Saturday, July 18, 2015

Saturday Night Genealogy Fun - What Sort of Genealogist Are You?

Calling all Genea-Musings Fans: 

 It's Saturday Night again - 
time for some more Genealogy Fun!!

Here is your assignment if you choose to play along (cue the Mission Impossible music, please!): 

Thomas MacEntee wrote Careers in Genealogy -- a 2012 Update three years ago.  Jill Ball referred to it this week in her post,  What Sort of Genealogist Am I?  

1)  For SNGF this week, please answer the question - What Sort of Genealogist Am I? - using Thomas's categories (or make up one or more of your own).  Provide some career background if you want.

2)  Share your answers with us in your own blog post, in a comment to this blog post, or on Facebook or Google+.

Here's mine (edited from 2012):

My genealogy "career" started back in 1988 after I read Roots by Alex Haley (I know, I was 12 years late!) and I asked my mother if "we have any family material?"  Of course we did - boxes of it covering four generations of her ancestry, and quite a few pictures and papers from my father's Massachusetts family.  Before long, I was going down to the Family History Center every Saturday adding persons to my pedigree chart, copying published material, reading census and other microfilms, and eventually obtaining land and probate records on microfilm.  Before long, we took trips to Massachusetts to meet the cousins, aunts and uncles, and I encouraged them to provide information about the family.  This resulted in the yearly "Seaver-Richmond Family Journal" that I wrote for 25 years to share family history with the extended family at Christmas time..

At the time, I was employed as a technical manager in an aerospace company, had a wife and two teenage daughters, and I needed a "research outlet" for my down time (generally after dinner and weekends), and genealogy seemed to fit the bill very well. 

Then came the service, and I found a collaborative community of like-minded enthusiasts who really helped me, and it was a lot of fun.  I started using Personal Ancestral File software, and eventually "graduated" to Family Tree Maker 8 in 1998.  Prodigy went away for me, and several other boards popped up and I was on the About: Genealogy and Delphi boards for awhile.  Then along came the Internet and everything changed!  I was hooked!  RootsWeb, USGenWeb, Eastman, Cyndi, Leland, Kimberly, Ancestry, FamilySearch, Fold3, MyHeritage, ad infinitum.  

I started speaking about my research experiences in 1993 at my local Chula Vista Genealogical Society and have continued with the society to the present day.  I branched out to speaking to other Southern California societies over the years, and at service groups, senior adult education centers,  and public library venues.

I retired from my "real" job in 2002, and was able to expand my genealogy efforts to essentially full time - speaking more often to local societies, joining the CVGS Board, and doing much more research online and at the FHC.  I added a teaching element in 2009 with the "Beginning Computer Genealogy" class at OASIS and CVGS Genealogy 101 classes.  We took more vacation trips with family history content, and then started going to conferences (Jamboree, NGS, FGS, RootsTech) and genealogy cruises.

Genea-Musings was started in April 2006, and has snowballed from 30 minutes a day to 2 to 3 hours a day in order to keep up with the genealogy world.  I seem to spend 8 to 12 hours a day doing something with genealogy - writing, presenting, teaching, society work, conferences, and researching.

So which of Thomas MacEntee's "genealogy career" categories do I fit into?

1)  Researcher.  But only for myself and selected friends that ask me for help.  I considered doing research for clients, but figured that I might get really bored doing research on families that I do not care about.  I am not certified or accredited, and now at age 71, determined that I didn't want to spend the time and effort to become certified or accredited.  I did determine to act professionally in my genealogy activities.  I do try to do some research (either online or at a repository) for 10 to 20 hours a week on my own family history.

2)  Author.  Well, maybe.  I had the Genealogy 2.0 column in the quarterly FGS FORUM magazine for four years, and have edited the CVGS Newsletter for six years, and write monthly articles for SDGS, but I haven't published any articles in genealogy magazines.  Then there's blogging, with almost 8,900 Genea-Musings posts, so maybe I can be considered an author.

3)  Educator.  Well, maybe.  The OASIS class is three times a year (4 sessions for each class) and I get paid for it (a bit).  Genealogy 101 at CVGS (freely offered) too, but I haven't done that for awhile.  But not full-time. I speak about 20-25 times a year to audiences.  I participate in some of DearMYRTLE's and Cousin Russ's Hangouts on Air on a weekly basis.  I guess Genea-Musings is at least educational in part.

4)  Curator.  Well, maybe.  I guess the "Best of the Genea-Blogs" is curation, as are my research and software compendiums on Genea-Musings.

5)  Librarian.  Not really...

6)  Analyst.  I do try to analyze websites, software and industry trends on occasion on Genea-Musings.

7)  Marketer.  Not really.  Some press releases, some book reviews, some website and software reviews, but not really.

8)  Retailer.  Nope.

