 new marriages have been added to this collection, covering 1433 to 1949. The details can vary, but you’ll typically find the names of both parties alongside the  place and date of the marriage. In some cases, you may spot ages and names of their fathers.

Herefordshire  Burials 

Wrapping up the new Herefordshire records are an impressive 300,517 new burial records, spanning 1459 to 1959. You can normally glean facts such a name, date and place of burial. Some will also include your ancestor’s age too.


Three new Welsh language papers, updates to a further six, and over 75,244 new pages make up this week’s newspaper release. This also takes the newspaper archive’s total pages to over 70 million. 

New titles: 

  • Llais Y Wlad, 1874, 1876, 1878-1884 
  • Y Dydd, 1877-1883, 1886-1891 
  • Y Gwladgarwr, 1858-1860, 1866, 1875, 1877-1878, 1880-1882 

Updated titles: 

  • Holborn and Finsbury Guardian, 1875
  • Islington News and Hornsey Gazette, 1898, 1909
  • Nelson Leader, 1918
  • North Middlesex Chronicle, 1898
  • St. Pancras Guardian and Camden and Kentish Towns Reporter, 1875, 1888
  • Thomson’s Weekly News, 1925, 1931


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Copyright (c) 2023, Randall J. Seaver

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