Saturday, August 3, 2019

Added and Updated Record Collections at - Week of 28 July to 3 August 2019

I am trying to keep up with the new and updated record collections at FamilySearch   ( every week.

As of 3 August 2019, there were 2,536 historical record collections on FamilySearch (an increase of 3 from last week):

The added or updated collections are (as Marshall provided them):

--- Collections Added   ---

Italy, Caserta, Civil Registration (State Archive), 1809-1866   (; 9 indexed records with 9 record images, ADDED 28 Jul 2019

Oregon, Oregon State Archives, Births Records, 1842-1917        (; Index only, no images, ADDED 22 May 2019

North Carolina, Wake County, Death Records, 1900-1909   (; Index only, no images, ADDED 3 Aug 2019

--- Collections Updated ---

Germany, Baden, Church Book Duplicates, 1804-1877       (; 603,526 indexed records with 603,526 record images (was 585,004 records with 585,004 images), Updated 29 Jul 2019

New Jersey, Death Index, 1901-1903      (; 94,240 indexed records with 1,027 record images (was 94,088 records with 1,025 images), Updated 29 Jul 2019

South Carolina, Charleston County, Charleston, Birth Registers, 1901-1926       (; 5,965 indexed records with 392 record images (was 154 records with 9 images), Updated 3 Aug 2019

South Dakota, Grave Registration Records, 1940-1941     (; 47,350 indexed records with 3,617 record images (was 0 records with 527 images), Updated 3 Aug 2019

New Jersey, Essex County, Superintendent of Soldiers' Burials, 1776-1979        (; 37,263 indexed records with 31,634 record images (was 18,659 records with 15,986 images), Updated 3 Aug 2019

Peru, Catholic Church Records, 1603-1992        (; 1,261,434 indexed records with 4,192,353 record images (was 1,222,698 records with 4,192,353 images), Updated 27 Jul 2019

England and Wales Census, 1911  (; 36,354,828 indexed records with 36,354,828 record images (was 36,354,828 records with 36,354,828 images), Updated 1 Aug 2019

Peru, Cemetery Records, 1912-2013       (; 78,135 indexed records with 2,375 record images (was 73,409 records with 2,370 images), Updated 3 Aug 2019

Oregon, Oregon State Archives, Marriage Records, 1906-1968      (; Browse 24,485 Images only, no index (was 0 records with 11,347 images), Updated 3 Aug 2019

Austria, Vienna Population Cards, 1850-1896     (; 632,358 indexed records with 188,034 record images (was 601,449 records with 188,034 images), Updated 2 Aug 2019

United States, Freedmen's Bureau Hospital and Medical Records, 1865-1872        (; 188,362 indexed records with 86,230 record images (was 137,124 records with 86,230 images), Updated 31 Jul 2019

South Africa, Netherdutch Reformed Church Registers (Pretoria Archive), 1838-1991       (; 1,156,677 indexed records with 140,942 record images (was 310,047 records with 140,942 images), Updated 2 Aug 2019

United States, GenealogyBank Obituaries, 1980-2014      (; 34,153,319 indexed records with 46,885,712 record images (was 34,153,319 records with 46,885,712 images), Updated 31 Jul 2019

Georgia Deaths, 1928-1942       (; 553,236 indexed records with 479,987 record images (was 553,236 records with 479,987 images), Updated 1 Aug 2019

Alabama, Confederate Pension Applications, ca. 1880-1930's      (; 69,601 indexed records with 68,753 record images (was 51,219 records with 50,663 images), Updated 29 Jul 2019

Nova Scotia Births, 1864-1877   (; 218,648 indexed records with 35,026 record images (was 218,587 records with 35,026 images), Updated 1 Aug 2019

Brazil, Bahia, Passenger Lists, 1855-1964       (; 1,166,675 indexed records with 38,990 record images (was 0 records with 38,990 images), Updated 30 Jul 2019

