Saturday, July 13, 2019

Added and Updated Record Collections at - Week of 7 to 13 July 2019

I am trying to keep up with the new and updated record collections at FamilySearch   ( every week.

As of 13 July 2019, there were 2,523 historical record collections on FamilySearch (an increase of 2 from last week):

The added or updated collections are (as Marshall provided them):

--- Collections Added   ---

Hawaii, Grantor and Grantee Index, 1845-1909    (; 198,815 indexed records with 198,815 record images, ADDED 9 Jul 2019
Scandinavia, Mission Emigration Records, 1852-1920      (; 27,406 indexed records with 27,406 record images, ADDED 11 Jul 2019

--- Collections Updated ---

Peru, Áncash, Civil Registration, 1888-2005     (; 1,051,604 indexed records with 903,067 record images (was 934,922 records with 903,067 images), Updated 12 Jul 2019

Peru, Tacna, Civil Registration, 1850-1998      (; 11,169 indexed records with 253,910 record images (was 1,618 records with 253,910 images), Updated 11 Jul 2019

New Jersey, Death Index, 1901-1903      (; 91,766 indexed records with 994 record images (was 90,472 records with 982 images), Updated 9 Jul 2019

England and Wales Census, 1911  (; 36,354,828 indexed records with 36,354,828 record images (was 36,354,828 records with 36,354,828 images), Updated 12 Jul 2019

Peru, Cemetery Records, 1912-2013       (; 63,367 indexed records with 2,336 record images (was 56,023 records with 2,202 images), Updated 12 Jul 2019

Hawaii, Naturalization Records, 1838-1991       (; 10,472 indexed records with 4,264 record images (was 129 records with 129 images), Updated 11 Jul 2019

United States, GenealogyBank Obituaries, 1980-2014      (; 34,153,319 indexed records with 46,885,712 record images (was 34,153,320 records with 46,885,712 images), Updated 12 Jul 2019

Nova Scotia Births, 1864-1877   (; 218,552 indexed records with 35,026 record images (was 218,476 records with 35,026 images), Updated 9 Jul 2019

Scotland Census, 1841   (; Index only (2,629,006 records), no images (was 2,629,006 records with 0 images), Updated 10 Jul 2019

Scotland Census, 1851   (; Index only (2,914,894 records), no images (was 2,914,894 records with 0 images), Updated 12 Jul 2019

Pennsylvania, Huntingdon County, Delayed Birth Records, 1800-1935       (; 4,908 indexed records with 4,878 record images (was 4,876 records with 4,846 images), Updated 9 Jul 2019

California, Oakland, Mountain View Cemetery Records, 1857-1973  (; 128,129 indexed records with 3,657 record images (was 118,634 records with 3,422 images), Updated 12 Jul 2019

United States Deceased Physician File (AMA), 1864-1968  (; 140,916 indexed records with 707,724 record images (was 116,551 records with 707,724 images), Updated 12 Jul 2019

Bolivia Catholic Church Records, 1566-1996      (; 2,522,471 indexed records with 1,649,601 record images (was 2,441,605 records with 1,649,601 images), Updated 11 Jul 2019

New Zealand, Archives New Zealand, Passenger Lists, 1839-1973   (; 7,348,915 indexed records with 296,065 record images (was 7,348,986 records with 296,065 images), Updated 8 Jul 2019

North Carolina, Department of Archives and History, Index to Vital Records, 1800-2000   (; 5,396,557 indexed records with 576 record images (was 5,396,499 records with 574 images), Updated 10 Jul 2019

Venezuela, Archdiocese of Valencia, Catholic Church Records, 1760, 1905-2013    (; 780,340 indexed records with 665,914 record images (was 555,406 records with 665,914 images), Updated 11 Jul 2019

Nova Scotia Marriages, 1864-1918        (; 98,685 indexed records with 21,950 record images (was 57,963 records with 21,950 images), Updated 12 Jul 2019

England, Herefordshire Bishop's Transcripts, 1583-1898  (; 932,439 indexed records with 79,752 record images (was 783,835 records with 65,810 images), Updated 12 Jul 2019

