Saturday, January 28, 2017

Saturday Night Genealogy Fun -- Three Degrees of Separation

It's Saturday Night, 
time for more Genealogy Fun!!

For this week's mission (should you decide to accept it), I want you to:

1)  Using your ancestral lines, how far back in time can you go with three degrees of separation?  That means "you knew an ancestor, who knew another ancestor, who knew another ancestor."  When was that third ancestor born?

2)  Tell us in a blog post of your own, in a comment to this blog post, in a status line on Facebook or a stream post on Google Plus.

Here are several of mine:

1)  My Seaver/Richmond line:   

*  Me (born 1943) - I met my paternal grandmother once in 1959.  
*  My paternal grandmother Alma Bessie (Richmond) Seaver (1882-1962, daughter of Thomas Richmond (1848-1917))  knew her grandfather, Henry Arnold White (1824-1885).  
*  Henry Arnold White probably met his great-grandfather, David Kirby (1740-1832) (Henry's father was Jonathan White (1806-1850), whose mother was Sybil Kirby (1764-1848), whose father was David Kirby (1740-1832)).

 2)  My Carringer line:  

*  Me (born 1943) - my maternal great grandfather, Henry Austin Carringer held me when I was a baby.  
*  Henry Austin Carringer (1853-1946), son of David Jackson Carringer (1828-1902) and Rebecca Spangler (1832-1901),  surely met his maternal grandmother, Elizabeth (King) Spangler (1796-1863).  
*  Elizabeth (King) Spangler certainly met her husband's grandmother, Maria Dorothea (Dinkel) Spangler (1748-1835) (Elizabeth's father was John Daniel Spangler (1781-1851), whose parents were Rudolf Spangler (1738-1791) and Maria Dorothea (Dinkel) Spangler (1748-1835).

3)  My Carringer/Smith/Vaux/Underhill line:  

*  Me (born 1943) - my great-grandmother, Della (Smith) Carringer (1862-1944) held me (I don't remember it, of course!).  
*  Della Smith (born in Wisconsin), daughter of Abigail Vaux (1844-1931), granddaughter of Mary Ann (Underhill) Vaux (1815-1883) may have met her great-grandfather, Amos Underhill (1772-1865, died in New York), but I doubt it!   
*  Amos Underhill certainly met his grandparents, John Underhill (1721-1793) and Joanna Healey (1718-1809) (through their son John Underhill (1745-1816)).

4)   My Auble/Kemp/Sovereen line:

*  Me (born 1943) knew my great-grandmother, Georgianna (Krmp) Auble (1868-1952).
*  Georgianna Kemp (1868-1952) knew her great-grandfather, Frederick Sovereen (1785-1875) (Georgianna was the daughter of James and Mary Jane (Sovereen) Kemp (1840-1874), Mary Jane was daughter of Alexander and Sarah (Putman) Sovereen, and Alexander (1814-1907) was the son of Frederrick and Mary Jane (Hutchison) Sovereen).
*  Frederick Sovereen (1786-1875) knew his grandfather Frederick Zavering (1711-1805) (through Frederick's son Jacob Sovereen (1759-1845).

So I can connect, with three degrees of separation, back to a man born in about 1711 - over 300 years!  

It strikes me that four degrees of separation might be really interesting!  Another time!


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Copyright (c) 2017, Randall J. Seaver

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Surname Saturday -- LNU (married John Kenyon, Rhode Island)

It's Surname Saturday, and I'm "counting down" my Ancestral Name List each week.  

I am in the 8th great-grandmothers and I'm up to Ancestor #1521, who is FNU LNU (1657-1732) 
[Note: the earlier great-grandmothers and 8th great-grandfathers have been covered in earlier posts].