United States Census, 1940      (; 134,827,283 indexed records with 3,841,151 record images (was 134,827,283 records with 3,841,151 images), Updated 1 Aug 2019

Alabama Deaths, 1908-1974       (; 1,873,338 indexed records with 132,783 record images (was 1,873,338 records with 118,035 images), Updated 29 Jul 2019

Wisconsin, Milwaukee Petitions for Naturalization, 1848-1991    (; 249,039 indexed records with 176,312 record images (was 202,046 records with 176,312 images), Updated 29 Jul 2019

United States Deceased Physician File (AMA), 1864-1968  (; 222,444 indexed records with 707,724 record images (was 194,441 records with 707,724 images), Updated 3 Aug 2019

Florida Deaths, 1877-1939       (; Index only (471,800 records), no images (was 471,800 records with 0 images), Updated 31 Jul 2019

Nova Scotia Marriages, 1864-1918        (; 174,879 indexed records with 21,950 record images (was 170,356 records with 21,950 images), Updated 3 Aug 2019

England, Herefordshire Bishop's Transcripts, 1583-1898  (; 1,041,614 indexed records with 87,086 record images (was 1,041,394 records with 87,081 images), Updated 2 Aug 2019

Pennsylvania, Pittsburgh, Allegheny Cemetery Records, 1845 - 1960       (; 56,664 indexed records with 1,696 record images (was 39,022 records with 1,167 images), Updated 3 Aug 2019

Australia, Victoria, Inward Passenger Lists, 1839-1923  (; 883,350 indexed records with 5,575 record images (was 719,327 records with 27 images), Updated 30 Jul 2019

Kansas State Census, 1915       (; 1,660,768 indexed records with 301,658 record images (was 1,609,914 records with 301,658 images), Updated 2 Aug 2019

--- Collections with new images ---

Spain, Aragón, Electoral Censuses, 1890-1934    (; 4,972,408 indexed records with 53,004 record images (was 4,972,408 records with 42,488 images),  4 Jun 2019

Kentucky Death Records, 1911-1965       (; 1,678,119 indexed records with 1,676,689 record images (was 1,678,119 records with 1,676,683 images),  16 Mar 2019

*  France, Dordogne, Church and Civil Registration, 1540-1896      (; 7,882,907 indexed records with 3,099,653 record images (was 7,882,907 records with 3,097,802 images),  28 Mar 2018

Germany, Lutheran Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials, 1500-1971   (; 3,503,512 indexed records with 8,035,492 record images (was 3,503,512 records with 8,035,447 images),  14 Mar 2019

--- Collections with records removed ---

United States Public Records, 1970-2009 (; Index only (875,610,669 records), no images (was 875,610,671 records with 0 images),  17 Jun 2015

Texas Birth Index, 1903-1997    (; Index only (17,102,152 records), no images (was 17,102,153 records with 0 images),  17 Feb 2012


In order to select a specific record collection on FamilySearch, go to and use the "Filter by collection name" feature in the upper left-hand corner and use keywords (e.g. "church england") to find collections with those keywords.

My friend, Marshall, has come up with a way to determine which collections are ADDED, DELETED or UPDATED.  Thanks to Marshall for helping me out here!

Each one of the collections listed above has a Research Wiki page (use the "Learn more" link).  It would be very useful if the Wiki page for each collection listed the dates for when the collection was added as a new collection and the dates for major updates also.


Copyright (c) 2019, Randall J. Seaver

Please comment on this post on the website by clicking the URL above and then the "Comments" link at the bottom of each post.  Share it on Twitter, Facebook, or Pinterest using the icons below.  Or contact me by email at

Saturday Night Genealogy Fun -- What Did You Do in 1985?

Calling all Genea-Musings Fans: 

 It's Saturday Night again - 

time for some more Genealogy Fun!!

Here is your assignment if you choose to play along (cue the Mission Impossible music, please!):

Do you recall what you were doing in 1985?  Family, school, work, hobbies, technology, genealogy, vacations, etc?  If this doesn't work for you, what about your parents?