In summary - I'm really just a genealogy semi-professional who loves doing what he does, has the time and interest to do it, and enjoy everything I do and all of the people I converse and commune with while doing it. 

In essence, I'm a genealogy evangelist (a genea-vangelist?) - one who loudly, consistently and passionately works to promote genealogy and family history, while proclaiming that Genealogy IS least for me!

The URL for this post is:

Copyright (c) 2015, Randall J. Seaver

Please comment on this post on the website by clicking the URL above and then the "Comments" link at the bottom of each post.  Or contact me by email at

Surname Saturday -- CHANDLER (England > colonial New England)

It's Surname Saturday, and I'm "counting down" my Ancestral Name List each week.  

I am in the 8th great-grandmothers and I'm up to Ancestor #1135 who is Ruth CHANDLER (1627-1694) 
[Note: the earlier great-grandmothers and 8th great-grandfathers have been covered in earlier posts].

My ancestral line back through two generations of this CHANDLER family line is:

1. Randall J. Seaver

2. Frederick Walton Seaver (1911-1983)
3. Betty Virginia Carringer (1919-2002)

4. Frederick Walton Seaver (1876-1942)
5. Alma Bessie Richmond (1882-1962)

8. Frank Walton Seaver (1852-1922)
9. Hattie Louise Hildreth (1857-1920)

16. Isaac Seaver (1823-1901)
17. Lucretia Townsend Smith (1827-1884)

34. Alpheus B. Smith (1802-1840)
35. Elizabeth Horton Dill (1791-1869)

70.  Thomas Dill (1758-1836)
71.  Hannah Horton (1761-1797)

140.  Thomas Dill (1708-1761)
141.  Mehitable Brown (1714-1758)

282.  Samuel Brown (1686-1739)
283.  Ruth Young (1688-1768)

566.  John Young (1649-1718)
567.  Ruth Cole (1651-1731)

1134.  Daniel Cole, born bout 1614 in Southwark, Surrey, England; died 20 December 1694 in Eastham, Barnstable, Massachusetts, United States.  He married before 1644 in Yarmouth, Barnstable, Massachusetts, United States.
1135.  Ruth Chandler, born about 1627 in Leiden, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands; died 15 December 1694 in Eastham, Barnstable, Massachusetts, United States.  

Children of Daniel Cole and Ruth Chandler are:
*  John Cole (1644-1725), married 1666 Ruth Snow (1644-1717).
*  Timothy Cole (1646-1695), married 1670 Ruth Smith (1650-????).
*  Hepsibah Cole (1649-1712), married (1) 1677 George Crispe (1622-1682); (2) 1682 Daniel Doane (1636-1712).
*  Ruth Cole (1651-1735), married (1) 1671 John Young (1649-1716); (2) 1720 Jonathan Bangs.
*  Israel Cole (1653-1724), married 1679 Mary Paine (1650-1704).
*  James Cole (1655-1724), married (1) 1665 Mary Cadman (1665-????); (2) 1684 Hannah Childs (1655-1717).
*  Mary Cole (1659-1734), married 1681 Joshua Hopkins (1657-1738).
*  William Cole (1663-1737), married 1686 Hannah Snow (1667-1737).
*  Hester Cole (1665-????), married 1684 Medad Atwood (1659-????).
*  Daniel Cole (1666-1736), married 1695 Mercy Freeman (1673-1735).
*  Thomas Cole (1669-1735), married 1719 Lydia Remick (1675-????).

2270.  Edmund Chandler, born about 1587 in of Stoke Newington, Middlesex, England; died 15 May 1662 in Duxbury, Plymouth, Massachusetts, United States.  He married before 1632 in Leiden, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands.
2271.  FNU LNU died before 1662 in probably Duxbury, Plymouth, Massachusetts, United States.

Children of Edmund Chandler and FNU LNU are:
*  Ruth Chandler (1627-1694), married 1644 Daniel Cole (1614-1694).
*  John Chandler (1632-????).
*  Sarah Chandler (1638-????).
*  Anna Chandler (1640-????).
*  Mary Chandler (1642-????)
*  Benjamin Chandler (1644-1691), married 1671 Elizabeth Buck (1653-1728).
*  Joseph Chandler (1646-????).

Information about this Chandler family was obtained from the Pilgrim Village Families" sketch for Edmund Chandler at

The URL for this post is:

Copyright (c) 2015, Randall J. Seaver

Please comment on this post on the website by clicking the URL above and then the "Comments" link at the bottom of each post.  Or contact me by email at

Friday, July 17, 2015

More Online Information About the Squire William Sever House in Kingston, Mass.

I've been writing about the Squire William Sever house this week, and trying to find out more about the house and when it was built by perusing land and probate records.  Without any luck, so far!