Missouri, Jackson County Voter Registration Records, 1928-1956  (; 360,647 indexed records with 61,961 record images (was 259,230 records with 61,961 images), Updated 10 Jul 2019

Great Britain, War Office Registers, 1772-1935  (; 390,636 indexed records with 3,617 record images (was 390,636 records with 3,617 images), Updated 12 Jul 2019

Arkansas Confederate Soldier Home,1890-1963     (; 1,448 indexed records with 1,391 record images (was 1,448 records with 1,381 images), Updated 10 Jul 2019

Connecticut, Vital Records, Prior to 1850       (; 437,710 indexed records with 413,517 record images (was 437,710 records with 413,517 images), Updated 12 Jul 2019

Scotland Census, 1861   (; Index only (3,009,214 records), no images (was 3,009,214 records with 0 images), Updated 11 Jul 2019

Scotland Census, 1871   (; Index only (3,349,414 records), no images (was 3,349,414 records with 0 images), Updated 12 Jul 2019

United States Census, 1870      (; 40,350,163 indexed records with 1,049,047 record images (was 40,350,163 records with 1,049,047 images), Updated 12 Jul 2019

South Africa, Cape Province, Civil Deaths, 1895-1972    (; 1,595,790 indexed records with 2,216,270 record images (was 1,490,931 records with 2,216,270 images), Updated 9 Jul 2019

--- Collections with new images ---

Australia, South Australia, Immigrants Ship Papers, 1849-1940   (; 431,002 indexed records with 17,342 record images (was 431,002 records with 14,574 images),  1 Jul 2019

France, Dordogne, Church and Civil Registration, 1540-1896      (; 7,882,907 indexed records with 3,099,653 record images (was 7,882,907 records with 3,095,369 images),  28 Mar 2018

Germany, Lutheran Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials, 1500-1971   (; 3,503,512 indexed records with 8,035,279 record images (was 3,503,512 records with 8,035,252 images),  14 Mar 2019

--- Collections with images removed ---

Spain, Aragón, Electoral Censuses, 1890-1934    (; 4,972,408 indexed records with 52,798 record images (was 4,972,408 records with 53,004 images),  4 Jun 2019

Alabama Deaths, 1908-1974       (; 1,875,638 indexed records with 148 record images (was 1,875,638 records with 1,776 images),  21 Nov 2018

Kentucky Death Records, 1911-1965       (; 1,678,119 indexed records with 1,676,681 record images (was 1,678,119 records with 1,676,692 images),  16 Mar 2019

Germany, Rhineland, Diocese of Trier, Catholic Church Records, 1704-1957        (; 903,219 indexed records with 80,204 record images (was 903,219 records with 80,929 images),  12 Jan 2019

Denmark, Copenhagen City, Burial Registers, 1805-1968   (; 3,571 indexed records with 10 record images (was 3,571 records with 614 images),  11 Jun 2018

--- Collections with records removed ---

Denmark Census, 1870    (; 1,760,335 indexed records with 145,352 record images (was 1,760,360 records with 145,352 images),  19 Apr 2019

England and Wales Census, 1871  (; 22,933,411 indexed records with 1,281,291 record images (was 22,938,735 records with 1,281,291 images),  30 Apr 2019

Australia, Sydney Branch Genealogical Library, Cemetery Inscriptions, 1800-1960(; 159,855 indexed records with 9,192 record images (was 160,949 records with 9,192 images),  4 Jan 2013

United States Public Records, 1970-2009 (; Index only (875,610,677 records), no images (was 875,610,693 records with 0 images),  17 Jun 2015


In order to select a specific record collection on FamilySearch, go to and use the "Filter by collection name" feature in the upper left-hand corner and use keywords (e.g. "church england") to find collections with those keywords.

My friend, Marshall, has come up with a way to determine which collections are ADDED, DELETED or UPDATED.  Thanks to Marshall for helping me out here!

Each one of the collections listed above has a Research Wiki page (use the "Learn more" link).  It would be very useful if the Wiki page for each collection listed the dates for when the collection was added as a new collection and the dates for major updates also.


