Wednesday, November 23, 2011

My Mayflower Connections - 3. Richard Warren

Several geneabloggers are listing their Mayflower passenger connections as a Thanksgiving meme, so I'll join in. I'm going to do a post for each known Mayflower ancestor, rather than list them all at once.

Next up is Richard Warren, from whom I have two ancestral lines:

Line 1:

1.  Richard Warren* (1578-1628) married 1610 to Elizabeth Walker (1580-1673)
2.  Elizabeth Warren (1616-1670) married 1635 to Richard Church (1608-1668)
3.  Joseph Church (1638-1711) married 1660 to Mary Tucker (1640-1710)
4.  Deborah Church (1677-1772) married 1699 to Samuel Gray (1681-1712)
5.  Lydia Gray (1707-????) married 1731 to Joseph Ladd (1701-1748)
6.  Elizabeth Ladd (1735-1814) married 1755 to Benedict Oatley (1732-1821)
7.  Joseph Oatley (1756-1815) married 1781 to Mary Hazard (1765-1857)
8.  Jonathan Oatley (1790-1872) married 1813 to Amy Champlin (1798-1865)
9. Amy Frances Oatley (1826-1870) married 1844 to Henry Arnold White (1824-1885)
10. Julia White (1848-1913) married 1868 to Thomas Richmond (1847-1917)
11. Alma Bessie Richmond (1882-1962) married 1900 to Frederick Walton Seaver (1876-1942)
12. Frederick Walton Seaver (1911-1983) married 1942 to Betty Virginia Carringer (1919-2002)
13. Randall J. Seaver

Line 2:

1. Richard Warren* (1578-1628) married 1610 to Elizabeth Walker (1580-1673)
2.  Sarah Warren (1614-1696) married 1634 to John Cooke (1607-1695)
3.  Sarah Cooke (1635-1713) married 1652 to Arthur Hathaway (1630-1711)
4.  Hannah Hathaway (1662-1749) married before 1685 to George Cadman (1660-1718)
5.  Elizabeth Cadman (1685-1768) married about 1707 to William White (1683-1780)
6. William White (1708-1780) married 1729 to Abigail Thurston (1700-????)
7. Jonathan White (1732-1804) married 1756 to Abigail Wing (1734-1806)
8. Humphrey White (1758-1814) married 1788 to Sybil Kirby (1764-1848)
9. Jonathan White (1806-1850) married about 1823 to Miranda Wade (1804-1850)
10. Henry Arnold White (1824-1885) married 1844 to Amy Frances Oatley (1826-1870)
11. Julia White (1848-1913) married 1868 to Thomas Richmond (1847-1917)
12. Alma Bessie Richmond (1882-1962) married 1900 to Frederick Walton Seaver (1876-1942)
13. Frederick Walton Seaver (1911-1983) married 1942 to Betty Virginia Carringer (1919-2002)
14. Randall J. Seaver

* Richard Warren was on the Mayflower sailing from Plymouth, England to Massachusetts Bay in late 1620.

Are there any readers who are my cousins through a Richard Warren line? Please let me know what our most recent common ancestors are in our Warren lines.

You can see all Mayflower lines posted so far by genea-bloggers in Heather Wilkinson Rojo's blog post, My Mayflower Passenger Ancestors.


Anonymous said...

Hey Randy,

I guess we are related afterall. I come down through Richard Warren twice.

Through his daughter Anna who married Thomas Little. Their descendants with spouse in order to me:

1. Anna Little/Josiah Keen
2. Josiah Keen Jr./Lydia Baker
3. Nathaniel Keen/ Thankful Winslow (Thankful is where my two lines from Richard Warren intersect)
4.Snow Keen Sr./Rebecca Burbank
5. Snow Keen Jr./ Sallie Bradford
6. Betsey Keen/ Adnah Gilmore
7. Angerona Gilmore/ Eli Young
8. Elizabeth (Betsy) Young/ Ira Sampson Jr.
9. Harry Carl Sampson/ Mederise L'Heureux
10. Lillian Sampson/ Henry Bourgeois
11. two more gens then me. Folks are still living and I don't publish that info online, though I know a good researcher would find it =0)

Then back from Thankful Winslow in order back to Richard Warren are:
1. Nathaniel Winslow/ Lydia Snow
2. Anthony Snow/ Abigail Warren (daughter of Richard Warren).