Genea-Musings reader Jean tried to help me find out more about the house by referring me to a page on the Historic Map Works website -

There are a number of historic photographs from the 1936 time frame that can be purchased as prints.
Further down the page are a number of Drawings which can be downloaded for free, including one showing the location of the house relative to Linden Street in Kingston, Massachusetts:

There is also a very detailed map of the grounds in the 1936 time frame.

There are also house floor plans available here:

Another source for the 1936 era photographs of the exterior and interior of the William Sever house can be found on the Library of Congress website - see here.  One exterior view of the front of the house is:

My thanks to Jean for finding these websites and sharing them with me so that I can share them with you.

Do you have a historic home in your ancestral families?  If so, have you been able to find treasure troves like this?

The URL for this post is:

Copyright (c) 2015, Randall J. Seaver

Please comment on this post on the website by clicking the URL above and then the "Comments" link at the bottom of each post.  Or contact me by email at

52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks - Week 81: #96 Martin Carringer (1758-1835)

Amy Johnson Crow suggested a weekly blog theme of "52 Ancestors" in her blog post Challenge:  52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks on the No Story Too Small blog.  I am extending this theme in 2015 to 104 Ancestors in 104 Weeks. Here is my ancestor biography for week #81:

Martin Carringer (1758-1835) is #96 on my Ahnentafel list, my 4th great-grandfather, married in 1785 to #97 Maria Magdalena "Molly" Houx (1768-1850).

I am descended through:

* their son, #48 Henry Carringer (1800-1879), who married #49 Sarah Feather (1804-1848) in 1825.

*  their son, #24 David Jackson Carringer (1828-1902), who married #25 Rebecca Spangler (1832-1901) in 1852.
*  their son, #12 Henry Austin Carringer (1853-1946), who married #13 Abbie Ardell "Della" Smith (1862-1944) in 1887.
*  their son, #6 Lyle Lawrence Carringer (1891-1976), who married #7 Emily Kemp Auble (1899-1977) in 1918.
*  their daughter, #3 Betty Virginia Carringer (1919-2002), who married #2 Frederick Walton Seaver (1911-1983) in 1942.
*  their son, #1 Randall J. Seaver (1943-....)


1)  PERSON (with source citations as indicated in brackets):

*  Name:                      Martin Carringer[1–20]   
*  Sex:                         Male   

*  Father:                    Johann Henrich "Henry" Geringer (1732-1792)   
*  Mother:                  Rosina Mary --?--  (1738-1788)   
2)  INDIVIDUAL EVENTS (with source citations as indicated in brackets):
*  Birth:                    about 1758, probably Pennsylvania, United States[1]
*  Military Service:  from September 1776 to 1783 (from about age 18 to about 25), Pennsylvania, United States[4–6]   
*  Tax List:               1787 (about age 29), tax list; Rostraver, Westmoreland, Pennsylvania, United States[10]   
*  Donation Land:    28 August 1797 (about age 39), Martin Carringer's donation land, Warrant No. 941; Mercer, Pennsylvania, United States[20]   
*  Census:               1 June 1800 (about age 42), Mercer, Pennsylvania, United States[11]
*  Census:               1 June 1810 (about age 52), Sandy Creek, Mercer, Pennsylvania, United States[12]
*  Census:              1 June 1820 (about age 62), Sandy Creek, Mercer, Pennsylvania, United States[13]
*  Pension:             12 April 1824 (about age 66), Mercer, Pennsylvania, United States[14]   
*  Bounty Land:    17 April 1827 (about age 69), Bounty Land Warrant 1259 granted to William Marks; Holmes, Ohio, United States[15]   
*  Bounty Land:    8 December 1827 (about age 69), received Bounty Land Warrant #1259; Pennsylvania, United States[16]   
*  Census:             1 June 1830 (about age 72), Sandy Creek, Mercer, Pennsylvania, United States[17]
*  Death:               25 January 1835 (about age 77), Sandy Creek, Mercer, Pennsylvania, United States[8,21]
*  Burial:              after 25 January 1835 (after about age 77), Perry, Mercer, Pennsylvania, United States[18]
*  Probate:           4 February 1835 (about age 77), will proved; Sandy Creek, Mercer, Pennsylvania, United States[19]   
3) SHARED EVENTS (with source citations as indicated in brackets):
*  Spouse 1:         Maria Magdalena "Molly" Houx (1768-1850)   
*  Marriage 1:      May 1785 (about age 27), probably Frederick, Maryland, United States[7–9]
*  Child 1:           Johann Jacob Carringer (1785-1865)   
*  Child 2:           Maria Elisabetha "Lizbet" Carringer (1789-1850)   
*  Child 3:           Catherine Carringer (1792-1866)   
*  Child 4:           George Carringer (1795-1870)   
*  Child 5:           Calli Carringer (1797-1810)   
*  Child 6:           Henry Carringer (1800-1879)   
*  Child 7:           Soloman Carringer (1802-1820)   
*  Child 8:           Joseph Carringer (1805-1869)   
4)  NOTES (with source citations as indicated in brackets):   

The names of the parents of Martin Carringer are not known.  There appear to be no church records, town records, or other records which record his birth or baptism.  It is probable that he was born in Pennsylvania to parents of German heritage.  There were a number of persons with the surname Carringer, Garringer, Kerringer, Gehringer, Gerringer, or variants living in Pennsylvania and Maryland  in the period 1750-1780.