Copyright (c) 2019, Randall J. Seaver

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Saturday Night Genealogy Fun - Ellen's Questions Part 3

Calling all Genea-Musings Fans: 

 It's Saturday Night again - 

time for some more Genealogy Fun!!

Here is your assignment if you choose to play along (cue the Mission Impossible music, please!):

1)  Ellen Thompson-Jennings posted 20 questions on her Hound on the Hunt blog two weeks ago - see 
Even More Questions About Your Ancestors and Maybe A Few About You (posted 27 June). 

2)  We will do these five at a time - 
Questions 11 to 15 tonight (we did 1 through 5 two weeks ago and questions 6 tthrough 10 last week)

3)  Tell us about it in your own blog post, in a comment on this post, or in a Facebook post.

Here's mine:

If money wasn’t an issue; where would you go to do genealogy research? 

Frankly, the problem isn't money, it's time.  With time and money, I would go to these places to do genealogy and family history research:

*  Ontario, Canada to see the places that my Kemp, Sovereen, Dafoe, Martin, and Hutchinson ancestors lived, and to research in repositories in those places.

*  Somerset in England to see the places that my Vaux, Palmer and other ancestors lived and to research there.  I would also go to Wiltshire again and do research in London at The National Archives.

*  Washington DC to research in the National Archives and the DAR Library.  

*  Boston to research at NEHGS again (last in 1995, I think!) and perhaps get help with several brick walls. 

12)  Do you ever feel like you’re the only person researching your family?

Yep, I know I am for many of the surname lines I have.  For persons born after 1700, I get very few comments or changes to profiles in the FamilySearch Family Tree.  Before 1700, there are often several others for each ancestral family.

13)  Why do you think you’re interested in your family history and other family members might not be? 

Because of a lifelong interest in history, and my place in that history being lived.  I really respect the lives of my ancestors and their efforts to succeed in life.  My brothers didn't seem that interested in history.  Everybody is leading a busy life.  I started when I was 45 and needed a new hobby.

14)  Do you intend to write about your genealogy/family history findings? 

I write about my genealogy and family history findings every day, with weekly posts transcribing a document for Amanuensis Monday, summarizing records in Treasure Chest Tuesday and Thursday, posting a family photograph for Wordless Wednesday, writing an ancestor biography for 52 Ancestors, listing a surname history in Surname Saturday, etc. 

I have family history reports on Scribd in PDF form for my ancestral lines and descendancy from several ancestors that are found by Google searches.  I have written two family history books, now sadly out of date, that were distributed to my family members.

15) Did you ever make a genealogy mistake that caused you to have to prune your family tree? 

The biggest pruning job for me was when I found out that Devier James Lamphear Smith was adopted and that cost me my Smith and Bell line.  The latter had a fine Hudson River Dutch line (Bresee, Van Deusen, Scism, Dyckman, Meyer, Viele, etc.) that had to be abandoned.  I'm working on the Lamphear line still since I don't know the birth parents of Devier, but I'm pretty sure his grandparents are Isaac and Rosina (Laun) Lanfear of Lorraine, New York.


Copyright (c) 2019, Randall J. Seaver

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Surname Saturday - LNU (married to Edward Larkin, England to colonial Massachusetts)

It's Surname Saturday, and I'm "counting down" my Ancestral Name List each week.

I am working in the 9th great-grandmothers by Ahnentafel number, and I am up to Ancestor #2319 who is Joanna LNU (1616-1686). [Note: the more recent ancestral families have been covered in earlier posts.]

