The transcription of this petition for certificate of title is (with handwritten portions in italics, and form blank spaces underlined):
[image 1671 of 1741]
Petition for Certificate of Title – R.S. Sec. 2276
State of Wisconsin, Dane County---ss.
In the matter of the Descent of the
Realty of }
Anna T. Leland
Deceased }
To A.G. Zimmerman, County Judge of Dane
County, aforesaid:
The petition of T.S. Leland &
Frank Leland of the Town
of Deerfield in the
county of Dane and state of
respectfully represents and shows to said Judge that
Anna T. Leland late,
and up to the time of her death, as hereinafter
stated, a resident of the
Town of Deerfield county of Dane
and state of Wisconsin ,
died on the 26th
day of October A.D. 19 11
That at the time of her death
the said Anna T. Leland owned and was
seized in fee simple of certain real
estate situated in the county of Dane, and state of Wisconsin, des-
cribed as follows, to-wit:
at a point thirty five (35) rods north
and one and one half (1-½ ) rods
west from the south east corner
of the South West Quarter (¼) of
the North East Quarter (¼) of Section
No. Twenty five (25) of Township
No. Seven (7), north of Range No. Twelve
(12)_ East thence west eight (8)
rods, thence south Ten (10) rods, thence
east Eight (8) rods, thence north
Ten (10) rods to the place
of beginning containing in all
one half (½) acre of land.
That the fair market value of said
real estate is the sum of $ 1800.00
That your petitioners are
interested in such real estate as follows: the said T.S.
Leland as
the husband of said deceased and
by virtue thereof tenant by the curtesy
and the said Frank Leland as son
of said deceased and
her heir at law by virtue
That the names and residence of
the heirs at law of said Anna T. Leland
who is now deceased, are as follows:
T.S. Leland, husband. Frank Leland,
Arthur Leland, sons, Mabel Leland
and Ruth Leland,
daughters all residing in Town of
Deerfield Dane Co. Wis.
Edwin Leland, son of Peck, Idaho.
Severt Leland, son,
of Spokane, Wash. & Theodore
Leland, son, of
Gardener, Montana.
That the interest of said heirs in
the above described premises was and is an undivided one
seventh (1/7) thereof to each of
said Frank Leland, Arthur
Leland, Mabel Leland, Ruth
Leland, Edwin Leland, Severt Leland,
and Theodore Leland, said
children and heirs-at-law
of said deceased subject to the
life estate therein of
T.S. Leland husband of said
deceased as tenant thereof
by the curtesy.
[image 1672 of 1741]
WHEREFORE your petitioner prays your
honor to issue under your hand and the seal of the County
Court of the county of Dane, aforesaid,
a certificate setting forth the names of the heirs at law of said
Anna T. Leland
deceased, and the interest of each of said heirs
in said premises as above described,
and what the said deceased owned and was seized at the time of
his death, together with a full and
complete description thereof, and as in duty bound your petitioner
will ever pray.
Dated this 27th
day of November A.D. 19 11.
T.S. Leland Petitioner
Frank Leland
T.S. Leland & Frank Leland
the above named petitioner, being ^each duly sworn, on oath
that he heard read
the foregoing petition, and knows the contents thereof and that the
same is
true to his own
knowledge, except as to those matters as therein stated on
information and belief,
and as to those matters he
believes it to be true.
Subscribed and sworn to before me, this
27th day }
T.S. Leland
of November , 19
11 } Frank Leland
of the Peace, Dane County, Wisconsin
The source citation for this record is:
Dane County, Wisconsin, Dane County Probate Records, Dane > Box 372, Knox-W - Box 374, A-Mathison," images 1671-1672 of 1741, Estate of Elling Erickson Natvig, images 1091-1093, will of Elling Erickson Natvig, 1895; in "Wisconsin, Wills and Probates, 1800-1987," digital images, ( accessed 10 September 2015).
In this petition for certificate of title for land owned by Anna T. Leland, her husband and son provide her death date, the location of her land, and the names and current residence of the living children. Anna (Natvig) Leland was married to Torger Sjursen Leland (1850-1933) and they resided, at least until Anna died, on the land of Torger's father, Sjur Torgersen Leland (1804-1889). Anna and Torger Leland had 10 children, but only seven of them were alive in 1911.
My best guess is that this half acre may have been land that Anna was bequeathed by her father, or was bought with money inherited from her father, Elling Eriksen Natvig (1820-1896). In Elling Natvig's estates (see Amanuensis Monday - 1895 Will of Elling Erickson Natvig (1820-1896) of Cottage Grove, Wisconsin). She received $300 from the remainder of his estate.
This one-half acre of land in Section 25 of Township 7, Range 12 East was just south of the town of London in Deerfield township. The plat map for 1899, 1904 and 1911 for this Section indicates that most of the southeast quarter of Section 25 was owned by Angus McVicar.
Anna (Natvig) Leland is the great-grandmother of my wife, Linda (Leland) Seaver through her son Severt Oliver Leland (1878-1940).
I need to find land records in Dane County, Wisconsin for these Leland ancestors of my wife.
NOTE: Genea-blogger John Newmark (who writes the excellent TransylvanianDutch blog) started a Monday blog theme years ago called "Amanuensis Monday." John offers this definition for "amanuensis:"
"A person employed to write what another dictates or to copy what has been written by another."
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