My ancestral line back through one generation of this LNU family line is:

1. Randall J. Seaver (1943-????)

2. Frederick Walton Seaver (1911-1983)
3. Betty Virginia Carringer (1919-2002)

4. Frederick Walton Seaver (1876-1942)
5. Alma Bessie Richmond (1882-1962)

10.  Thomas Richmond (1848-1917)
11.  Julia E. White (1848-1913)

22.  Henry Arnold White (1824-1885)
23.  Amy Frances Oatley (1826-1864)

46.  Jonathan Oatley (1790-1872)
47.  Amy Champlin (1798-1865)

94.  Joseph Champlin (1758-1850)
95.  Nancy Kenyon (1765-????)

190.  John Kenyon (1742-1831)
191.  Ann --?-- (1742-1824)

380.  Sylvester Kenyon (1710-1800)
381.  Anna Barber (1717-????)

760.  John Kenyon (1682-1735)
761.  Elizabeth Remington (1686-1747)

1520.  John Kenyon, born about 1647 in England; died before 26 June 1732 in Westerly, Washington, Rhode Island, United States.  He married before 1682:
1521.  FNU LNU, born about 1657 in probably Rhode Island, United States; died before June 1732 in Westerly, Washington, Rhode Island, United States.

Children of John Kenyon and FNU LNU are:
*  John Kenyon (1682-1735), married 1704 Elizabeth Remington (1686-1747)
*  James Kenyon (1685-1774), married (1) 1716 Mary Place (1695-1718); (2) 1719 Sarah Gardiner (1688-????).
*  Enoch Kenyon (1688-1781), married (1) Sarah Eldred (1684-????); (2) 1747 Ann Auckmundy (1710-????)/
*  David Kenyon (1693-1772), married 1722 Mary Sanford (1702-1761).
*  Jonathan Kenyon (1695-1767), married 1721 Sarah Rogers (1697-????).
*  Joseph Kenyon (1697-1766), married 1724 Mercy LNU (1690-1764).
*  Samuel Kenyon (1699-1724).

Some book and online family trees claim that FNU LNU is an Anna Mumford.  The 1935 Kenyon genealogy (American Kenyons by Captain Howard N. Kenyon) claimed that John Kenyon, immigrant ancestor of most Kenyons in the United States, married Anna Mumford. Shortly after Capt. Kenyon published his book, Meredith Colket, refuted Capt. Kenyon's assertion regarding this marriage in an article published in The American Genealogist (Volume 13, pages 53-55, July 1936).

John Kenyon (1647-1732) may have had at least two wives.  Anna (?), the mother of his first children, Ms. Mumford the mother of the rest of his children (because of a land record with brother-in-law Thomas Mumford), and perhaps a third.  That's why I listed the mtoher's name as FNU LNU.


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Copyright (c) 2017, Randall J. Seaver

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Friday, January 27, 2017

RootsTech 2017 Live Streaming Schedule

The RootsTech 2017 live streaming schedule has been published on the RootsTech website - see

Here it is:


9:00 a.m.–10:00 a.m. | Innovator Summit General Session
Speakers: Steve Rockwood, Liz Wiseman

10:15 a.m.–11:15 a.m. | Industry Trends and Outlook
Speakers: Craig Bott and Guest Panel

11:30 a.m.–12:00 p.m. | Innovation—Best Practices and Applications
Speaker: Cydni Tetro


8:30 a.m.-10:00 a.m. | RootsTech General Session
Speakers: Steve Rockwood, Jonathan and Drew Scott

11:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m. | Getting Started in Genealogy
Speaker: Kelli Bergheimer

12:15 p.m.–1:15 p.m. | DNA: The Glue That Holds Families Together
Speaker: Diahan Southard

1:30 p.m.–2:30 p.m. | DNA Matching on MyHeritage
Speaker: Dana Drutman

3:00 p.m.–4:00 p.m. | Jewish Genealogy: Where to Look and What’s Available
Speaker: Lara Diamond

4:30 p.m.–5:30 p.m. | Family History Is Anything but Boring
Speakers: Crystal Farish and Rhonna Farrer


8:30 a.m.–10:00 a.m. | RootsTech General Session
Speakers: Levar Burton, Special Guest Panel

10:30 a.m.–11:30 a.m. | RootsTech Innovator Showdown Finals

12:15 p.m.–1:15 p.m. | Mothers, Daughters, Wives: tracing Female Lines
Speaker: Judy Russell

1:30 p.m.–2:30 p.m. | Censational Census Strategies
Speaker: Mary Kircher Roddy

3:00 p.m.–4:00 p.m. | Big 4: Comparing Ancestry, findmypast, FamilySearch, and MyHeritage
Speaker: Sunny Morton

4:30 p.m.–5:30 p.m. | Cross the Atlantic with Religious Records
Speaker: Jen Baldwin


8:30 a.m.–10:00 a.m. | RootsTech General Session
Speakers: Cece Moore, Buddy Valastro

11:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m. | Journaling Principles That Work
Speaker: Steve Reed

1:30 p.m.–2:30 p.m. | Don’t Just Be a Searcher, Be a Researcher
Speaker: Crista Cowan

3:00 p.m.–4:00 p.m. | Creating Google Alerts for Your Genealogy
Speaker: Katherine R. Wilson

The site says:

"Not able to attend in person? Several sessions at RootsTech 2017, including the general keynote sessions, will be streamed live on the home page of After the conference, recordings of these sessions will be posted on the website for a limited time."


