The following genealogy bloggers wrote blog posts about their experiences at RootsTech 2018.
1) Randy Seaver on the Genea-Musings blog:
* Day 0 (Tuesday) at RootsTech 2018 (27 February 2018)
* RootsTech 2018 Blog Compendium (28 February 2018, updated)
* Day 1 (Wednesday) at RootsTech 2018 (28 February 2018)
* Findmypast: Connect With British Isles Ancestors (1 March 2018)
* WOW: MyHeritage Launches DNA Quest (1 March 2018)
* Day 2 (Thursday) at RootsTech 2018 (1 March 2018)
* More Day 2 Photos at RootsTech 2018 (1 March 2018)
* Findmypast brings New York Catholic records online for the first time (2 March 2018)
* MyHeritage Releases One-to-Many DNA Chromosome Browser (2 March 2018)
* Day 3 (Friday) at RootsTech 2018 (2 March 2018)
* Some Dark Photos From the MyHeritage After Party at RootsTech 2018 (3 March 2018)
* MyHeritage Releases New Collections with 325 Million Historical Records (3 March 2018)
* My Day 4 (Saturday) at RootsTech (3 March 2018)
* Photos From the RootsTech 2018 DearMYRTLE After-Party (4 March 2018)
* RootsTech 2018 Video Compendium (5 March 2018)
* RootsTech 2018 Potpourri - My Baker's Dozen Takeaways (5 March 2018)
2) Jill Ball on the GeniAus blog:
* The Night Before RootsTech (27 February 2018)
* Relatives at RootsTech? (28 February 2018)
* A DNA Kind of Day (1 March 2018)
* Humans of New York (1 March 2018)
* Too Busy to Blog! (3 March 2018)
* Back to Sea Level (7 March 2018)
3) Marian B. Wood on the Climbing My Family Tree blog:
* RootsTech and the Value of a Research Log (28 February 2018)
* RootsTech Day 1: England, Deeds, Maps, DNA, and More (28 February 2018)
* RootsTech Day 2: DNA Again, Photo Clues, Parish Chest, Expo Encore (1 March 2018)
* RootsTech Day 3: Scott Hamilton and More (2 March 2018)
4) Pat Richley-Erickson on the Myrt's Musings blog:
* ARCHIVED: Mondays with Myrt Pre-RootsTech 2018 (27 February 2018)
5) Linda Stufflebean on the Empty Branches on the Family Tree blog:
* Gearing Up for RootsTech 2018 -- Registration Day (28 February 2018)
* RootsTech 2018 -- Opening Day (28 February 2018)
* RootsTech 2018 -- Day 2 (1 March 2018)
* RootsTech 2018 - Day 3 (2 March 2018)
* RootsTech 2018 - Closing Day (3 March 2018)
* RootsTech 2018 - Expo Hall Review- Part 1 (6 March 2018)
* RootsTech 2018 - Expo Hall Review- Part 2 (7 March 2018)
* RootsTech 2018 - 4 Days in Photos (8 March 2018)
* RootsTech 2018 Wrap up (8 March 2018)
6) Leland Meitzler on the GenealogyBlog blog:
* RootsTech is Off and Running… And America’s Pastor Lies in State (28 February 2018)
* My Thoughts on Wednesday, Day 1 of RootsTech 2018 (1 March 2018)
* Thoughts on Thursday, Day 2 at RootsTech (2 March 2018)
* Day Three at RootsTech 2018 (2 March 2018)
* Thoughts on Day Four at RootsTech 2018 (3 March 2018)
* Snow in Salt Lake City! After RootsTech (4 March 2018)
* I’m Motivated to Get My Stories+Pictures Available to My Family & Friends (4 March 2018)
* RootsTech 2018 Videos Are Available at (4 March 2018)
7) Melanie McComb on The Shamrock Genealogist blog:
* RootsTech Recap Day 1 (28 February 2018)
* RootsTech Mid-Day Recap Day 2 (1 March 2018)
* RootsTech Day 3 (3 March 2018)
* RootsTech Day 4 (4 March 2018)
* We Are Connected, We Are Family, We Are Next Gen (10 March 2018)