One man, Henry Carringer, enlisted in 1757 at Fort Augusta as part of the Pennsylvania Battalion, and left the service in 1760, with the last record being at Fort Bedford, and the last known record was in 1774 in Bedford County, Pennsylvania.  It is likely that Johann Henrich "Henry" Geringer (or Carringer) was the father of Martin Carringer.  He was in the approximate place at the approximate time of the first record of Martin Carringer.

Martin Carringer gave his age as 75 in the 12 April 1824 Revolutionary War Pension File declaration, which puts his birth year as 1758 or 1759.  

The book The Car(r)ender, Car(r)inder, Carnder, Corinder, Car(r)inger, Car(r)ander, Car(r)endar, Cor(r)inder, Ker(r)ender and Allied Lines, 1740-1990, Volume I, by Minnie Carender provides a family history of the surnames mentioned[1].  The family of Martin Carringer is described, but no clue is given as to his ancestry.

A 2001 typescript by M.A. Carringer, edited by Christine Carringer, titled The Carringer Family provided very useful information about Martin Carringer and his family.[4]

Martin Carringer's Revolutionary War service record includes:[4-6]

He enlisted from Westmoreland County on 4 September 1776, in what was first known as "the Battalion commanded by Col. Eneas Mackey."  After 5 December 1776, the regiment was known as "The Eighth Battalion of Penna. Troops in the Continental Service."  It was organized at what is now Kittanning.  On 23 November 1776, "Congress directed the Board of War to order the regiment to march, with all possible expedition, by the nearest route, to Brunswick, New Jersey, or to join Gen. Washington wherever he may be."  The regiment marched from Kittanning on 6 January 1777, and, after a difficult winter's journey across the mountains, was reported in the camps in New Jersey on 1 March 1777.

On 11 September 1777, the regiment took part in the Battle of Brandywine and on 3 October 1777 in the battle of Germantown, in this instance in the division of Anthony Wayne.  On 11 December 1777, it went into winter quarters at Valley Forge.  On 5 March 1778, the regiment was ordered to Pittsburgh where they arrived after making an Indian campaign up the west branch of the Susquehanna.  For the remainder of the war, the Eighth was engaged in Indian campaigns and building forts on the Allegheny, Monongahela and Ohio Rivers.

*  Martin Carringer was on the Muster Roll of June, July and August of 1778 of Colonel Carnahan's Company of the 8th Pennsylvania Regiment of Foot, commanded by Colonel Daniel Brodhead.

*  He was on the Pay Roll at the rate of 6 2/3 dollars per month.  In June 1778, he received pay of 2 pounds, 5 shillings, 10 pence.

*  He received four bounty land certificates on 21 December 1784 (Certificates number 48076 A755 (80 dollars), 77949 G755 ($113 and 30/90 dollars), 78171 L755 (40 and 60/90 dollars), and 78294 C755 (80 dollars).

The Pennsylvania Archives show the following[6]:  

"Martin Carringer was a private in the 8th Pennsylvania Regiment in 1781 and again in 1783. From 4 May to 31 May 1781, he was serving in a detachment of four men under under Sgt. Robert Porter transporting provisions for troops down the river to Pittsburgh. He received pay for 61 days at one shilling per day.  His name appears as "Martin Cariger, Priv." on the receipt. From 1 June to 31 July 1781, he was serving in the same detachment boating forage and provisions on the Monongahela River to Pittsburgh. The receipt for this period shows payment for 61 days at one shilling per day, and his name is spelled "Martin Callinger."  For the month of October, 1781, he served in the same detachment, and was paid one shilling per day.  The receipt is signed "Martin Carringer, Priv. 8th Penna Rgt."  He was on the roll of Capt. John Clark's company in February, March and April of 1783, in a detachment from the PA line commanded by Lt. Col. Stephen Bayard.

Martin Carringer's name appears in the list of soldiers of the Pennsylvania Line who are entitled to receive donation lands.  The record indicates[6]:

 "Martin Carringer, Priv. 200 acres, War Office."

After the Revolutionary War, he was a resident of Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania.  In 1787, Martin Carringer was on the Rostraver township, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania tax list[10].  The entry includes information in these columns:

*  Names:  Carringer Martin
*  Land held by: Location:  150 [acres]
*  Horned Cattle:  1
*  Value (£ - s - d):  39 [pounds]

He married Maria Magdalenas "Molly" Houx (or Hoax) in May 1785, according to the Family Bible included in the Revolutionary War Pension File summary for Martin Carringer[7-8].  This was probably in Frederick County, Maryland.

