Saturday, March 25, 2017

Saturday Night Genealogy Fun - The Day Your Grandfather Was Born

Hey genea-folks, 
it's Saturday Night again, 

 time for more Genealogy Fun!


Your mission this week, should you decide to accept it, is to:

What day of the week was your Grandfather born (either one)? Tell us how you found out.

2) What has happened in recorded history on your Grandfather's birth date (day and month)? Tell us how you found out, and list five events.

3)  What famous people have been born on your Grandfather's birth date?  Tell us how you found out, and list five of them.

4)  Put your responses in your own blog post, in a comment on this blog post, or in a status or comment on Facebook.

Here's mine (I will refrain from sharing how I found things out):

1)  I picked my paternal grandfather, Frederick Walton Seaver, who was born on 9 October 1876 in Leominster, Massachusetts.

**  9 October 1876 was a Monday.

2)  U.S. History Events on 9 October:

**  In 1788, Connecticut became the 5th state to be admitted to the United States
**  In 1857, the 1857 Fort Tejon earthquake strikes California, registering an estimated magnitude of 7.9.
**  In 1861, the "Star of the West" incident occurs near Charleston, South Carolina. It is considered by some historians to be the "First Shots of the American Civil War".
**  In 1918, Battle of Bear Valley: The last battle of the American Indian Wars.
**  In 2007, Apple CEO Steve Jobs unveils the first IPhone (original) or iPhone.

3)  Some famous historical persons born on 9 October:

**  In 1886, Rube Marquard, an American baseball player.
**  In 1890, Aimee Semple McPherson, an American evangelist and radio preacher.
**  In 1903, Walter O'Malley, the owner of the Brooklyn/LA Dodgers
**  In 1922, Fyvush Finkel, an Actor
**  In 1940, John Lennon, British musician, member of the Beatles

4)  Done!


Copyright (c) 2017, Randall J. Seaver

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Surname Saturday -- ELDREDGE (colonial New England)

It's Surname Saturday, and I'm "counting down" my Ancestral Name List each week.  

I am in the 8th great-grandmothers and I'm  up to Ancestor #1769, who is Sarah ELDREDGE (1655-1692) 
[Note: the earlier great-grandmothers and 8th great-grandfathers have been covered in earlier posts].

My ancestral line back through one generation of this ELDREDGE family line is:

1. Randall J. Seaver (1943-????)

2. Frederick Walton Seaver (1911-1983)
3. Betty Virginia Carringer (1919-2002)

6.  Lyle Lawrence Carringer (1891-1976)
7.  Emily Kemp Auble (1899-1977)

12.  Henry Austin Carringer (1853-1946)
13.  Abbie Ardelle "Della" Smith (1862-1944)

26.  Devier James Lamphier Smith (1849-1894)
27.  Abigail A. "Abbey" Vaux (1844-1931)

54.  Samuel Vaux (1816-1880)
55.  Mary Ann Underhill (1815-1883)

110.  Amos Underhill (1772-1865)
111.  Mary "Polly" Metcalf (1780-1855)

220.  John Underhill (1745-1816)
221.  Hannah Colby (1745-????)

442.  Joseph Colby (1707-1768)
443.  Abigail Worthen (1714-????)

884.  Joseph Colby (1680-1754)
885.  Anne Bartlett (1684-1721)

1768.  John Colby, born 19 November 1656 in Salisbury, Essex, Massachusetts, United States; died 06 April 1719 in Amesbury, Essex, Massachusetts, United States.  He was the son of 3536. John Colby and 3537. Frances Hoyt.  He married 27 December 1675 in Amesbury, Essex, Massachusetts, United States.
1769.  Sarah Eldredge, born about 1655 in Massachusetts, United States; died July 1692 in Amesbury, Essex, Massachusetts, United States.

Children of John Colby and Sarah Eldredge are:
*  John Colby (1675-1718), married 1702 Mary Frame (1675-1740).
*  Sarah Colby (1678-1720), married 1700 Daniel Flanders (1674-1735).
*  Joseph Colby (1680-1754), married (1) 1704 Anne Bartlett (1684-1721); (2) 1722 Mary Philbrick.
*  male Colby (1687-`1687).
*  male Colby (1688-1688).
*  Judith Colby (1690-1703).
*  Hannah Colby (1692-1703).