My ancestral line back through one generation in this LNU family line is:

1. Randall J. Seaver

2. Frederick Walton Seaver (1911-1983)
3. Betty Virginia Carringer (1919-2002)

4. Frederick Walton Seaver (1876-1942)
5. Alma Bessie Richmond (1882-1962)

8. Frank Walton Seaver (1852-1922)
9. Hattie Louise Hildreth (1857-1920)

18.  Edward Hildreth (1831-1899)
19.  Sophia Newton (1834-1923)

36.  Zachariah Hildreth (1783-1857)
37.  Hannah Sawtell (1789-1857)

72.  Zachariah Hildreth (1754-1829)
73.  Elizabeth Keyes (1759-1793)

144.  Zachariah Hildreth (1724-1784)
145.  Elizabeth Prescott (1734-1812)

288.  James Hildreth (1698-1761)
289.  Dorothy Prescott (1702-1774)

578.  Samuel Prescott (1674-1758)
579.  Esther Wheeler (1678-1756)

1158:  John Wheeler (1643-1713)

1159.  Sarah Larkin (1648-1725)

2318.  Edward Larkin, born about 1611 in England; died before 06 April 1652 in Charlestown, Suffolk, Massachusetts, United States.  He married before January 1639 in probably Charlestown, Suffolk, Massachusetts, United States.

2319.  Joanna LNU, born about 1616 in England; died 27 January 1685/6 in Charlestown, Suffolk, Massachusetts, United States.

Children of Edward Larkin and Joanna are:
*  John Larkin (1641-1678), married 1664 Joanna Hale (1646-1693).
*  Elizabeth Larkin (1641-1719), married 1666 John Newton (1641-1723).
*  Hannah Larkin (1644-1704), married 1665 John Newell (1634-1704).
*  Thomas Larkin (1644-1677), married (1) 1666 Hannah Remington (1643-1673); (2) 1674 Elizabeth Dowse (1648-1732).
 Sarah Larkin (1648-1725), married 1663 John Wheeler (1643-1713).
*  Joanna Larkin (1649-1713), married 1668 Moses Newton (1646-1736).

The maiden name of Joanna LNU is not positively known.  The FamilySearch Family Tree says she is Joanna Hale, born about 1616 in Kent, England to John and Mrs. Hale of Huntingdonshire, England.  Another entry says Joanna Butler.  

The family and biography of Edward Larkin has been researched by:

1) Mary Lovering Holman, The Ancestry of Colonel John Harrington Stevens and his wife Frances Helen Miller  (Concord NH: Rumford Press, 1948).

2)  Dean Crawford Smith, edited by Melinde Lutz Sanborn, The Ancestry of Eva Belle Kempton, 1878-1908: Part III: The Ancestry of Henry Clay Bartlett, 1832-1892 (Boston, Mass.: New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2004), pages 290-297.

I have done no original research for this Larkin or LNU family.


Copyright (c) 2019, Randall J. Seaver

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Friday, July 12, 2019

Genealogy News Bytes - 12 July 2019

Some of the genealogy news and education items across my desktop the last three days include:

1)  News Articles:

23andMe is moving into Apple’s territory with a pilot to pull in medical data, not just DNA

2)  New or Updated Record Collections:

*  Upcoming Family Tree Webinar - Tuesday, 16 July, 11 a.m.:  Lesser Used Records for Research in the Netherlands, by Yvette Hoitink

*  Upcoming Family Tree Webinar - Wednesday, 17 July, 11 a.m.:  Research Your Newfoundland Ancestors, by Tessa Keough

*  Upcoming SCGS Webinar -- Wednesday, 17 July, 6 p.m. PDT:  More Power: Genetic Genealogy Apps and Extensions, by Shannon Christmas

*  Archived Family Tree Webinar:   (Dutch) Indische roots onderzoeken met behulp van MyHeritage DNA (Dutch), by Martin Fornerod

*  Archived Family Tree Webinar:  Prince Edward Island Repositories and Records, by Melanie McComb

*  Archived Family Tree Webinar:  DNA, Genealogy, and Privacy: Handling the Double-Edged Swordby Thomas MacEntee

*  Archived Family Tree Webinar:  Abstract versus Original, Do I need both?, by Kelvin L. Meyers

4)  Genealogy Education - Podcasts:

*  Fisher’s Top Tips:  #87  Serendipity?

5)  Genealogy Videos (YouTube):

6)  Genealogy Bargains:

7)  DNA Success Stories:

8)  Did you miss the last Genealogy News Bytes - 9 July 2019?


