Saturday, May 23, 2009

Saturday Night Genealogy Fun -- Create a Bumper Sticker

It's Saturday Night - time for more Genealogy Fun! Let's play... bumper stickers!

I posted "An Obsession of Genealogists" + GENLOGY earlier this week about John D. Reid's post about a collective adjective for genealogists (e.g., "an obsession of genealogists") and Mark Tucker's posts about genealogy license plates (e.g., "GENLOGY").

For this Saturday Night Genealogy Fun, please:

1) Make up a/some Bumper Sticker(s) that describes your genealogy addicti.., er, passion in 12 words or less. You could recite some of your favorite tag lines like those found here or here. Or you could be very creative and make up your own!

2) Post them to your blog or to comments on this post.

3) Extra credit if you make them look like a real bumper sticker!

Here are some of mine (trying hard to be creative!):

* Growing Family Trees is Fun!

* Preserving Family History one Grandchild at a Time.

* Find any Nuts in your Family Tree?

* Barack Obama is my Cousin. Really!

* Rocks!

* Genealogists Love Roots Magic

* I'll Show You My Ahnentafel if You'll Show Me Yours!

* Y-DNA = R, mtDNA = K. I'm human.

OK - I've shown you mine, now please show me yours!


Anonymous said...

My Family History IS American History

Jean Hibben said...

I loved National Treasure 2 and the Nicholas Cage (as Ben Gates) statement:
"Everything I am is because of my ancestors"

I know it isn't original, but it encapsulates my sentiments and why my dba is Circlemending.

footnoteMaven said...


My extra credit is posted at footnoteMaven.

Slap This On My BumperThanks Randy, I really enjoyed this one!


Caroline said...

I, too, opted for the extra credit, and it's posted on my blog


Greta Koehl said...

My submission (a little off-subject, as usual) is at

Tina Sansone said...

My genealogy banner attempt is here:

Tina Sansone

Unknown said...

Here's mine. Very fun this week

Mel said...

For better or worse, here are my bumper stickers:

Chris Staats said...

Hi Randy,

I joined in the fun this week, and even went for bonus points :)

Can't wait to see the other bumper stickers.

Colleen said...

Extra! Extra! Read All About It! I made up for many missed SNF activities with this one! It's posted at

Thanks Randy for this one!

John said...

My bumper stickers are here:

Anonymous said...

"I published, so now the brick walls are coming down."

Happy Dae·

Bill West said...

Mine are at

Thanks for the fun!

Mark Tucker said...

Randy, you trumped my Tuesday post so here is my list now:

Thanks for the fun.


JamaGenie said...

Was having too much Saturday night fun of a different sort, so I'm a little late getting this here.

Cousin Russ said...

My Hobby is Genealogy - I Collect Ancestors

Jane said...

Hope I'm not too late! These are not nearly as clever as most of the others I've read, and I did not go for the extra credit.

Some of my Ancestors were Batts.

I have Partridges in my Family Tree!