A neat "Conversatons in Social Media" infographic appeared on the Infographicality website back in March 2013:
[Hat tip to the In-Depth Genealogist post "Social Media and Genealogy: It's Not Just About Chats With Friends Anymore" by Shannon Combs Bennett]
There are about 200 different social media outlets listed.
When I saw this, my reaction was "Wow, I'm way behind the times!" I wondered how many of these social media outlets I use. Here's my list:
* Social bookmarks - I use none of those listed.
* Question and Answer sites - none of those listed. Where's WolframAlpha?
* Live Casting and LifeStreams - I use none of those listed. Where's Google+ Hangouts?
* Social Shopping/Social Commerce - I use none of those listed.
* Crowdsourced content - I use none of those listed. I have done FamilySearch Indexing, does that count?
* Collaboration - I use Google News and Google. I looked at Mindmeister once and was confused.
* Blog Platforms - I haven't used the ones shown. Where's Blogger? That's what I use!
* Blog Search - I use none of those listed.
* Blog Communities - I use none of those listed. I use Geneabloggers, Facebook Groups and Google+ Communities for genealogy.
* Micromedia - I use Twitter! Finally something I can relate to!
* Twitter Ecosystem - I have used Tweetdeck a few times.
* Location Based Services - I use none of those listed. Where's Google Maps? I've used that!
* Social Networks - I use none of those listed, except for Facebook.
* Forums - I use none of those listed. I use Rootsweb message boards and mailing lists for genealogy.
* SMS/Voice, Instant Messaging - none of those listed. I do send a few messages on my iPhone, and used Microsoft Windows Live messaging for awhile for genealogy.
* Interest and Curated Networks - none of those listed except for LinkedIn, which I don't use much. I used Google Reader, and now Feedly for genealogy blog reading, which is an interest network of mine.
* Reputation - I use none of those listed.
* Location - I use none of those listed except for Google Maps.
* Video - I watch YouTube often, LegacyFamilyTree webinars often, FamilySearch Research Courses often, and Vimeo occasionally, but don't create video content.
* Documents/Content - I have used Scribd, SlideShare and Issuu occasionally.
* Gaming - I don't do this.
* Music - I use iTunes occasionally, and used Last.fm in the past.
* Wikis - none of those listed except for Wikipedia. I use WikiTree, WeRelate and FamilySearch Family Tree for genealogy family trees, and the FamilySearch Research Wiki and Ancestry.com Family History Wiki for genealogy knowledge.
* Pictures - I use Flickr occasionally, and used Picasa in the past, and 1000Memories before it was crushed by Ancestry.com.
* Reviews/Ratings - none of those listed.
The list doesn't even include Email! I think it should - it's computer related and social in nature.
Are genealogical societies, teaching classes and making genealogy presentations social media? I think they are, perhaps in the Networks category.
So, out of the 25 categories above, I use about 10 on a routine basis for genealogy purposes, and have used another 8 occasionally or in the past. Out of the approximately 200 social media outlets listed, I use maybe 20 of them.
The top 10 social media outlets I use on a regular basis for genealogy are (with approximate estimated time shares):
1. Blogger - for blog writing on a daily basis (about 120 minutes per day)
2. Feedly - for blog reading on a daily basis (about 60 minutes per day)
3. Facebook - for blog promotion and family interaction on a daily basis (about 20 minutes per day)
4. Google+ - for daily blog promotion and occasional Hangouts (average 20 minutes per day)
5. Video - for regular but not daily genealogy
6. Google - for daily research and education (15 minutes per day)
7. Twitter - for daily blog promotion (about 5 minutes per day)
8. Forums - for occasional research and education (about 5 minutes a day)
9. Wikis - for occasional research and education (about 5 minutes a day)
10. Google Maps - for occasional information and education (about 5 minutes per day)
Email adds at least another 30 minutes every day. Genealogical society meetings, teaching classes and making presentations average out at least 20 minutes a day over a month's time.
That adds up to 325 minutes per day using social media! Over 5 hours! No wonder I'm not getting any research done...
My question now is "What should I give up for more research time?" The obvious answer is blog writing and blog reading, or try to cut back on it.
The next question for me is "Do I want to cut back?" Right now, the answer is NO, because I'm having a great time doing everything I do.
I do almost all of that on my desktop computer, and on the laptop computer when I'm away from home. I do very little on my iPhone or tablet other than check email, Feedly and Facebook when I'm away from home.
What about you? How many hours a day do you spend on social media?
The URL for this post is: http://www.geneamusings.com/2013/10/are-you-using-social-media-for-genealogy.html
Copyright (c) 2013, Randall J. Seaver
I am very much in the minority here. I have never sent a Twitter message, don't have any Apple products, so I have no use for Itunes, I don't have a Facebook account, though I have looked at my childrens Facebook areas.I am very much not into social media. I am going to have to read up on it and maybe I will get into the 21st century
I use social media, but not all of it. Just what suits me and my needs. All up I spend too long...truly I don't want to tell you the total number of hours...you would wonder if I sleep...clearly not...so I'm off to catch some zzzzz's
I luv genealogy and if this is what I have to do to connect then there is no argument I will do it. Cheers!
I've just spent an hour this morning reading the news, checking my emails & responding, checking Facebook notifications and posts and responding and looking at my blog page. All of it done on my iPad, since I'm out of town. I do all my research on my desktop at home. I also generally use the desktop to write my blog posts.
I know I spend too much time on Facebook and need to cut back a bit. And, now that I'm blogging regularly, more time is spent there. All in all leaving less research time.
I enjoyed this post Randy.
Please visit my blog at www.michiganfamilytrails.com
See you soon,
Diane aka Michigan Girl
Until about a year ago, I spent about an hour or two a day on social media. I then cut way back to less than a couple of hours a week so that I could focus more on developing my genealogy business.
After some recent soul searching I discovered that I have missed the level of interaction I had before. There is much to be gained from talking with and learning from others also interested in genealogy. Another big revelation to me is that I like to know what is going on in the greater gen world and that it directly benefits my research goals.
Great article, Randy!
Do you have a list of the social media that is on the graphic above? I find that it's too small to read, and when I made it larger, it was too blurry to read them. I would love to check some of these out!! Thank you!!
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