Martin and Mary "Molly" (Houx) Carringer had eight children who were listed in the Family Bible (in German) as[7]:

*  Jacob, born 1 Oct 1785, 
*  Lizbet born 6 Sept 1789, 
*  Katharine born 18 Jan 1792, 
*  George born 5 Sept 1795, 
*  Calli born 9 Mar 1797, 
*  Henrick born 6 June 1800, 
*  Soloman born 24 Aug 1802, 
*  Joseph born 22 Oct 1805.

The first four children were baptized in the Lutheran Church in Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania[8].  Church records show the birth and baptismal records as:

*   Joh. Jacob, born 1 October 1785, baptized 16 October 1785, parents Marthinius Geringer and Maria Magthalena, sponsors Nicolaus and Barbara Hack,

*  Maria Elisabetha, born 6 September 1789, baptized 25 December 1789, parents Martin Gehring and Magdalena, sponsors Thomas Weickert and Maria Elisabetha,

*  Catherina, born 17 July 1792, baptized 26 May 1793, parents Martin Gehringer and Maria, sponsor Maria Catherine Weis

*  Georg, born 5 February 1795, baptized 9 June 1795, parents Martin Geringer and Magthalena, sponsors Johannes Grub and Sussana.

Under an Act of the General Assembly of 24 February 1785, distributing the donation lands promised the troops of the Commonwealth, Martin Carringer received Warrant No. 941, containing 200 acres, located in District No. 5 in what is now Perry Township, Mercer County, PA.  It was surveyed 3 October 1785 by Benj. Lodge, D.S., and is described as in the County of Westmoreland.  The warrant was drawn for Martin Carringer by William Turnbull on 28 August 1797[20].  

Martin Carringer went to his land in the wilderness and built a cabin in 1795 or early 1796.  The land remained in his family to the third generation.

A book (A History of Mercer County, Pennsylvania (Philadelphia, Penn. : L. H. Everts & Co., 1877) provides some insight into Martin Carringer's settlement and character[3]:

"It is claimed by some that Martin Carringer settled in what is now Perry Township in 1795.  Alexander McCracken and Hugh Minnis, who settled in Sandy Creek in April 1796, found Carringer already located upon their arrival, so that he must have come very early in 1796 at all events.

"At the time of McCracken and Minnis' arrival in 1796, Martin Carringer, a revolutionary soldier, had settled on a donation tract some three miles south of the Vacancy, within the present limits of Perry Township.  By some it is claimed that this man had built a cabin, and begun a clearing in 1795, but Mr. James McCracken now living on part of the old homestead, and who came to the township in 1798, with his parents, states that Carringer had been but two years in the county.  The tract which he cleared is now owned by his heirs and James Kelso, and is donation lot 941.  He was a German by birth, and eccentric in various respects, and many curious anecdotes are related illustrative both of his benevolence and his fiery temper.  A more generous man never lived, and his terrible vituperations, upon the slightest annoyance, was excused by the pioneers, among whom his kind disposition had made him a general favorite.  He was in the habit of contributing largely to every object which he believed would promote the good of the new county, and has left a reputation for honesty and integrity that will live forever in the memory of his posterity.  One year, after he had been a resident of Mercer County for some time, he raised an unusually good crop of corn, and after harvest a man called upon him and asked if he had corn for sale.  'Are you in need of corn?' said Carringer.  The man replied that he was as he was buying grain to sell. 'Then you can't have mine' he replied, 'I raise my corn to give away, and if you are poor and unable to buy you should have a part of it for nothing, but, as you have money, I shall give it to the destitute settlers as they have need of it.'  Carringer stated that upon his first arrival at his land he travelled north as far as Conneaut marsh without meeting a single settler" (p. 66).]

"About the year 1816, the people resolved to build a new house of worship, and two years later one was erected on the spot where the graveyard now lies.  This building was of hewed logs, had a floor and glass windows, and the highest subscription paid toward it was ten dollars by Martin Carringer." (p. 69).

Martin Carringer also receives prominent mention in the "History of Mercer County, Pennsylvania", published in Chicago by Brown, Runk & Co in 1888[2]:

"Mention will be made of one early pioneer, whose life was a succession of eccentric thoughts and equally as eccentric actions. Reference is made to Martin Carringer.  He was an old Revolutionary War veteran, whose entrance into (Perry) township dates back, according to the best authenticated accounts, to the year 1796.  Some assert that Carringer arrived as early as 1795, and built a cabin.  If this could be verified it would unquestionably establish him as the earliest settler in the county.  But however the mere date may be, he is fairly entitled to rank among the very earliest pioneers.  He settled on donation lot No. 941, which had been granted to him from the commonwealth on account of his services in the Revolution.  He was a German, as the name indicates, and was known, in later years, after settlements had been made about him, for his wonderful kindness.  He was extremely generous, but his generosity was only extended to the poor and helpless.  All worthy public enterprises received his hearty support, and all unworthy ones were as readily met with his vehement opposition.  It is seldom in the history of any community that a character is found which deserves higher encomiums than those which even his neighbors and associates bestowed on Martin Carringer" (p. 568).