Information about the Colby family was obtained from:

*  David Webster Hoyt, The Old Families of Salisbury and Amesbury, Massachusetts ; with some related families of Newbury, Haverhill, Ipswich and Hampton (Providence, R.I., Snow & Farnham, printers, 1897-1917)

I don't have any idea who the parents of Sarah Eldredge are, and apparently, no one else has any information either.  A Sarah Eldredge was born  in 1650 in Yarmouth to William and Anne (Lumpkin) Eldredge, but she apparently married William Bentley and had children between 1675 and 1685 in Rhode Island.


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Copyright (c) 2017, Randall J. Seaver

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Friday, March 24, 2017

This Week's We're Related Relationships - 24 March 2017

I received 7 new cousin relationships on the We're Related mobile app over the last week, which is based on Ancestry Member Trees.  The new relationships, and my initial evaluation of them, are:

1)  Robert Redford -- Actor, 9th cousin, common ancestor is John Young (1624-1690).

My line back to John Young goes through his son, John Young (1649-1718).  Robert's line goes through David Young (1682-1776), and there are many AMTs that say he was born in Donegal, Ireland and married Martha Boyd and died in Worceste, Mass..  My John Young had a brother David Young (1662-1745) who married an Anna Doane and died in Eastham, Mass.  My judgment is that the Ancestry app has conflated two different David Youngs born 20 years apart here.  My judgment is that this relationship is Unlikely.

2)  Orson Welles -- Entertainer, 8th cousin 2x removed, common ancestor is Robert Williams (1607-1693_.

My line to Robert Williams goes through his purported daughter, Elizabeth --?-- (1620-1664), who married Richard Cutter of Cambridge, Mass.  Orson's line goes from Robert Williams to Isaac Williams (1638-1707).  I don't know Elizabeth --?--'s parents names yet, but Ancestry thinks it does.  There are well documented AMTs for the Isaac Williams parents and descendants.  My judgment is that this relationship is Unlikely.

3)  James Madison - U.S. President, 6th cousin 6x removed, common ancestor is William Allen (1553-1589.

My line back to William Allen goes through 5 known generations of Allens, but I don't have a William Allen in England as a father of my George Allen (1585-1648) of Massachusetts.  President Madison's line goes from William Allen's daughter Eleanor to Peter Montague.  There are over 13,000 AMTs with Peter's granddaughter, but of the 10 I checked (with the most sources), none of them went back to William Allen.  My judgment is that this relationship is Unlikely.

4)  Barbara Perez - Facebook friend, 8th cousin 2x removed, common ancestor is Thomas Nichols (1630-1720).

My line to Thomas Nichols is through his 2nd great-granddaughter, Jerusha --?-- (1750-1817), his first great-grandson Joseph Chandler, his granddaughter, Mary Tucker (1697-????) and her purported father, Ebenezer Nichols (1664-1735), son of Thomas Nichols.  My known line ends with Jerusha --?-- who may have been a Chandler before she married Burgess Metcalf.  Also, how does a man named Ebenezer Nichols have a daughter named Mary Tucker?  Again, Ancestry has added five generations to my known tree here.  I can't judge Barbara's line without seeing more details.  My judgment is that my line on the app is Wrong, and therefore this relationship is Wrong.

5)  Barry Kline - Facebook friend, 8th cousin, common ancestor is John Morrison (1705-1752).

My line back to John Morrison is through his daughter, Martha Morrison (1739-????), but I don't know her father's first name or her mother's name.  Barry's line is through David Morrison (1742-1807), who I don't have in my database.  There are AMTs with David's parents as John and Margrete Morrison, but there is a problem with some of the dates in Barry's line - Isaac Morrison's wife, Elizabeth Haycraft (1791-1868) would be 13 when she had June Mary Morrison (1804-1831).  My judgment is that this relationship is Possible.

6)  Jen Baldwin -- Facebook friend, 7th cousin 4x removed, common ancestor is Christopher Yonges (1545-1626).