Copyright (c) 2019, Randall J. Seaver

Please comment on this post on the website by clicking the URL above and then the "Comments" link at the bottom of each post.  Share it on Twitter, Facebook, or Pinterest using the icons below.  Or contact me by email at

New Records Available To Search This Findmypast Friday, 12 July 2019

I received this information from Findmypast today:


Newly created collection of US Passenger & Crew Lists available to search this Findmypast Friday·        

  • Wide variety of over 100 million records covering more than 160 years of travel to the US now available to search in one place
  • Ship manifests, crew lists, flight manifests, passenger arrival lists and more, including over 2 million new records covering Boston, Texas and Carolina

Leading family history website, Findmypast, has today announced the creation of a new US travel and migration collection totalling more than 100 million records.

United States, Passenger and Crew Lists has been created by merging all of Findmypast’s existing US passenger and crew lists with over 2 million brand new records covering Boston, Texas and South Carolina.

Spanning over 160 years of travel, this vast national collection brings together records of passengers and crew who arrived in America by ship or by plane, from the East Coast to the West Coast, between 1800 and 1964.

Including ship manifests, crew lists, flight manifests, passenger arrival lists and more, the records document the arrival of millions of immigrant from Europe, Asia, and South America into the United States, where most settled to create a new life for themselves and their descendants.

A significant portion of the documents available within United States, Passenger and Crew Lists have been produced through a combination of historical records found at the National Archives & Record Administration (NARA) in Washington D.C. A number of the crew lists have also been made available by the Mystic Seaport Museum in Connecticut.

The collection also includes records provided in partnership with the John F Kennedy Trust Ltd, an organization which has worked with the Balch Institute, the Ellis Island Restoration Commission and the Battery Conservancy to compile a comprehensive database of Irish emigration to the United States.

Passenger lists are just one of many records that detail your family’s journey to the United States. Transcripts will reveal your ancestor's birth year, birth place, place of arrival, arrival year and ship name.

Images will provide additional information such who your ancestor was traveling with, their occupation, last permanent residence, and the names of those who died during the voyage. On crew lists, you may discover your ancestors position on the chip, whether they were able to read or write, length of service, as well as a physical description.

Other new additions available to search this Findmypast Friday include;

Over 52,000 records covering 14 new parishes have been added to our collection of Huddersfield Baptisms. All new parishes are highlighted in the Huddersfield baptisms parish list. Each record includes a transcript of an original parish register entry that will reveal a combination of your ancestor's baptism date, parent's names, father's occupation and address.

 Over 5000 additional records covering 14 Anglican churchyards across the York area (West Riding, North Riding and Ainsty) have been added to the collection. Mainly covering the years of the First and Second World Wars, these records will enable you to discover when your ancestor died and where they were laid to rest.

Over 64,000 new records have been added to existing parishes within our collection of Middlesex Baptisms. These transcripts of original parish register entries will reveal a combination of your ancestor's baptism date, parent's names, father's occupation and address. The collection also covers parts of London, Surrey, and Hertfordshire.

Two new Indexes, Czech Republic Births & Baptisms 1637-1889 and Czech Republic Marriages 1654-1889 are now available to search. These transcripts will provide you with vital dates and locations as well as the names of parents and spouses. Hints will also be generated from these records against any matching names stored in your Findmypast family tree.

This week we have added 98,602 brand new pages to eleven of our existing titles. Spanning the years 1865 to 1999, this week’s new additions include extensive updates the Huddersfield Daily Examiner as well as titles covering the south of England (Crawley and London), the Midlands (Coventry), and the North West (Liverpool). Further updates have also been made to one of our specialist publications – Field – for which we now have editions up to 1911.


Disclosure:  I have a complimentary subscription to Findmypast, and have accepted meals and services from Findmypast, as a Findmypast Ambassador.  This has not affected my objectivity relative to Findmypast and its products.
Copyright (c) 2019, Randall J. Seaver

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52 Ancestors - Week 286: #242 Abraham Dafoe (1755-1815) of New York and Upper Canada

Abraham Dafoe (1755-1815) is #242 on my Ahnentafel List, my 5th great-grandfather, who married  #243 Katreen --?-- (1755-1792) in 1775, probably in Albany, New York.