"Martin Carringer was a native of Westmoreland County, Penn. and came to this county in 1796;  was a soldier in the Revolutionary War.  He settled in Perry Township, and died in 1838.  He was the father of Jacob, George, Henry and Joseph, all dead.  Jacob was in the War of 1812.  George was born in Westmoreland County, and married Isabella Montgomery.  He was an early member of the militia.  He died in 1876, aged 81 years and was the father of the following children: John, George, Emily, Maude (deceased), Milton, Isabella, married Humphrey Orr, James, deceased, was in the war, Harvey and Jane, wife of Stephen Feather;  Isabella Montgomery, wife of George Carringer, died September 24, 1888, aged 85 years, making a residence on the farm they first settled on 67 years." (p. 1119-1120)

Martin Carringer was the largest subscriber to the Upper Sandy Creek Presbyterian Church in Georgetown in 1799, with a mark of $10.  In 1818, Martin Carringer, John Sheakley and Samuel Cochran withdrew from the Georgetown Presbyterian Church and joined the Mineral Ridge Associate Reformed (Covenanter) Church.

In the 1800 United States Census, the Martin Carringer household was in Mercer County, Pennsylvania.  The household included[11]:

*  two males under age 10
*  two males aged 10 to 16
*  one male aged 16 to 26
*  one male over age 45 (probably Martin Carringer)

*  two females under age 10
*  one female aged 10 to 16
*  one female over age 45 (probably Molly Carringer)

In the 1810 United States Census, the Martin Carringer household was enumerated in Sandy Creek township, Mercer County, Pennsylvania.  The household included[12]:

*  three males under age 10
*  one male aged 10 to 16
*  one male aged 16 to 26
*  one male over age 45 (probably Martin Carringer)

*  one female aged 10 to 16
*  one female aged 16 to 26
*  one female aged 26 to 45 (probably Molly Carringer)

In the 1820 United States Census, the Martin Carringer household was enumerated in Sandy Creek township, Mercer County, Pennsylvania.  The household included[13]:

*   one male age 10-16, 
*  one male age 16 to 18, 
*  three males age 16-26, 
*  one male age over 45 (probably Martin Carringer)

* two females age 16 to 26, 
*  one female age over 45 (probably Molly Carringer)

He was officially listed as a Pennsylvania Revolutionary War pensioner on 19 June 1824, when he was 75 years of age.  His widow was allowed her pension in 1839 after his death, a resident of Sandy Creek township and 71 years of age.  Martin Carringer's Revolutionary War pension file abstract reads[14]:

"CARRINGER, Martin, Molly, W6905 BLW 1259-100, PA line, soldier enlisted in Westmoreland Cty PA, soldier applied 12 Apr 1824 Mercer Cty PA aged 65, soldier married Mary "Molly" Hoax in May 1785 and soldier died 25 Jan 1835 in Mercer Cty PA and widow applied there 8 Feb 1839 a resident of Sandy Creek Twnshp PA aged 71 and widow died there 31 Aug 1850.  Children were Jacob, born 1 Oct 1785, Lizbet born 6 Sept 1789, Katharine born 18 Jan 1792, George born 5 Sept 1795, Calli born 9 Mar 1797, Henrick born 6 June 1800, Soloman born 24 Aug 1802, Joseph born 22 Oct 1805.  Also shown was a grandchild Tastet born 13 May 1811 and died 27 Aug 1820; soldier's son George signs affidavit 28 Aug 1851 Mercer Cty PA, surviving children at widow's death were Jacob Carrigan, Elizabeth McCartney deceased in 1851, Catherine Cazbe, George, Henry and Joseph Carrigan.  Soldier's daughter Elizabeth McCartney died 14 Nov 1850." (Genealogical Abstracts of Revolutionary War Pension Files" by Virgil D. White, pub. 1990)

U.S. Senator William Marks represented Martin Carringer when he applied for a Bounty Land Warrant in 1827.  The transcribed information for the Martin Carringer record is[15]:

*  When presented at the Treasury:  April 17 [1827]
*  By whom presented:  Wm. Marks /Senate/
*  Number:  1259
*  Name of soldier  Martin Carringer:
*  Grade:  Pr[ivate]
*  Name of patentee:  Martin Carringer
*  Acres:  100
*  Location - Lot:  3
*  Location - Section: 3
* Location - Township:  8
*  Location - Range:  6
*  Remarks:  17 April 1827, sent to Wm. Marks Senate same day

The transcription of the Bounty Land Warrant received by Martin Carringer is (handwritten portions in italics)[16]:

