Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Tuesday's Tip - Find Books and Manuscripts on FamilySearch Books

This week's Tuesday's Tip is to:  Find digitized books and manuscripts on the FamilySearch Books webpage.

The FamilySearch Books web page is one of the major links on the FamilySearch Search web page (shown below):

The "Books" link is in the link line below the FamilySearch logo on the screen above.

Clicking on the "Books" litab takes you to the "Family History Books" page at  https://books.familysearch.org/:

The text below the search box says:

Family History Books is a collection of more than 100,000 digitized genealogy and family history 
publications from the archives of some of the most important family history libraries in the world. 
The collection includes family histories, county and local histories, genealogy magazines and how-to 
books, gazetteers, and medieval histories and pedigrees. The valuable resources included in Family 
History Books come from the following partner institutions:
On the screen above, I entered some search terms - marshman wiltshire devizes - into the search field.  After clicking on the blue "Search" button, I saw results:

The 5 results on the screen above look promising.  I clicked on the title of one of them, the book downloaded to the screen, and I saw the front page of this work:

In the lower right-hand corner, is the family PDF toolbox with icons for full screen height, full screen width, zoom out, zoom in, save file, and print.

I could find no way to actually search this document.  I tried Ctrl-F and putting a name in the search field but received no matches.  So I tried scanning all of the pages, and that was difficult, boring and time consuming.

I saved the file to my computer hard drive, and then opened that file and searched it for "marshman" and found 8 matches.  That worked!

I was curious what the "i" in a circle icon was at the top right of the screen above, so I clicked it and saw:

There's the information about this document!

On other matches, I occasionally get this screen when I click to see them:

This screen indicates that someone else is currently using this item, and to check back later to access it.

To view some of these book items, you need to be a registered FamilySearch user.

There are over 100,000 items in this collection now, and the Family History Library Catalog has links to these Book items when they are in the catalog.

The URL for this post is:  http://www.geneamusings.com/2014/04/tuesdays-tip-find-books-and-manuscripts.html

Copyright (c) 2014, Randall J. Seaver


Monte LeBlanc said...

From Family Search Books, I clicked on the "Print" option in Chrome, but instead of printing, I used the option to print as a PDF. I can search the saved PDF

KevinW said...

When I click on some book links I am asked for a login name and a password?

Unknown said...

I logged in with my password and got to the books. I picked one and despite trying many times over two days, I have not been able to see a word of it. Either someone is reading it (which I doubt as it is an obscure type of book and in French at that)or the system goes on for ever and nothing happens. Do you recommend anything? Thanks for your always interesting posts.

MHD said...

Have you ever been able to read one of the books for which you got a "check back later" notice? I haven't yet...tried one book last weekend every 1/2 hour all day long and only got the "check back" notice then and since....