Copyright (c) 2017, Randall J. Seaver

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This Week's We're Related Relationships - 27 January 2017

I received 9 new cousin relationships on the We're Related mobile app this week, which is based on Ancestry Member Trees.  The new relationships, and my initial evaluation of them, are:

1)  Jimi Hendrix -- Musician, 7th cousin 2x removed, common ancestor is William Terrell (1659-1743).

My line to William Terrell goes back to his purported son, John Terrell (1680-1748), who was born and died in Somerset, England.  The William Terrell (1659-1743) was an immigrant from England to Virginia, and he apparently did not have a son John born in 1680.  So the app added one more generation to my confirmed line.  I did not search on Jimi's line.  My judgment is that this relationship is Highly Unlikely.

2)  Karen Smith -- Facebook friend, 8th cousin, common ancestor is John Pray (1653-1733).

My line to John Pray goes back through Richard Pray (1683-1755) of Rhode Island.  Karen's line goes back through Sarah Pray (1681-1728), who married John Brown in Rhode Island.  My judgment is that this relationship is Likely.

3)  David Hankinson -- Facebook friend, 8th cousin 1x removed, common ancestor is Franz Janszen Bloetgoet (1630-1676).

My line goes through son Jan Bloetgoet (1672-1716), while David's line goes back through Isabel Bloetgoet (1662-1716), a sister of my Jan Bloetgoet.  My judgment is that this relationship is Likely.

4)  William Wallace Tabbot -- Facebook friend, 8th cousin 1x removed, common ancestor is John Wilson (1673-1735).

My line back to John Wilson is through Joanna Wilson (1701-1786) who married Hezekiah Sawtell in Massachusetts.  William's line goes through Susanna Wilson (1679-1749) who married a Richardson.  Unfortunately, the father John Wilson would have been 6 years old when Susanna was born, so this is an error on someone's part (the app?).  The father of John Wilson (1673-1735), John Wilson (1652-1735),  had my John Wilson (1673-1717) and a daughter Susanna Wilson (1679-1749) who married Stephen Richardson.  So the relationship is probably 9th cousin 1x removed.  My judgment is that the latter relationship is Likely.

5)  Blake Shelton -- Musician, 9th cousin, common ancestor is William Terrell (1659-1743).

My line is as stated in Jimi Hendrix.  Blake's line goes through a William Terrell (1685-1755).  When I put the younger William Terrell into the Ancestry Member Tree search, the elder William Terrell and his wife Susannah Waters are the parents, residing in Virginia.  My judgment is that this relationship is Highly Unlikely.

6)  Demi Lovato -- Musician, 7th cousin 3x removed, common ancestor is Anna Maria Newin (1687-1727).

My line back to Anna Maria Newin is through a son, Henry Carringer (????-????) who is the father of Martin Carringer (1758-1835) of Pennsylvania.  I have no records that show Henry Carringer is the father of Martin Carringer.  So the app has added two generations on my line.  Demi's line goes back to Anna Newin through Johann Jacob Keisel (1708-1778).  According to a number of Ancestry Member Trees, Anna Maria Newin married a Johan George Kiesel (1679-1762) before 1706 and had six children in Rhineland-Pfalz in present-day Germany.  I really doubt that Anna (Newin) Kiesel had a son Henry Carringer - out of wedlock?  Myu judgment is that this relationship is Highly Unlikely.

7)  David Taylor -- Facebook friend, 7th cousin 2x removed, common ancestor is Richard Cutter (1682-1756).

My line back to Richard Cutter is through his son William Cutter (1722-1780) by his second wife, Mercy Kelsey.  David's line is through Sarah Cutter (1707-1758), the daughter of Richard Cutter and his first wife, Mary Pike.  Sarah married Samuel Jacques.  My judgment is that this relationship is Likely.