2)  Tell us in a blog post of your own, in a comment on this blog, or in a Facebook post.

Here's mine:

I was age 42 in 1985, with a wife and two pre-teen girls, living in Chula Vista, and climbing the promotion ladder at work.  Life was busy, and I had no thoughts about genealogy and family history at the time.  I did have a hobby.  Here are more details:

*  I married schoolteacher Linda in 1970, and we had Lori in 1974 and Tami in 1976.  The girls were busy at their school in Chula Vista, both were in a GATE program and excelling.  Linda taught algebra and geometry at the school as a volunteer parent, and she was involved in PTA and Girl Scouts with the girls.  The girls played softball in the spring, with Linda as manager and me as coach.

*  I was promoted to Chief of Aerodynamics at Rohr Industries in 1985, and had a staff of about eight engineers to work on all of the aircraft programs at Rohr.  I hired one or two graduates every year to support the growing business at Rohr.  In 1985, we had just won the V2500 nacelle contract with IAE and I made several trips to Derby in England.  We also had a contract with Airbus on the A320 aircraft, and I made several trips with others to Paris and Toulouse in France.  Each trip involved a series of engineering presentations to our customers on a range of issues, including aerodynamics.  The trips were exhilarating, fun and technically challenging.  We usually had a day or two of sightseeing on our own, and evening meals with the customers, or we went exploring restaurants in the area.

*  I think that our 1985 summer vacation was to Hawaii.  We visited Oahu, Maui and Hawaii during the 1980s, and the girls loved the snorkeling, the beaches, the shopping, the sightseeing, etc.  On one of our trips when the girls were young, we were on Hawaii and went to a park near a surfing beach.  A Hawaiian lady was there making leis for her husband's political campaign, and she taught Lori and Tami how to make a lei and they had a great time.  

*  1985 may have been one of the last years we went to Forest Home, a weeklong evangelical church camp in the San Bernardino mountains east of Redlands.  They had separate camps for families, high school camp, junior high camp, Indian camp for grades 4-6, classes for grades K-3 and pre-school, plus a nursery.  In 1985, Lori went to the Indian camp and we had a cabin with bunk beds in the main camp.  The family program was singing, inspiration and Bible study in the morning, and family fun time in the afternoon (lake, pool, mini-golf, hiking, etc.).  There was an evening singing and inspirational program in the evening.  The food was cafeteria style and pretty good.  In some years, a group of families from our church would attend at the same time.  The camp and teaching staff were excellent, and we had world-class speakers and teachers.  We all looked forward to this camp experience.  I really enjoyed the skies at night, since it was a mile high and the sky was usually clear on summer nights.

*  My hobby at this time was medium wave radio DXing and propagation.  I was somewhat of an expert in the radio clubs on propagation, and many DXers were expanding their knowledge in propagation and applying it to their listening.  I kept logs of signal strengths of distant stations (i.e., Japan, Australia, Tahiti, occasionally Senegal) heard on my HQ-180 receiver, and searched for more distant and rarer medium wave stations in the early morning (best from midnight to sunrise).  

*  I bought an IBM PC with two 64K floppy drives in early 1983, and wrote articles in Microsoft Works on propagation and my listening results, and submitted them to the bulletins produced by the two hobby clubs I was a member of.  

*  I ordered government reports, and created BASIC programs on my IBM PC to predict signal strengths from theory to compare with my measurements.  I also had a FORTRAN program to predict radio wave paths and signal strengths on the IBM computer at work.  

*  I had no thought of genealogy research yet, although we had visited my father's brother and three sisters and many cousins in 1982 in Massachusetts.  My father died in May 1983 and I realized that I really didn't know much about his life.

What did you do in 1985?


Copyright (c) 2019, Randall J. Seaver

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Surname Saturday -- STEARNS (England to colonial Massachusetts)

It's Surname Saturday, and I'm "counting down" my Ancestral Name List each week.