8) Richard Young on the Family History Tech blog:
* Connect - Belong (28 February 2018)
9) Roberta Estes on the DNA eXplained - Genetic Genealogy blog:
* RootsTech – Ummm, Math is Your Friend (28 February 2018)
* RootsTech Meetup and Super-Cool DNA Finds! (1 March 2018)
* Day 2 RootsTech – Vendors, Visits and MyHeritage is Smokin’ Hot (1 March 2018)
* RootsTech Day 3 – Jewish DNA, Schmoozing and the Flapper Party (4 March 2018)
* RootsTech Day 4 - My Inner Child ... and Genealogist (5 March 2018)
* Dear RootsTech: Let’s Make the 2019 Conference Awesome (7 March 2018)
10) Lisa-Dawn Crawley at LDC: The Zombie Genealogist blog:
* Follow These Canadians at RootsTech (28 February 2018)
* RootsTech 2018 a la YouTube! (1 March 2018, updated)
11) Jenny Hawran on the Like Herding Cats blog:
* My Tuesday at RootsTech (28 February 2018)
* My Wednesday at RootsTech (1 March 2018)
* My Thursday at RootsTech (3 March 2018)
* My Friday at RootsTech (3 March 2018)
12) Tierra Cotton-Kellow on the Pressing My Way blog:
* RootsTech 2018 "Day One" Recap (video) (28 February 2018)
13) Laura on the Branch and Leaf ... A Family History Blog:
* RootsTech 2018: Day 1 (28 February 2018)
* RootsTech 2018: Day 2 (1 March 2018)
* RootsTech 2018: Day 3 (2 March 2018)
* RootsTech Reflections for 2018 (6 March 2018)
14) Thomas MacEntee on the DNA Bargains blog:
* Living DNA Previews Unique New “Family Networks” Offering at RootsTech 2018 (28 February 2018)
15) Judy Muhn on the Lineage Journeys blog:
* Arrived at RootsTech ...Wow! (1 March 2018)
* Speaking at RootsTech 2018 (1 March 2018)
* Wow, what a morning of powerful speaking, music (3 March 2018)
* RootsTech 2018 - A Retro View (8 March 2018)
* You CAN Take It With You: Mobile Technology for Genealogy (8 March 2018)
16) Jenny Joyce on the Jennyalogy blog:
* RootsTech Has Started: Connect. Belong. (1 March 2018)
* The European Union is Going to Affect Genealogy (2 March 2018)
* Two Inspiring Keynotes (2 March 2018)
* The Last of the Keynotes at RootsTech (18 March 2018)
17) Laura Hedgecock on the Treasure Chest of Memories blog:
* Connect. Belong. #RootsTech 2018 (1 March 2018)
* Belonging to Ancestors and Storytelling (7 March 2018)
18) Janice Sellers on the Ancestral Discoveries blog:
* RootsTech 2018: Days 1 and 2 (1 March 2018)
* RootsTech 2018: Days 3 and 4 (5 March 2018)
19) Carole Steers on the Davies of Mold blog:
* RootsTech 2018 -- It's Here (28 February 2018)
* Validation of Self, From Self (1 March 2018)
* RootsTech Over for Another Year (11 March 2018)
20) The Family Locket blog:
* RootsTech Presentation Slides – Source Citations and Getting Organized, by Nicole Dyer (1 March 2018)
* RootsTech: Sources to Research Confederate Soldiers Online, by Nicole Dyer (3 March 2018)
* RootsTech 2018: Connect. Belong. Always, by Diana Elder (22 March 2018)
21) Dick Eastman on Eastman's Online Genealogy Newsletter:
* Legacy Republic Launches in Salt Lake City to Save One Million Memories and Unlock Region’s Genealogy Treasure Chest (28 February 2018)
* Findmypast Acquires Genealogy Startup Twile – Winner of Two RootsTech Innovation Awards (1 March 2018)
* Findmypast Helps North American Researchers Discover British & Irish Ancestors (2 March 2018)