No. 1259                      3.    3.    8.    6.
Pursuant to an Act of Congress, authorizing the Secretary
of War to issue Land Warrants, and for other purposes, passed the
15th day of April, 1806,  Martin Carringer who was
a private in the Pennsylvania Line  is entitled to
one hundred                                          acres of land,
to be located, agreeable to said act, on any unlocated parts of the fifty
quarter townships, and the fractional quarter townships, reserved by
law for original holders of military warrants.
GIVEN at the War Office, this  eighth
day of  December  in the year of our
Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty
Registered,                                         James Barbour                                                                                                 Secretary of War
Robert Taylor   Clerk

This land was located in Township 8, Range 6 in the U.S. Military District of Ohio, and was located in the southern part of Holmes County, Ohio.

In the 1830 United States Census, the Martin Carringer household resided in Sandy Creek, Mercer County, Pennsylvania. The household included[17]:

*  one male age 20-30, 
*  one male age 70-80 (probably Martin Carringer)

*  one female age 60-70 (probably Molly Carringer)

Daniel Spangler was listed one line before Martin Carringer, and his sons Henry Carringer and George Carringer were listed in the two lines below Martin Carringer.

Martin Carringer died on 25 January 1835 in Sandy Creek township, Mercer County, Pennsylvania, according to his Revolutionary War Pension file and several other documents[14,21]

The remains of Martin Carringer rest in a large and flat pasture on the land he settled in 1796.  His tombstone reads "Martin Carringer departed this life January 25, 1835 in the 80th year of his age."[18]  Kelso Cemetery is on private land south of Wolf Road and about 0.2 miles east of Fredonia Road in Perry township.

The inscription on Martin Carringer's modern gravestone in Kelso Cemetery is:

Martin Carringer
Pvt    Continental Line
Revolutionary War
1758              1835

Martin Carringer wrote his will on 3 March 1830, and it was proved on 4 February 1835 in Mercer County, Pennsylvania.  The will reads[19]:

"In the name of God, amen.  I Martin Carringer of Sandy Lake township Mercer County and State of Pennsylvania being old and infirm in body though sound in mind and memory do make and publish this my last will and testament.  And first I commit soul to God who gave it and my body to be buried in a decent and becoming manner.  Next, it is my will that my funeral expenses and lawful debts be paid first out of my worldly substance.  Next I give and bequeath to my son Henry one hundred and fifty acres of land laid off the east end of the plantation whereon I now live including my improvements except the back room where I now live which I reserve for the use of my beloved wife Mary as long as she shall live.  Also he is to provide all necessaries of life for her and keep her decently as long as she lives and to her in a horse and saddle and two cows for her use and privilege to take what fruit she pleases for her own use.  The horse and cows to be Henry's at her death.  Also I give her all her household furniture, beds and clothes to be at her disposal, also he is to keep four sheep for her use as long as she lives.  Next I give to my son George the residue of the aforesaid plantation also a lot in the town of Greenville, the choice to be decided by putting the numbers four which I own into a hat -- and he to draw the first ticket and the no. he draws to be his lot.  Next I give to my son Joseph two hundred acres of land lot No 965 in the fifth district donation land in said county.

Next I give to my son Jacob one hundred acres of land on which he now lives.  Next I give my three daughters Elizabeth, Catherine and Mary each a lot in the town of Greenville, the choice to be decided as above directed.  Next I direct my son Joseph to sell a lot of land which I own in the state of Ohio and keep the proceeds provided he loses the land above named and if he holds the land the money to be equally divided among my three daughters above named.  Next I constitute and appoint my son Joseph and Francis Beaty to be executors of this my last will and testament.

In testimony hereof, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this third day of March eighteen hundred and thirty."

Martin Carringer (seal)

Signed and sealed in presence of
Henry Williamson, David Beaty
Mercer County.

"This fourth day of Feby 1835 personally appeared before me, Samuel Holstein registrar for the probate of wills in and for said county, Henry Williamson and David Beaty the subscribing witnesses to the annexed will who after being duly sworn according to law did depose and say that they were present and saw the testator Martin Carringer sign the annexed will and heard him acknowledge the same to be his last will and testament and that at the time of his so doing the said Martin Carringer was of sound mind, memory and understanding to the best of their knowledge and belief.  Registered Feb 14th 1835.  Saml Holstein register letters testamentary issued so dis. to above executor."

1. Minnie Carender, The Car(r)ender, Car(r)inder, Carnder, Corinder, Car(r)inger, Car(r)ander, Car(r)endar, Cor(r)inder, Ker(r)ender and Allied Lines, 1740-1990, Volume I (Richmond, Ind. : Stevenson Printing Co., 1990), Martin Carringer (born 1758) sketch.

2. History of Mercer County, Pennsylvania (Chicago, Ill. : Brown, Runk & Co.,  1888), pages 568, 1119-1120, Martin Carringer sketch.

