January 2009:
* Day 1 in Salt Lake City, Day 2a, Day 2b, Day 2c, Day 3, Day 4 (visit to Ancestry.com)
* Checking out the Family History Library - Post 1, Post 2
* Papers, Images, Indexes and Searches
* Are imaging services missing NARA records? and More on Originals, Images and Indexes
* A Tale of Two Genealogy Companies
February 2009:
* I Use the Internet for Genealogy Research by...
* Use Google Language Tools to aid Hispanic Research
March 2009:* My Y-DNA Results - Post 1: Getting Started, Post 2: Reading the Markers, Post 3: GeneBase Family Tree, Post 4: GeneBase Possible Matches, Post 5: FamilyTreeDNA Possible Matches, Post 6: Uploading to DNA Ancestry, Post 7: DNA Ancestry Possible Matches , Post 8: Uploading Data to Ysearch Post 9: Looking for Matches on Ysearch
* What is the Value of Genealogy 2.0 Technology?
* Is MyLife.com useful to genealogists?
April 2009:
* Who's Talkin' about you? Or me? Or something you care about?
* Working in RootsMagic 4 - Summary of Posts
* Adding Quality Source Citations to Genealogy Software Through Technology
* Happy Dance, Ah-ha, Eureka, Geneagasm Moments
May 2009:
* Using LiveRoots.com - Post 1, Post 2
* Searching Online for Genealogy Data
* First Look at WorldHistory.com - Post 1, Post 2 and Post 3
June 2009:
* Canadian Census Records, Canada Census Indexes at FamilySearch Record Search, Finding 1851 Canada Census Images - Post 1, Post 2, and Post 3
* "Genealogy in the Cloud" Program Summary - Part 1, Part 2
* SCGS Jamboree Highlights - Friday - Post 1, Saturday - Day 2, Tweeting the Blogger Summit, Day 3 - a Day of Rest?, Pictures
July 2009:
* My Interview with Lisa Louise Cooke at Jamboree and More SCGS Genealogy Jamboree Audio/Video
* My Favorite FREE Genealogy Resources
* Are there standards for names in family trees? and Standardizing names in family trees
* Are you ready to embrace these changes?
August 2009:
* 18 April 1906 - San Francisco - They Were There!, Same house, 103 years later? and Same house, 103 years later? Revisited
* GenSeek on Facebook Application is Available
September 2009:
* Bridging the Internet vs. Traditional Genealogy Gap
* Day 0 at the FGS Conference, Day 1a, Day 1b, Day 2a, Day 2b, Day 3, Day 4
* Download record images ... don't link to them
* Using Google Earth to find land location in the Public Land Survey System States
October 2009:
* Updated List of Unindexed Ancestry.com Databases
* AB 130 Signed Into Law - California Vital Records Access
* Genealogy and Family Tree Patents
* Obtaining my 43-Marker Y-DNA Test Results and Finding Potential Y-DNA Matches - Post 1: GeneTree
November 2009:
* San Francisco Funeral Home Records and More San Francisco Treats
* SDGS Ancestry.com Family History Seminar Highlights
* Using the DAR Genealogical Research System (GRS) and Using the DAR GRS - Ancestors and Descendants
* Canadian County Atlas Project - Wonderful! and Kemp and Sovereen Lands in Norfolk County, Ontario
December 2009:
* Are There Errors in the Social Security Death Index?
* Found a Family Home on Google...
* OurTimeLines.com works great!
* Grading my Progress on 2009 Goals and Objectives
Whew! That's 81 of them - out of about 1,013 posts for the entire year! But many of the 81 are part of a series (I didn't list the 25 individual posts for the RootsMagic 4 review - just the summary post).
I can't parse them any further. Frankly, I don't remember writing some of them - I look at some of the posts on that list and think "hmmm, that was pretty good!" Other posts, not on the list above, are repeats from previous years. I found that I said essentially the same thing at different times of the year.
Which is your favorite post on that list (or in all of Genea-Musings for 2009)? And why?