I am working in the 9th great-grandmothers by Ahnentafel number, and I am up to Ancestor #2335 who is Mary STEARNS (1627-1664). [Note: the more recent ancestral families have been covered in earlier posts.]

My ancestral line back through two generations in this STEARNS family line is:

1. Randall J. Seaver

2. Frederick Walton Seaver (1911-1983)
3. Betty Virginia Carringer (1919-2002)

4. Frederick Walton Seaver (1876-1942)
5. Alma Bessie Richmond (1882-1962)

8. Frank Walton Seaver (1852-1922)
9. Hattie Louise Hildreth (1857-1920)

18.  Edward Hildreth (1831-1899)
19.  Sophia Newton (1834-1923)

36.  Zachariah Hildreth (1783-1857)
37.  Hannah Sawtell (1789-1857)

72.  Zachariah Hildreth (1754-1829)
73.  Elizabeth Keyes (1759-1793)

144.  Zachariah Hildreth (1724-1784)
145.  Elizabeth Prescott (1734-1812)

290.  Jonas Prescott (1704-1784)
291.  Elizabeth Harwood (1701-1739)

582.  Nathaniel Harwood (1669-1751)
583.  Mary Barron (1673-1758)

1166.  Moses Barron (1643-1699)
1167.  Mary Learned (1647-????)

2334.  Isaac Learned, born before 25 February 1624 in Bermondsey, Surrey, England; died 29 November 1657 in Chelmsford, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States.  He was the son of 4668. William Learned and 4669. Goodith Gilman.  He married 09 July 1646 in Woburn, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States.
2335.  Mary Stearns, born before 06 January 1627 in Nayland, Suffolk, England; died 08 January 1664 in Chelmsford, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States.

Children of Isaac Learned and Mary Stearns are:
Mary Learned (1647-????), married 1669 Moses Barron (1643-1699).
*  Hannah Learned (1649-1711), married 1666 Joseph Farwell (1641-1722).
*  William Learned (1650-1684).
*  Sarah Learned (1653-1695), married 1683 Jonathan Barrett (1654-1743).
*  Isaac Learned (1655-1737), married 1679 Sarah Bigelow (1659-1694).
*  Benoni Learned (1657-1738), married (1) 1680 Mary Fanning (1657-1688); (2) 1688 Sarah Wright (1655-1737).

4670.  Isaac Stearns, born before 03 October 1595 in Fordham, Essex, England; died 19 June 1671 in Watertown, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States.  He was the son of 9340. Thomas Sterne and 9341. Dorothy Plampin.  He married 20 May 1622 in Stoke By Nayland, Suffolk, England.
4671.  Mary Barker, born about 1600 in Nayland, Suffolk, England; died 23 April 1677 in Watertown, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States.  She was the daughter of 9342. John Barker and 9343. Margaret Walter.

Children of Isaac Stearns and Mary Barker are:
Mary Stearns (1627-1664), married (1) 1646 Isaac Learned (1624-1657); (2) 1662 John Burge (1615-1678)
*  Hannah Stearns (1628-1656), married 1650 Henry Freeman (1625-1672).
*  John Stearns (1630-1669), married (1) 1654 Sarah Mixer (1632-1656); (2) 1656 Mary Lothrop (1640-1735).
*  Isaac Stearns (1633-1676), married 1660 Sarah Beers (1639-1723).
*  Sarah Stearns (1635-1700), married 1655 Samuel Stone (1631-1715).
*  Samuel Stearns (1638-1683), married 1663 Hannah Manning (1642-1724).
*  Elizabeth Stearns (1644-1671), married 1664 Samuel Manning (1644-1711).
*  Abigail Stearns (1646-1690), married 1666 John Morse (1639-????).

Information about the Isaac Stearns family migrating to colonial New England was obtained from:

*  John Brooks Threlfall, 50 Great Migration Colonists to New England (Madison, Wis.: published by author, 1990), pages 433-450.

