It's Saturday Night -
1) Go into your Genealogy Management Program (GMP; either software on your computer, or an online family tree) and figure out how to Count how many surnames you have in your family tree database.
2) Tell us which GMP you're using and how you did this task.
3) Tell us how many surnames are in your database and, if possible, which Surname has the most entries. If this excites you, tell us which surnames are in the top 5! Or 10!! Or 20!!!
4) Write about it in your own blog post, in a comment to this blog post, in a status or comment on Facebook, or in Google Plus Stream post.
NOTE: If you can't figure out how to do this in your GMP (Genealogy Management Program), use the Help button in your program and search for "count surnames" then follow directions.
Here's mine:
I'm going to use RootsMagic 8 because that's where I'm doing my current additions, deletions and editing and is my most up-to-date collection. In RootsMagic 8, go to "Publish," then " Reports and Charts," and scroll down to "Surname Statistics."
With "Surnames (alphabetical)" selected, I had 244 pages of surnames - about 9,960 of them. I have 69,601 profiles in my RootsMagic family tree.
I then chose "Frequency of Surname" and the program showed me the first page:
The top 25 are, with birth date ranges:
* SEAVER - 7,057 persons, from 1600 to 2022
* [unknown] - 1,322 persons, from 747 to 2017
* SEVIER - 987 persons, from 1702 to 2020
* SMITH - 909 persons, from 1543-2018
* BUCK - 831 persons, from 1577 to 2016
* VAUX - 622 persons, from 1620 to 2020
* BRESEE - 260persons, from 1650 to 1913
* RICHMOND - 238 persons, from 1555-2013
NOTE: We've done this before, but I'm out of town and needed a quick post. See (on 3 September 2016)) for the last time we did this for SNGF.