8)  Shelley Murphy -- Facebook friend, 8th cousin 1x removed, common ancestor is Mary Tucker (1640-1710).

My line back to Mary Tucker is through daughter Deborah Church (1676-1772) who married Samuel Gray.  Shelley's line goes back through Abigail Church (1680-1720) who married William Simmons.  My judgment is that this relationship is Likely.

9)  Lisa-Dawn Crawley -- Facebook friend, 8th cousin 2x removed, common ancestor is Hannah Mott (1663-1730).

My line back to Hannah Mott, who married Abraham Tucker, is through her daughter, Content Tucker (1695-1738) who was born in Dartmouth, Mass.  Lisa-Dawn's line goes through Hannah's son, Nicholas Tucker (1700-1768).  I don't have Nicholas Tucker as a child of Abraham and Hannah (Mott) Tucker.  A look at Ancestry Member Trees shows that some trees have Abraham Tucker as a father, and others have Nicholas Tucker as a father.  The birth of the son Nicholas Tucker is shown in Bucks County, Pennsylvania at the time that Hannah Mott, wife of Abraham Tucker, was having children in Dartmouth, Mass.  There were probably two different Hannah Motts married to Tuckers at this time.  My judgment is that this relationship is Highly Unlikely. 

My count is up to 137 famous or Facebook cousins provided by the app.  This week, my judgment is that only five of the nine cousin relationships are Likely or better.

I will say it again:  My biggest problem with this We're Related app is that it thinks it knows my ancestral lines better than I do, and adds one to five generations to some of my end-of-line ancestors.  The second biggest problem is that many of the lines of the famous or Facebook persons have colonial lines that jump from one region to another, as with the Jimi Hendrix line.

They may be right -- I don't know for sure -- and I can't really find out because they provide no source material to back up their assertions.  If there was authoritative information for my end-of-line ancestors, I would add it.  None of the "Unlikely" or "Wrong" relationships have been convincing to me yet.


Copyright (c) 2017, Randall J. Seaver

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New Records to Search This Findmypast Friday, 27 January 2017

I received this information from Findmypast today:


Over 3 million Victoria Petty Sessions Records Available To Search This Findmypast Friday

Over 4.5 million new records and newspaper articles are available to search this Findmypast Friday Including;

Over 3 million Victoria Petty Sessions records have just been releases in association with Public Records Office Victoria to coincide with Australia Day 2017. This fascinating collection includes both transcripts and scanned colour images of original court registers that will allow you to discover whether any of your Australian ancestors had a brush with the law.

Covering both civil and minor criminal cases, the Court of Petty Sessions’ brief was wide, making these records a powerful resource for those with Australian ancestors. Your ancestors may appear as a witness, defendant, complainant or even as a Justice of the Peace. Cases ranged from merchants who had not paid duty on their goods, to workers suing for unpaid wages. Debts were collected and disputes settled. Public drunkenness was a common offence, as was assault and general rowdiness.

These cases, brought before a magistrate, would usually not involve a jury and complaints regarding money were originally limited to sums not exceeding £20. Today, the Magistrates’ Court addresses issues that would have been brought before the Court of Petty Sessions.

Dating back to colonial days, the Court first convened in 1838 in Melbourne. Over time, additional courts were established throughout Victoria and by 1880 there were 235 Petty Sessions in operation across the state.

The registers available in this collection cover the years between 1854 and 1985. Transcripts will list the event date, your ancestor’s role (whether plaintiff, defendant, etc.), cause or reason for the case, the court it was held at, the date and brief description. Images may provide additional details such as how they brought before the court (arrest on view, warrant, or summons), notes on any fees, the court’s decision, a memo of conviction, or order and any additional remarks.

Search over 107,000 records kept by the Collector of Customs (Brisbane) to discover the names of the passengers and crew of 485 inward voyages between 1852 to 1885. These transcripts list information from taken from original documents held by the National Archives of Australia and will allow you to discover your ancestor’s age, nationality, occupation, date & port of arrival, date & port of departure and the name of the ship they sailed on.

Over 14,600 new articles from 46 assorted titles have been added to the Periodical Source Index this month. The new additions have been made to a variety of English, Scottish and American publications that will allow you to access articles, photos, and other material you might not find using traditional search methods.