*  Robert Charles Anderson, The Great Migration Begins: Immigrants to New England, 1620-1633, Volume III (Boston, NEHGS, 1995), pages 1747-1750.

*  Mrs. Avis Stearns Van Wagenen, Genealogy and Memoirs of Isaac Stearns and his Descendants (1901).

*  Henry Bond, M.D., Family Memorials: Genealogies of the Families and Descendants of the Early Settlers of Watertown, Massachusetts (Boston, Mass. : Little, Brown & Co., 1860).

I have done no original research on the Isaac Stearns family.


Copyright (c) 2019, Randall J. Seaver

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Friday, August 2, 2019

Genealogy News Bytes - 2 August 2019

Some of the genealogy news and education items across my monitor the last three days include:

1)  News Articles:

Ancestry® Digitizes Millions of Holocaust and Nazi Persecution Related Archives Making Them Searchable Online for the First Time Ever

2)  New or Updated Record Collections:

*   Upcoming Family Tree Webinar - Tuesday, 6 August, 7 p.m. PDT:  Finding Families in New Zealand, by Fiona Brooker

*   Upcoming Family Tree Webinar - Wednesday, 7 August, 11 a.m. PDT:  Case Studies in Gray: Identifying Shared Ancestries Through DNA and Genealogy, by Nicka Smith

*  Archived Family Tree Webinar:  Google Photos: one photo app to rule them all, by Devin Ashby

 *  Archived Family Tree Webinar:  DNA, Genealogy, and Privacy: Handling the Double-Edged Sword, by Thomas MacEntee

 *  Archived Family Tree Webinar:  Get With the Times: German Newspaper Research, by Teresa Steinkamp McMillin

4)  Genealogy Education - Podcasts:

*  Fisher’s Top Tips:  #93 - Discovery Techniques

5)  Genealogy Videos (YouTube):

*  Cheri Hudson Passey:  GenFriends- Lisa Lisson

6)  Genealogy Bargains:

7)  DNA Stories:

8)  Did you miss the last Genealogy News Bytes - 30 July 2019?


Copyright (c) 2019, Randall J. Seaver

Please comment on this post on the website by clicking the URL above and then the "Comments" link at the bottom of each post.  Share it on Twitter, Facebook, or Pinterest using the icons below.  Or contact me by email at

New Records Available To Search This Findmypast Friday, 2 August 2019

I received this information from Findmypast today:


New Cincinnati Roman Catholic Parish Records Available To Search This Findmypast Friday

Over 644,000 new Cincinnati records have been added to the Catholic Heritage Archive. As well as adding new transcripts, images of original documents have been digitized are now available to view on Findmypast.
The collection, released in partnership with the Dioceses of Cincinnati, covers 103 parishes and consists of indexes of baptisms, marriages, burials and congregational records spanning the years 1800 to 1979.
In 1850, Cincinnati was the 5th largest city in the United States. Its location on the Ohio River made it a popular stopping off point for immigrants and pioneers traveling west, many of whom stopped long enough to create a sacramental record. Early in the history of the Archdiocese there were large numbers of German and Irish immigrants spread throughout its counties and, by the end of the 19th century, there were joined by increasing numbers of Italians and Eastern Europeans.
Today's release forms the latest in a series of substantial updates to Findmypast's exclusive Catholic Heritage Archive, a ground-breaking initiative that aims to digitize the historical records of the Catholic Church in North America, Britain and Ireland for the very first time.
This week's update includes:

Cincinnati Roman Catholic Parish Baptisms

Over 297,000 additional records that will reveal your ancestor's baptism date, baptism place and parent's names.

Cincinnati Roman Catholic Parish Marriages

Explore over 182,000 new additions that are perfect for uncovering previous generations and adding new branches to you growing family tree. The transcripts and images collection contain information on for both the bride and groom including marriage date, location and parents' names.