My 11 generation line back to Christopher Yonges is through my known ancestor John Young (1624-1691) and his purported father John Youngs (1602-1672).  I don't have the John Youngs 1602 or Christopher Yonges in my database, so Ancestry added two generations to my known ancestry.  Jen's line back to Christopher Yonges has only 7 generations, and says her father was Walter Yoe (1800-1867).  I am sure  that is incorrect.  My judgment is that this relationship is Wrong, since my line is unknown and Jen's looks wrong.

7)  Joan Young - Facebook friend, 6th cousin, common ancestor is Philip Jacob Konig (1738-1792).

My line to Philip Jacob Konig is through his son, Philip Jacob Konig (1764-1829).  Joan's line is through Peter King (1775-1847), brother of my Philip.  My judgment is that this relationship is Very Likely.

My count is up to 197 famous or Facebook cousins provided by the app.  This week, my judgment is that only 1 of the 7 cousin relationships are Likely or better.

I will say it again:  My biggest problem with this We're Related app is that it thinks it knows my ancestral lines better than I do, and adds one to five generations to some of my end-of-line ancestors.  The second biggest problem is that many of the lines of the famous or Facebook persons have colonial lines that have same name, different place problems.

The app may be right -- I don't know for sure -- and I can't really find out because the app provides no source material to back up their assertions.  If there was authoritative information for my end-of-line ancestors, I would add it.  None of the "Unlikely" or "Wrong" relationships have been convincing to me yet.


Copyright (c) 2017, Randall J. Seaver

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New Records Available To Search This Findmypast Friday, 24 March 2017

I received this information from Findmypast today:


New Records Available To Search This Findmypast Friday

Was your ancestor breaking rocks, laid to rest beneath one, or both? Whether your ancestor was married (likely), died (definitely), did hard labour (maybe) or was buried (probably) these North American and Australian records could help you identify them, or even discover more about their life.

Manitoba Probate records 1871-1930 Browse

Manitoba probate records 1871-1930 browse contains over 289 volumes of original estate files, application books and indexes from eight Canadian judicial districts; Central, Dauphin, Eastern, Manitoba, Northern, Southern, St Boniface, and Western.

This collection allows you to browse through more than 802,000 Images of original documents. From these images, you may be able to discover a wide range of information including details relating to their death, life, heirs and estate.

Victoria Register of Prisoners Under Sentence Of Hard Labour 1847-1853

Search over 500 records to find out if your convict ancestor was sentenced to hard labour in Victoria and uncover detailed personal information including a personal history and physical description.

Each result will provide you with a transcript and an images of the original register. Transcripts will reveal your ancestor's birth year, occupation, prison, ship name and the event year. Images may reveal details relating to your ancestor's appearance such as height, complexion, hair, eyes, nose, mouth, and chin. Images may also note particular marks on your their body and note their religion, marital status, and previous history.

Victoria Cemeteries

Victoria Cemeteries contains over 246,000 records from five cemeteries in Victoria; Boroondara, Coburg, Footscray, Lilydale and St Kilda Cemetery. The records consist of PDF's and span the years 1856 to 2005.

The records in this collection can provide vital details about your ancestor's death and next of kin including their birth date, birth place, age at death, death place and details of their memorial inscription.

Victoria Burials & Memorials

Over 300 records have been added to our collection of Victoria Burials & Memorials. The entire collection now contains over 182,000 records, spans the years 1828 to 1994 and covers over 170 cemeteries across the state.

All records include a transcript and number include images of the original documents. All records will reveal the deceased's name, burial year and cemetery. A number will also reveal additional information such as their occupation, residence, cause of death and funeral date.

United States Marriages

Over 600, 000 new records have been added to our collection of United States Marriages. Covering 360 years of marriages from 1650-2010, when complete this landmark collection will contain at least 100 million records and more than 450 million names from 2,800 counties across America.

The records include transcripts and images of the original documents that list marriage date, the names of the bride and groom, birthplace, birth date, age, residence as well as fathers' and mothers' names.


Disclosure:  I am a Findmypast Ambassador and receive a complimentary Findmypast subscription.

Copyright (c) 2017, Randall J. Seaver

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