I am descended through:

*  their daughter #121 Mary Dafoe (1776-1832) who married #120 John Kemp (1768-1864) in 1795.
*  their son #60 Abraham Kemp (1795-1881) married #61 Sarah Fletcher (1802-before 1850) in 1818.
*  their son #30 James Abraham Kemp (1831-1902) married #31 Mary Jane Sovereen (18401874) in 1861.
*  their daughter #15 Georgianna Kemp (1868-1952)  married  #14 Charles Auble (1849-1916) in 1898.
*  their daughter #7 Emily Kemp Auble (1899-1977), married #6 Lyle Lawrence Carringer (1891-1976) in 1918.
*  their daughter #3 Betty Virginia Carringer (1919-2002) who married #2 Frederick Walton Seaver (1911-1983) in 1942.
*  their son #1 Randall Jeffrey Seaver (1943-living)


1)  PERSON (with source citations as indicated in brackets):
*  Name:                        Abraham Dafoe [1–5]    
*  Alternate Name:        Abraham Tevoe[6-7]  

*  Sex:                           Male    

*  Father:                      Johann Ernst Dafoe (1726-1784)    
*  Mother:                    Marytjen "Maria" Keller (1729-1789)  

2)  INDIVIDUAL EVENTS (with source citations as indicated in brackets):

*  Birth:                        before 11 May 1755, Albany, Albany, New York, United States[1,6–7]    
*  Baptism:                  11 May 1755 (after age 0), Albany, Albany, New York, United States[1,6-7]    

*  Military                   1777-1782 (after about age 22), Bennington, Vermont, United States[1–2]    

*  Petition:                  9 March 1790 (after age 35), Kingston, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada[4]    
*  Petition:                  10 November 1797 (after age 42), Fredericksburgh, Lennox and Addington, Ontario, Canada[5]    

*  Death:                    about 1815 (after about age 60), Fredericksburgh, Lennox and Addington, Ontario, Canada[1]    

3)  SHARED EVENTS (with source citations as indicated in brackets):

*  Spouse 1:               Katreen --?--  (1755-1792)    
*  Marriage 1:            about 1775 (after about age 20), New York, United States[1,3]    

*  Child 1:                 Mary Dafoe (1776-1832)    
*  Child 2:                 female Dafoe (1780-1784)    
*  Child 3:                 Jacob Dafoe (1784-1872)    
*  Child 4:                 Elizabeth Dafoe (1786-1861)    
*  Child 5:                 George Dafoe (1788-1873)    
*  Child 6:                 Lucy Dafoe (1791-????)  

4)  NOTES (with source citations as indicated in brackets):  

Cheryl Kemp Taber researched and collected a wealth of information about the family of Abraham Dafoe and allied families, and posted it in her WorldConnect database on Rootsweb ( titled "Kemps and Kin" updated 27 December 2017. Her notes for this person are incorporated below.

Abraham "Tevoe" was baptised on 11 May 1755 in the Albany, New York Reformed Dutch church[1,6-7], with parents Johan Ernst and Maria (Keller) "Tevoe," with witnesses Joh. Van de Werken and Maria Tevoe.  

Abraham married Katreen --?-- in about 1775, probably in Albany, New York[1].  The United Empire Loyalists' Association of Canada (UELAC) website directory for Abraham Dafoe says[3]:

"Wife's name:  Katreen Diamond b.1755 m. 1775 d. before 1792 daughter of John Diamond & Christianna Loyst."

They had six children[1,3]:

*  Mary Dafoe (1776-1832), married John Kemp (1768-1864) in 1795.
*  female Dafoe (1780-1780)
*  Jacob Dafoe (1784-1872), married Anne Phillips (1786-1871) in 1804.
*  Elizabeth Dafoe (1786-1861), married Henry Sharp (1782-1853) in 1809.
*  George Dafoe (1788-1883), married Elizabeth Sills (1791-1860).
*  Lucy Dafoe (1791-????)