Cincinnati Roman Catholic Parish Burials

Over 183,000 new records that will reveal your ancestors birth year, death date, age at death and place of burial. Some records may also reveal the names of your ancestor's next of kin and the nature of their relationship.

Cincinnati Roman Catholic Congregational Records

Did your ancestor receive their confirmation? Were they a benefactor of a parish? Search over 1,200 new Cincinnati Roman Catholic Congregational Records to find out.

British & Irish Newspaper Update

This week we are delighted to have passed the fantastic milestone of 33 million British & Irish pages on Findmypast, with 90,812 new pages added over the last seven days.
We have updated six of our existing titles this week. There are extensive twentieth century additions to both the Aberdeen Press & Journal and the Aberdeen Evening Express. We also continue to augment our wonderful collection of specialist titles. We have added over 30,000 new pages to The Queen, a society magazine which covers the goings-on of high society, but also is a unique record of femininity in the Victorian era. We have also updated three of our early Labour titles – Clarion, Labour Leader and Forward (Glasgow).

Disclosure:  I have a complimentary subscription to Findmypast, and have accepted meals and services from Findmypast, as a Findmypast Ambassador.  This has not affected my objectivity relative to Findmypast and its products.

The URL for this post is:

Copyright (c) 2019, Randall J. Seaver

Please comment on this post on the website by clicking the URL above and then the "Comments" link at the bottom of each post.  Share it on Twitter, Facebook, or Pinterest using the icons below.  Or contact me by email at

52 Ancestors - Week 289: #497 Anna (Waldruff) (Kieffer) Zafrin (1715-1767) of New Jersey

Anna (Waldruff) (Kieffer) Zafrin (1715-1767) is #497 on my Ahnentafel List, my 6th great-grandmother, who married  #496 Frederick Zafrin/Zavering/Sovereign (1714-1805) in about 1750, probably in Alsace, France.

I am descended through:

*  their son, #248 Jacob Sovereign (1759-1851) who married #249 Elizabeth Pickel (1764-1864) in 1781.
*  their son, #124 Frederick Sovereign (1786-1875) who married #125 Mary Jane Hutchison (1792-1868) in 1810.
*  their son, #62 Alexander Sovereen (1814-1907) who married #63 Elizabeth Putman (1818-1895) in 1840.
*  their daughter, #31 Mary Jane Sovereen (1840-1874), married  #30 James Abraham Kemp (1831-1902) in 1861.
*  their daughter #15 Georgianna Kemp (1868-1952)  married  #14 Charles Auble (1849-1916) in 1898.
*  their daughter #7 Emily Kemp Auble (1899-1977), married #6 Lyle Lawrence Carringer (1891-1976) in 1918.
*  their daughter #3 Betty Virginia Carringer (1919-2002) who married #2 Frederick Walton Seaver (1911-1983) in 1942.
*  their son #1 Randall Jeffrey Seaver (1943-living)


1)  PERSON (with source citations as indicated in brackets):
*  Name:                   Anna Waldruff[1]    

*  Sex:                      Female  

2)  INDIVIDUAL EVENTS (with source citations as indicated in brackets):

*  Birth:                    about 1715, Alsace, France[1]    

*  Immigration:        about 1750 (about age 35), to Morris, New Jersey, United States[1]    

*  Death:                  about 1767 (about age 52), Probably Morris, New Jersey, United States[2]

3)  SHARED EVENTS (with source citations as indicated in brackets):

*  Spouse 1:                     Samuel Kieffer (1713-1744)    
*  Marriage 1:                  before 1739 (before about age 25) Alsace, France[1]    

*  Child 1:                       George Kieffer (1739-1778)    
*  Child 2:                       Jacob Kieffer (1743-    )  

*  Spouse 2:                     Frederick Zafrin/Zavering/Sovereign (1714-1805)    
*  Marriage 2:                  before 1750 (before about age 36), probably Alsace, France[1-2]

*  Child 3:                       David Sovereign (1757-1845)    
*  Child 4:                       Jacob Sovereign (1759-1851)    
*  Child 5:                       Leonard Sovereign (1763-1823)    
*  Child 6:                       Frederick Sovereign (1764-1851)    
*  Child 7:                       Anna Sovereign (1765-1853)    
*  Child 8:                       Elizabeth Sovereign (1766-1823)    

4)  NOTES (with source citations as indicated in brackets):  
The RootsWeb WorldConnect family tree of Ronald Cox provides the best description of the life of Anna Waldruff[1]

Anna Waldruff was born in about 1715 in what is now France, perhaps near Alsace near the Rhine River.  Her parents are not known.