This month’s enormous Irish Newspaper update contains over 1.2 million articles. Seven brand new titles have also been added including the Leinster Leader, Donegal Independent, Kildare Observer & Eastern Counties Advertiser, Wicklow News-Letter & County Advertiser, Longford Journal Wicklow People and the Ballyshannon Herald.


Disclosure:  I am a Findmypast Ambassador, and receive a complimentary Findmypast subscription.

Copyright (c) 2017, Randall J. Seaver

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52 Ancestors - Week 161: #226 Matthias Trimmer (1722-1793) of New Jersey

Here is my 52 Ancestors biography for week #161:

Matthias Trimmer (1722-1793) is #226 on my Ahnentafel List, my 5th great-grandfather, who married #227 Anna Martha Nachbar (1724-????) in about 1742, probably in Hunterdon County, New Jersey.

I am descended through:

*  their daughter, 
#113 Sophia Trimmer (1755-1811) who married #112 Johannes Able (1758-1818),  in 1777.
*  their son, #56 John Able (1780-1831), who married #57 Mary Row (1787-1863) in 1804.
*  their son, #28 David Auble (1817-1894), who married #29 Sarah Knapp (1818-????) in 1844.
*  their son, #14 Charles Able (1849-1916), who married #15 Georgianna Kemp (1858-1952) in 1898.
*  their daughter #7 Emily Kemp Auble (1899-1977) who married #6 Lyle Lawrence Carringer (1891-1976) in 1918.
* their daughter #3 Betty Virginia Carringer (1919-2002), who married #2 Frederick Walton Seaver (1911-1983), in 1942.
*  their son #1 Randall J. Seaver (1943-....)


1)  PERSON (with source citations as indicated in brackets):

*  Name:                              Matthias Trimmer[1-4]    
*  Sex:                                 Male   

*  Father:                            Johannes Trimmer (1700-1749)   
*  Mother:                          Mary  (1700-1738)   
2)  INDIVIDUAL EVENTS  (with source citations as indicated in brackets):
*  Birth:                             1722, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany[1,4]   
*  Probate:                         1 October 1791 (about age 69), will written; Roxbury, Morris, New Jersey, United States[2–3]   
*  Death:                            before 18 March 1793 (before about age 71),  Readington, Hunterdon, New Jersey, United States[1-4]   
*  Burial:                          before 18 March 1793 (before about age 71), Marcella Union Cemetery, Marcella, Morris, New Jersey, United States[4]   
*  Probate:                       18 March 1793 (about age 71), will proved; Morris, New Jersey, United States[2-3]   
3)  SHARED EVENTS  (with source citations as indicated in brackets):
*  Spouse 1:                     Anna Martha Nachbar (1724-    )   
*  Marriage 1:                  1742 (about age 20), New Jersey, United States[1]   

*  Child 1:                       Mary Anna Trimmer (1743-1826)   
*  Child 2:                       John Trimmer (1745-    )   
*  Child 3:                       Matthias Trimmer (1746-    )   
*  Child 4:                       Elizabeth Trimmer (1750-1826)   
*  Child 5:                       Leonard Erhart Trimmer (1752-1777)   
*  Child 6:                       Sophia Trimmer (1755-1811)   
*  Child 7:                       Jacob Trimmer (1757-    )   
*  Child 8:                       David Morris Trimmer (1759-1824)   
3)  NOTES  (with source citations as indicated in brackets):   

The book Early Germans of New Jersey by Chambers provides most of the data available for this family[1].  

Matthias Trimmer was born about 1722, probably in the Rheinland-Pfalz region of present-day Germany, the son of Johannes and Mary (--?--) Trimmer.  The family came to Philadelphia aboard the ship "Davy" in 1738, and settled near Amwell in Hunterdon County, New Jersey[1]

He was naturalized along with his father on 8 December 1744[1].

Matthias Trimmer married Anna Martha Nachbar in about 1742, the daughter of Leonard Nachbar.  They had eight children born between 1743 and 1759, all in Hunterdon County[1].  