The family resided in Albany and Little Hoosick, New York before the American Revolution.

Information on the United Empire Loyalist' Association of Canada (UELAC) website includes this information for Abraham Dafoe's military experience[2]:

"Abraham, along with his father, John Ernst Defoe, and his brothers George, Conrad, John Jr. and Jacob, fought in the Battle of Bennington in Colonel John Peter's Queen's Loyal Rangers. Brother George was killed by a musket ball, while the rest of the Dafoe men were captured on August 16, 1777.

"Having taken the Oath of Fidelity, to remain quietly at home without taking further part in the rebellion, the Dafoe men were released back to their families. However it wasn't long until skirmishes broke out again and Abraham, with brothers John and Jacob, arrived in Fort St. John's in southern Quebec to join their father, John Ernst Defoe, where they joined Captain Henry Ruiter's Co. of King's Rangers.  Along with Abraham was his wife, Katreen, and three and a half year-old daughter, Mary. 

"January 1, 1782 Abraham, John Jr and Jacob were still on the muster roll of Captain Henry Ruiter's Company.  Later, upon discharge on June 27, 1784, Abraham was listed on a muster roll of Captain William Fraser"s Company, and settled in Fredericksburgh Twp., known then as Cataraqui Twp. #3, along with others of the King's Rangers."

The book, Rolls of the Provincial (Loyalist) Corps Canadians Command American Revolutionary Period by Mary B. Fryer, the muster roll of the King's Rangers, St. John Quebec, Jan. 27, 1784 noted[1]

"Abraham Dafoe, Corporal, 3rd Company of Captain Henry Ruiter's unit, B 160, pp 153-6."

Alexander Fraser's Second report of the Bureau of Archives for the Province of Ontario (Toronto,  1905), v21, p1011 reported the claim of Abraham Dafoe concerning the land taken from him during and after the war[1]

"Claim of Abraham Defoe late of Albany County. Claim't says he resided at St. John in 1783. Is a native of America. Lived in Albany County. Joined Gen. Burgoyne, was taken in Bennington fight. Got in to Canada in '80. Served in Major Rogers Rangers till they were discharged. Had a farm in Little Hoosick. It was a lease of 100 acres granted by Abraham Tinbrook 14 years ago to Claim'ts father who gave it to his son immediately. Had cleared 15 acres. Built a house, was to have it ten years free then pay (?) produce. Val's ye improvements at 400 dollars. Lost one yoke oxen, 3 cows, 2 hogs, grain of various kinds, most of it in the ground, furniture, utensils. Left these things when he went with Burgoyne. The rebels had them. Peter Young Wit's knew claim't. He joining Burg. was afterwards in Roger's Rangers. Knew his place. 14 or 15 acres cleared, 3 cows, 1 yoke oxen. They were taken away when he joined Burg[oyne]. All of his other things were taken."

A roll of the United Empire Loyalists, Crown Lands Dept. indicates[1]:

"Abraham Defoe, Fredericksburg, Corporal King's Rangers, Land Board Mecklenburg 1790, 500 acres. LBM 1792, 100 acres in the right of his late brother, Jacob."

Joan Lucas wrote this on the UELAC website[3]:

"Can you imagine a little girl, Mary, of 3 yrs trudging through the bush to Skenesborough and then in an open boat up Lake Champlain and the Richelieu River to Ft. St. John's? Then at age 7 on the move again to the gathering place at Lachine before taking the batteaux up the St. Lawrence River and along Lake Ontario to Dutch Town (Bath)... and all the time helping her mother with her new brother, baby Jacob.?

"The somewhat contracted Dafoe family of 11 persons with Abraham, now the head of the family at age 29, faced a virgin forest that came down to the edge of the water.They drew their land, cleared it for farming and built their homes... to become a part of the founders of the Province of Ontario, in the country of Canada. (See also Capt. John Ernst Defoe)

"Abraham with his mother, Mary Defoe, his wife Katreen and daughter Mary, infant son Jacob , brothers Jacob, John Jr, Michael and Daniel, his sister Mary and her husband Andrew Rikely UE arrived in Fredericksburgh Twp (Cataraqui Twp #3) where Abraham and brother-in-law Andrew Rikely drew lot 10, con 1.