3. A History of Mercer County, Pennsylvania (Philadeklphia, Penn. : L. H. Everts & Co., 1877), page 66, 69, Martin Carringer sketch.

4. M.A. Carringer and Christine Carringer (editor), The Carringer Family, unpublished typescript, provided via email by Christine Carringer to Randall J. Seaver in 2001, Martin Carringer's Revolutionary War service summary.

5. "Compiled Service Records of Soldiers Who Served in the American Army During the Revolutionary War," digital images, ( : accessed 30 December 2008), Pennsylvania, 8th Regiment, Martin Carringer service rolls, 1777-1783; citing citing  Record Group 93, National Archives Microfilm Publication M881, Roll 0826.

6. Thomas Lynch Montgomery, Pennsylvania Archives, 5th Series (Harrisburg, Penn. : Harrisburg Pub. Co., 1906), Volume 3, Martin Carringer information on pages 352, 356, 358, 362, 632.

7. "Revolutionary War Pension and Bounty-Land Warrant Appkication Files,"  online database with digital images, ( : 2011), original records in National Archives Publication M804, Pension Application W6905 and BLW 1259-100, Pennsylvania Line, Martin and Molly Carringer, applied 12 Apr 1824.

8. U.S. Sons of the American Revolution Membership Applications, 1889-1970, online database and images, (, National Number 45353, Pennsylvania State Number 2082, Marion Aubrey Carringer application, dated 16 May 1927.

9. Paul Miller Ruff, The German Church Records of Westmoreland County, PA 1772-1791, 2nd edition (Pittsburgh, Penn., Baltzer Meyer Historical Society, 1980).

10. "Pennsylvania, Tax and Exoneration, 1768-1801," digital image.  ( : accessed 28 April 2015), indexed database and digital image, "Westmoreland County > 1787, Rostraver township," unnumbered page (image 151 of 213), Martin Carringer entry; citing Tax & Exoneration Lists, 1762–1794. Series No. 4.61; Records of the Office of the Comptroller General, RG-4. Pennsylvania Historical & Museum Commission, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.

11. 1800 United States Federal Census, Population Schedule, Mercer County, Pennsylvania, no township stated, page 437, Martin Carringer household; digital image, (; citing National Archives Microfilm Publication M32, Roll 39.

12. 1810 United States Federal Census, Population Schedule, Mercer County, Pennsylvania, San Creek township, Page 945 (penned), Martin Carringer household; digital image, (; citing National Archives Microfilm Publication M292, Roll 52.

13. 1820 United States Federal Census, Population Schedule, Mercer County, Pennsylvania, Sandy Creek township; online database, (, Page 199, citing National Archives Microfilm Publication M33, Roll 107.

14. "Revolutionary War Pension and Bounty-Land Warrant Appkication Files,", Pension application W 6905 and BLW 1259-100, Pennsylvania Line, Martin and Molly Carringer.

15. "U.S. War Bounty Land Warrants, 1789-1858," digital image, ( : accessed 30 April 2015), Indexes and Registers to Revolutionary War Land Warrants, 1788-1848, Martin Carringer, presented 17 April 1827 by William Marks, image 636 of 680; citing citing U.S. Revolutionary War Bounty Land Warrants Used in the U.S. Military District of Ohio and Relating Papers (Acts of 1788, 1803, and 1806), 1788-1806; Microfilm Publication M829, 16 rolls; ARC ID: 635444. Records of the Bureau of Land Management, Record Group 49; National Archives at Washington, D.C..

16. "U.S. War Bounty Land Warrants, 1789-1858," digital image,, 1806 Warrants: 1100-2119; 1835, 1842, and 1848 Warrants: 1299-2479 (Partial Collection), No. 1259, Martin Carringer, awarded 8 December 1827, image 369 of 1069.

17. 1830 United States Federal Census, Population Schedule, Mercer County, Pennsylvania, Sandy Creek township; page 237 (penned); digital image, (; citing National Archives Microfilm Publication M19, Roll 149.

18. Loretta Barker DeSantis, Sally Glaser Dufford, Mercer County, Pennsylvania, Cemetery Inscriptions, 16 Volumes  (n. p. : Mercer County [Pa.] Genealogy Society, n.d.), Volume 8. page 47, Martin Carringer (1758-1835) entry.

19. Mercer County, Pennsylvania, Will Book, Volume 2, Pages 33-34, Martin Carringer entry; FHL microfilm US/CAN 0,878,967.

20. M.A. Carringer and Christine Carringer (editor), The Carringer Family, unpublished typescript, provided via email by Christine Carringer to Randall J. Seaver in 2001, Martin Carringer donation land summary.

21. "Index to Selected Final Pension Payment Vouchers, 1818-1864," online database and digital images, ( : 2010), Martin Carringer index card.


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