* MyHeritage Launches DNA Quest — a Major Pro Bono Initiative for Adoptees and Their Biological Families to Find Each Other via DNA Testing (2 March 2018)
* Findmypast Brings New York Catholic Records Online for the First Time (2 March 2018)
* MyHeritage Releases Chromosome Browser Upgrade to Facilitate Better Exploration and Interpretation of DNA Matches (2 March 2018)
* MyHeritage Releases New Collections with 325 Million Historical Records (3 March 2018)
* A Report from RootsTech2018, with Pictures (5 March 2018)
22) Jean-Yves on the Geneanet blog:
* Geneanet at RootsTech 2018: Day 2 (2 March 2018)
* Geneanet at RootsTech 2018: Day 3 (2 March 2018)
23) Ellen Thompson-Jennings on the Hound On the Hunt blog:
* The DNA Angel Project February #RootsTech Edition (2 March 2018)
* RootsTech Roundup (7 March 2018)
24) Amie Bowser Tennant on The Genealogy Reporter blog:
* Get Twitterpated with Twitter for Genealogy (2 March 2018)
* Reminiscing on RootsTech 2018 & Preparing for 2019 (27 March 2018)
25) Karen Biesfeld on the vorfahrensucher blog (in German, use English translation):
26) McKell Keeney on the DNA Seek and Find blog:
* RootsTech First Timer (2 March 2018)
27) Jacquie Schattner on the Seeds To Tree blog:
* First Time at RootsTech -- Blissful! (4 March 2018)
28) Scott Fisher on the Extreme Genes blog:
* Fisher Talks RootsTech And Birth Family Discovery For Keynote Speaker Scott Hamilton (4 March 2018)
29) Cheri Hudson Passey on the Carolina Girl Genealogy blog:
* Relative Race-Getting the Scoop at RootsTech! (4 March 2018)
* RootsTech 2018 ~ An Opportunity to Research and Re-Connect (9 March 2018)
* RootsTech 2018 ~ An Opportunity to Learn and Build Skills (16 March 2018)
* RootsTech 2018~An Opportunity to Feel and Be Inspired! (24 March 2018)
* RootsTech 2018 ~ An Opportunity to Research and Re-Connect (9 March 2018)
* RootsTech 2018 ~ An Opportunity to Learn and Build Skills (16 March 2018)
* RootsTech 2018~An Opportunity to Feel and Be Inspired! (24 March 2018)
30 ) Lara Diamond on the Lara's Jewnealogy blog:
* RootsTech 2018! (4 March 2018)
31) Geoff Rasmussen on the Legacy Family Tree Webinars blog:
32) Anne Gillespie Mitchell on the Cluster Genealogy blog:
* RootsTech 2018: Slides and Thoughts (5 March 2018)
33) Amberly Beck on The Genealogy Girl blog:
* My Top Ten RootsTech 2018 Moments (5 March 2018)
34) Nancy Loe on the Sassy Jane Genealogy blog:
* Three Tips for Organizing Genealogy Research Files (2 March 2018)
* Henry Louis Gates, Jr., RootsTech Keynote (5 March 2018)
35) Donna Moughty on Donna's Irish Genealogy Resources blog:
* RootsTech 2018 (5 March 2018)
36) Kathleen Brandt on the a3Genealogy blog:
* RootsTech 2018 (5 March 2018)
37) Hilary Gadsby on The Edge of Snowdonia blog:
* RootsTech Ambassadors Interview Steve Rockwood
38) The Legacy Tree blog:
* RootsTech 2018 Recap, by Amber (6 March 2018)
39) Banai Feldstein on The Ginger Jewish Genealogist blog:
* RootsTech 2018 (6 March 2018)
40) Melissa Finlay on the Boundless Genealogy blog:
* Human Connection at RootsTech 2018 (6 March 2018)
* LDS Highlights at RootsTech 2018, Part 1 (9 March 2018)
* RootsTech 2018 for Children and Families (13 March 2018)
