Wednesday, March 14, 2012

(Not So) Wordless Wednesday - Post 196: Randy and Gramp in the Park

 I am posting photographs from my family collections for (Not So) Wordless Wednesday (you know me, I can't go wordless!).    

Here is a small photograph from the Seaver/Carringer family collection handed down by my mother in the 1988 to 2002 time period:  

This is a picture of me sitting on my maternal grandfather's knee while on an outing somewhere - perhaps at El Monte Park in Lakeside northeast of San Diego.  This must have been taken in about 1945 since I look to be about age 2 in this photo.  Lyle Carringer, my grandfather "Gramp," was age 54 in 1945.

I've been trying to figure out what Lyle has in his left pants pocket - perhaps it's a watch chain or a dog leash.  The resolution on the picture is not fine enough to see it clearly.

The URL for this post is:

Copyright (c) 2012, Randall J. Seaver 

1 comment:

Linda Gartz said...

Randy, you look the same! No really. I'd pick that kid picture out of 100 to match with you. Thanks for sharing.