Hope you had a great Turkey day!

Sholom90 said...

Hi Randy, so, I (actually, my wife) is related to you via Edward Fuller, who is the MRCA of our relation -- and it turns out we are also related via Richard Warren, and, again, Richard himself if the MRCA. My wife is descended through Richard's daughter Mary -- and I see you are descended through both Elizabeth and Sarah.

So -- you're an 11th cousin to my wife!

Debbie said...

Hi Randy and other Warren cousins. I descend through Richard
Warren and Elizzbeth Walker, his daughter Elizabeth Warren and Richard church and their son, Caleb Church and Joanna Sprague. Richard Warren is my 10th great grandfather.

Debbie Mayes

Debbie said...

Hi Randy and Warren cousiins,
Richard Warren and Elizabeth Walker were my 10th great grandparents. I descend through their daughter, Elizabeth and Richard Church, and their son Caleb Church and Joanna Sprague.

Debbie Mayes

Debbie said...

I apologize for posting my message twice. I didn't think it posted the first time.

Anjuli said...

Just found this post- so although this comment is late, I'll post anyways. I'm related via Richard's daughter, Mary. Richard Warren was my 12th great grandfather. This connection comes via my father's line.

On my mom's side, I'm related to another Mayflower passenger-Elizabeth Tilley who was my 11th great grandmother.

Judy said...

I join line 2 at level 7

Judy said...

I join line 2 at level 7 and Line 1 further up


Unknown said...

Hi Randy and others: Richard Warren and Elizabeth Walker are my 11th Great Grandparents. Descended from the following:
Elizabeth Warren /Richard Church
Caleb Church/Joanna Sprague
Rebecca Church/Joshua Warren
Rebecca Warren/Isaac Hathaway
Isaac Hathaway/Phebe Bailey
Rachel Hathaway/Jeremiah Smith
Jeremiah Smith/Abigail Demont
Thomas Sasson Smith/Amanda Ellen Hollingshead
Jonathan Smith/Copella Moore
Harold Smith/Lexie Bone
My Grandparents
My parents

Kathleen Johns said...

I am a cousin through Cooke, Warren and White.
Here is my line-
Descent from Francis Cooke:
Francis Cooke-Hester Mahieu
John Cooke-Sarah Warren
Sarah Cooke-Arthur Hathaway
Hannah Hathaway-George Cadman
Hanna Cadman-William White
Elizabeth White-Benjamin Harrington
Joseph Harrington-Sarah Tillinghast
Richard Harrington-Sarah Bates
Elijah Harrington-Sarah Gardner
Rowena Harrington-John Stuart Cole
John Warren B. Cole-Minerva Julia Welch
Alta Cole-James Harvey Moon
Cecil Burdette Moon-Myrtle Marjorie Smith (My Grandparents)
My Mother

jaybee said...

Dear Cousin Randy..

Richard and Elizabeth are my 9th great grandparents, and I descend through their daughter Elizabeth and their grandson Caleb Church and their great granddaughter Ruth Church.

Jane (Ufford) Bartlett

Unknown said...

Interesting read. my sister did extensive study on this. We are related to Richard Warren through Richard Church, my maiden name is Church. We could actually be related.

Denise Baker said...

Hi Randy,

I always love your posts, and this is the 2nd time I realized I'm related to you! This time through Richard Warren!! Last time it was Samuel Blodgett (b.1633).

Your blog always entertains, and often helps my research. Thank you for all your hard work.

Your (probable) cousin,

Unknown said...

I am connected to the Richard Warren line. He was my 10th great grandfather. I connect to him through his daughter Anna Warren.

Linda Tuten