She married (1) Samuel Kieffer (about 1712- about 1744) before 1739 in Alsace, and they had two sons[[1]:

*  George Kieffer (1739-1778), married Maria Conke in about 1765 in New Jersey.
*  Jacob Kieffer (1743-????)

Samuel Kieffer died in about 1744, leaving Anna with two small children.  

Anna married (2) to Frederick Zofrin/Zavering/Sovereign (1714-1805), probably before 1750 in Alsace[1].  

After Ann married Frederick Zofrin, he brought her and her sons to America and in about 1750, and they settled near the Paulins Kill In Newton, Sussex County, New Jersey, near Schooley's Mountain[1].

Anna's son, Jacob Kieffer was said to have settled near the Paulins Kill then later at Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.  George Kieffer, born in 1739, married Mary or Maria Conke/Conck and had two sons George and Jacob. George died on 24 Dec. 1778 while serving in the New Jersey Volunteers during the American Revolution and he left a young widow in Newton Township. Mary remarried to Michael Teeter[1].  The sons of George Kieffer went to Upper Canada when the Zavering family migrated in about 1799.  Ontarian Families provides a discussion of the Kieffer family that settled in Norfolk County, Ontario[3]

Frederick and Anna (Waldruff) (Kieffer) Sovereign had six children, all probably born in or near German Valley, Morris County, New Jersey[1-2]:

*  David Sovereign (1757-1845), married 1782, Anna Rarick (1760-????)
*  Jacob Sovereign (1758-1851, married 1781 Elizabeth Pickel (1764-1849).
*  Leonard Sovereign (1763-1823), married 1788 Rhuhama "Amy" Culver (1766-1828).
*  Frederick Sovereign (1764-1851), married 1790 Patience Brown (1769-1852).
*  Anna Sovereign (1765-1853), married 1795 John Heath (1763-1847).
*  Elizabeth Sovereign (1766-1823), married 1785 Leonard Clouse (1762-1823).

Anna (Waldruff) (Kieffer) Sovereign must have died in or near German Valley, New Jersey in the 1767 or 1768 time period.  Frederick Zavering married (2) Levinah Culver (1740-1817), daughter of Robert Culver, on 10 May 1768 probably in German Valley in Morris County, New Jersey[2].


1. Ronald Cox, "Ronald Cox's Ancestors, Cousins and their allied families," RootsWeb WorldConnect Project (, Frederick Sovereign sketch.

2. Theodore Frelinghuysen Chambers, The Early Germans of New Jersey: their history, churches, and genealogies (Baltimore, Md.: Genealogical Publishing Company, 1982), page 504-505, Frederick Sovereen family sketch.

3. Edward Mariot Chadwick, Ontarian Families: Genealogies of United Empire Loyalists and Other Pioneer Families of Upper Canada  (Toronto : Rolph, Smith & Co., 1898), Volume 2, pages 90-98, Keefer family sketches.


NOTE:  In 2014, Amy Johnson Crow suggested a weekly blog theme of "52 Ancestors" in her blog post  52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks on the No Story Too Small blog.  I have extended this theme in 2019 to 312 Ancestors in 312 Weeks.

Copyright (c) 2019, Randall J. Seaver

Please comment on this post on the website by clicking the URL above and then the "Comments" link at the bottom of each post.  Share it on Twitter, Facebook, or Pinterest using the icons below.  Or contact me by email at