"Abraham eventually was granted 650 acres of land."

On 29 March 1790, Abraham Dafoe, a Sergeant in the King's Rangers,  petitioned the Right Honorable Guy Lord Dorchester, Captain General, Governor and Commander in Chief of the Colonies of Quebec, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick and their Dependencies, saying[4]:

"That your Lordship's Memorialist have received one hundred acres, humbly prays that one hundred acres more, together with his Lordship's Bounty of two hundred acres may be assigned him in the Seventh Township."

A certificate for 100 acres was granted 21 March 1792.

On 23 February 1791, Abraham Dafoe, late a Corporal in the King's Rangers, petitioned Guy Lord Dorchester for 100 acres of land in the Tenth Township in right of his brother, Jacob Dafoe who died at St. John's in 1784 and served as a private in the Kings's Rangers[4].  

This petition was granted on 25 March 1792.

On 10 October 1797, Abraham, John and Daniel Dafoe petitioned Peter Russell Esquire, the President administering the Government of Upper Canada, saying[5]:

"Humbly sheweth that their Father the late John Dafoe served during the American Rebellion as a Captain in a Corps of Rangers Commanded by Col. Robert Rogers and that after the peace he left New York with his family with an intention of settling in this Province and was taken ill at St. johns in lower Canada where he died in the year 1784.  Your petitioners therefore humbly request that your Honor will be pleased to grant them the land their father was or might have been entitled to."

Abraham's wife, Katreen, died in about 1792 after the birth of their last child, Lucy Dafoe who was baptized 11 December 1791 in Fredericksburgh.

Abraham Dafoe died in 1815 in Fredericksburgh, Lennox and Addington County, Upper Canada[1].  There is no death record, burial record or probate record for him or his wife.

1. Cheryl Kemp Taber, "Kemps and Kin," online database, RootsWeb WorldConnect Project (, updated 27 December 2017, Abraham Dafoe sketch (

2. "Information on the Loyalists," database, United Empire Loyalists' Association of Canada (, accessed 10 July 2019, Military Info for Loyalist Abraham Dafoe.

3. "Information on the Loyalists," website, United Empire Loyalists Association of Canada (, accessed 10 July 2019, Children of Loyalist Abraham Dafoe.

4. Upper Canada, "Upper Canada Land Petitions, 1763-1865," digital image, Library and Archives Canada ( : accessed 11 August 2014), Abraham Dafoe, 1790, Microfilm C-1885, Volume 171, "D" Bundle Micellaneous 1788-1795, (DA-DEY), Petition 1 (images 551-554, 556  of 925); citing RG 1, L 3.

5. "Upper Canada Land Petitions, 1763-1865," Library and Archives Canada, digital image, John, Abraham and Daniel Defoe, 1797, Microfilm C-1743, Volume 150, "D" Bundle 3, 1796-1797, Petition 12 (images 4 and 5 of 1294).

6. D. Pane-Joyce, Records of the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany, New York, 1683–1809, website, original records excerpted from Year Books of the Holland Society of New York, Abraham Tevoe entry.

7. "U.S. Dutch Reformed Church Records from Selected States, 1639-1989," digital images, (, accessed 10 July 2019), New York > Albany > "Albany, Vol III, Book 3," page 87 (stamped) (image 91 of 506), Abraham Tevoe baptism entry.


NOTE:  In 2014, Amy Johnson Crow suggested a weekly blog theme of "52 Ancestors" in her blog post  52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks on the No Story Too Small blog.  I have extended this theme in 2019 to 312 Ancestors in 312 Weeks.

NOTE:  This biography is out of order.  I skipped over it in 2017 and did his father instead in week 169.  

Copyright (c) 2019, Randall J. Seaver

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