* LDS Highlights at RootsTech 2018 Part 2 (20 March 2018)
41) Janine Adams on the Organize Your Family History blog:
* My RootsTech in Pictures (7 March 2018)
42) Diane Gould Hall on the Michigan Family Trails blog:
* ROOTSTECH IS OVER BUT ~ We had fun… (7 March 2018)
43) True Lrwis on the Notes to Myself blog:
* Black ProGen LIVE! Eo. 53 RootsTech 2018 (8 March 2018)
44) Jennifer Holik on the World War II Writing and Research Center blog:
* Finding the Answers : Basics of WWII Research (8 March 2018)
45) Carol Petranek on the Spartan Roots blog:
* A Greek at RootsTech (8 March 2018)
46) Heather Henderson on the RootsFinder blog:
* RootsTech Recap 2018 (8 March 2018)
47) Becky Jamison on the Grace and Glory blog:
* Selected RootsTech 2018 Memories (9 March 2018)
48) Nicka Smith on the Who Is Nicka Smith blog:
* A Taste of RootsTech 2018 (10 March 2018)
49) Lisa Gorrell on the My Trails into the Past blog:
* Monday Genea-pourri, Week of February 26-March 4, 2018 (5 March 2018)
50) Valerie Elkins on the Family Cherished blog:
* RootsTech. Who is it For Anyway? (12 March 2018)
51) Rob Van Drie on the CBG Centrum voor familiegeschiedenis blog:
* RootsTech 2018 (13 March 2018)
52) Angela Rodesky on the A Rodesky Genealogy blog:
* RootsTech 2018 (13 March 2018)
* Living DNA Lead the Way at RootsTech 2018 (31 March 2018)
53) Diahan Southard on Lisa Louise Cooke's Genealogy Gems blog:
* DNA News and Classes at RootsTech 2018 (14 March 2018)
54) Sam Williams on the Ancestral Anamnesis blog:
* RootsTech 2018 (5 March 2018)
55) Michelle Goodrum on The Turning of Generations blog:
* RootsTech 2018 - Day Zero (28 February 2018)
* World War II Research With Jennifer Holik (2 March 2018)
* RootsTech Session Notes (4 March 2018)
* Thoughts on RootsTech 2018 (19 March 2018)
56) Elizabeth O'Neal on the My Descendant's Ancestors blog:
* An Interview With Team Red of Relative Race Season 3 (24 March 2018)
57) Lillian Mann on the Heirloom Software blog:
* RootsTech-Winners-DNA Tool (27 March 2018)
58) Devon Noel Lee on the Family History Fanatics blog:
* First Time RootsTech Vendor Perspective (Part 1) (28 March 2018)
* Foot Traffic Generating Plans - First Time RootsTech Vendor Perspective (Part 2) (29 March 2018)
* Product Decisions - First Time RootsTech Vendor Perspective (Part 3) (30 March 2018)
* Meeting Our FAN-atics - First Time RootsTech Vendor Perspective (Part 4) (31 March 2018)
* The Expo Experience - First Time RootsTech Vendor Perspective (Part 5) (1 April 2018)
* Will We Have a Booth at RootsTech Again? (2 April 2018)
If you have written a blog post and I have not included it in this compendium, please leave a comment on this post and I will include it as soon as possible.
Many geneabloggers are posting photos and notes on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram. Check your friends' posts.
Originally posted: 28 February 2018
Last updated: 11 a.m. 2 April 2018 PDT
The URL for this post is:
Copyright (c) 2018, Randall J. Seaver
Please comment on this post on the website by clicking the URL above and then the "Comments" link at the bottom of each post. Share it on Twitter, Facebook, Google+ or Pinterest using the icons below. Or contact me by email at