Matthias was called the eldest son of Johannes Trimmer in a deed which disposed of his father's property amongst his children[1].  The book of deeds in Flemington, New Jersey, said:

"Whereas John Trimmer stood possessed at the time of his decease of a tract of land in Amwell of 300 acres, bounded on the south by land of Jacob Hand, westerly by land formerly William Bings, now Paul Couls, northerly by land of John Jarell's and part of Neshaning (Neshanic) Brook, Adam Bellowsfelt's and Jacob Stout's land, and easterly by William Bellowsfelt; and did agree to will to his eldest son, the said Matthias Trimmer, of Long Valley near Fox Hill, party to these presents, 105 acres, part of the above mentioned tract, for 425 pounds, on 4 November 1748;  and the said John Trimmer died before any conveyance was made out and no provision was made in his will to give a title to the said lands; as the money had been paid by said Matthias Trimmer, the sons and legatees of John Trimmer, Tunis, Andrew, George, Harman, William, John, Nicholas and Henry, sign a release of said land unto their eldest brother, the eldest son of John, viz. Matthias, 31 May 1750."  

On 4 April 1751, Matthias sold this land to Philip Kels (Hunterdon County Freeholders)[1].

Matthias "Tys" Trimmer removed to Long Valley or German Valley in Hunterdon County, New Jersey before 1748[1].

Matthias Drimmer was a member of Zion Lutheran Church, signing Rev. Weygand's call in 1749[1].

He bought the farm next to Leonard Nachbar, the last one of Logan's Tract, paying 160 pounds for 338.5 acres, which he possessed on 30 May 1750[1].

His will dated 1791, probated 10 March 1793, names his children.   The New Jersey, Abstracts of Wills, Volume XIII, Page 363, says:

"1791, Oct. 1.  Trimmer, Matthias, Sr. of Roxbury Twsp., Morris Co., will of.  Son, Matthias, L30, and his maintenance during life from lands bequeathed to son, John. Son, John, 220 acres he now has in his possession by deed of William Logan, and 30 acres by deed of Daniel Alison; also L12.  son, Jacob, 265 acres held by deed from Phillip Eyke.  son, David, remainder of old place, 110 acres; also 70 acres on Foxhill held by deed from Isaac Smith, Daughter, Mary Tufford (wife of Stephen Tufford), L125.  Daughter Sofie Abel (wife of John Auble), L125.  Grandchildren (children of daughter Elizabeth Snook, dec'd), L125 divided between them as each comes of age.  The above bequests, of L375, to be paid by 3 sons, John, Jacob and David. 2 grandchildren (children of son, Leonart, dec'd), Plantation of 150 acres on Foxhill held by deed from Thomas Bowls, to be sold and proceeds divided between them.  Movable estate to be divided between all my heirs.  Executors - son, John, and son-in-law, Stephen Tufford.  Witnesses - Jacob Karn, John Neighbour, David Welsh. Proved Mar. 18, 1793.      Lib. 33, p. 326
1793, Feb. 27.  Inventory, L173.13.4; made by Leonard Neighbour and David Welsh. File 831N."

Matthias Trimmer was buried in Marcella Union Cemetery in Marcella, Morris County, New Jersey[4].

1. Theodore Frelinghuysen Chambers, The Early Germans of New Jersey: their history, churches, and genealogies (Baltimore, Md.: Genealogical Publishing Company, 1982), pages 533-539, Trimmer family sketch.

2. Elmer T. Hutchinson, editor, Documents Relating to the Colonial History of the State of New Jersey:: First Series -- Volume XXXVII: Calendar of New Jersey Wills, Administrations, etc., Volume VIII -- 1791-1795 (Jersey City, N.J.: Scott Printing Company, 194), page 363, will of Matthias Trimmer, Sr., 1791; digital image, ( : accessed 30 April 2015.

3. New Jersey, Surrogates Court, Record of Wills, 1740-1900, 1n-8426n, Morris County Wills 772n-885n, File 831n (images 435-442 of 868), Matthias Trimmer, 1793; "New Jersey, Wills and Probate Records, 1656-1999," digital images, ( accessed 7 September 2015); citing original data from New Jersey County, District and Probate Courts.

4. Jim Tipton, indexed database, Find A Grave (, Marcella Union Cemetery, Marcella, N.J., Matthias Trimmer memorial #130996866.

NOTE:  Amy Johnson Crow suggested a weekly blog theme of "52 Ancestors" in her blog post Challenge:  52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks on the No Story Too Small blog.  I have extended this theme in 2017 to 208 Ancestors in 208 Weeks.


Copyright (c) 2017, Randall J. Seaver

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