Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Family Tree Magazine's 40 Best Genealogy Blogs for 2013

Family Tree Magazine's May/June 2013 issue has an article about the 40 Best Genealogy blogs in 2013 - read it here:  http://www.familytreemagazine.com/article/Top-40-Genealogy-Blogs-2013.

Author David A. Fryxell provided information about the selection criteria:

"In making this year’s selections, we paid particular attention to that stick-to-itiveness standard. What’s the point of bookmarking a blog or adding it to your RSS feed, after all, if fresh postings are few and far between?

"Quantity doesn’t guarantee quality, of course, so we also looked for those sites that deliver a dividend to readers—whether in the form of timely tech news, essential advice or simply the feeling of sharing a quest to part the curtains of the past. We love blogs packed with information, but we also adore those brimming with the blogger’s personality. Those that manage to achieve both … well, they easily earn a spot in the list you see here."

It's a tough job to pare this list down to only 40, I think.

Genea-Musings was honored in the "Good Advice" category.  I appreciate the honor, and am proud to be recognized along with many of my peers.

The other categories include:  Tech Support; Graveyard Matters; Heritage Help; Shop Talk, and Story Time.

Since there were only 40 selected, many excellent genea-bloggers were left off of the list.  Some of the ones that I would have included on my list are, off the top of my head:

*  Judy G. Russell's The Legal Genealogist.

*  Michele Simmons Lewis's Ancestoring's Ask A Genealogist

*  Kathryn Doyle's California Genealogical Society and Library Blog

*  Michael Hait's Planting the Seeds.

*  Diane Boumenot's  One Rhode Island Family

*  Michael Leclerc's  Mocavo Genealogy Blog

*  CeCe Moore's Your Genetic Genealogist 

*  Caroline M. Pointer's  4YourFamilyStory

*  John D. Reid's Anglo-Celtic Connections

*  Anne Mitchell's Sticky Notes

There are, of course, many more that are deserving, in my humble opinion!  What other genealogy blogs do you think should have made the list based on the author's criteria?

The URL for this post is:  http://www.geneamusings.com/2013/04/family-tree-magazines-40-best-genealogy.html

Copyright (c) 2013, Randall J. Seaver


Bill West said...


Heather Wilkinson Rojo said...

Kathleen Brandt's "A3Genealogy" and Bill West's "West in New England" should have been on the list, too.

Alex Daw said...

Well done Randy! Such good news...way to go!

Anne Gillespie Mitchell said...

Thank you Randy! That is very kind. BTW, I am writing on www.ancestry-reference-desk.com these days. We are focused on how to articles and how to get the most out of the library. Though a good how to article fits everyone!

Diane B said...

Randy, like you, I was really surprised to see The Legal Genealogist left off that Family Tree Magazine list. She has brought more to genea-blogging than anyone, in my humble opinion, and fills such an important niche, and substantially adds to the quality of work of everyone who follows her blog. On point, timely, humorous, thorough, sometimes poignant, her work is, to me, an amazing example of how to help others through a blog.
Thank you for the kind mention here, but I really didn't want to let this go by without seconding your point about Judy.

Dawn Watson said...

Congratulations, Randy! You certainly deserve a spot in the top 40!

I do agree that Judy should've made it. Her blog is definitely a must-read, but I was very pleased to see your blog on that list.

Pete said...

I'd add
Tamura Jones' blog. No one else is geneatech like he is.
The Legal Genealogist is defending us all.
CeCe Moore has the inside scoop on DNA.

Heather Kuhn Roelker said...

Congratulations, Randy, it is well deserved recognition. I would also include Nancy from My Ancestors and Me (http://nancysfamilyhistoryblog.blogspot.com/)
She's a terrific storyteller!

John said...

I suspect the absence of an RSS feed hurts Tamura's blog in rankings such as this.

I would have probably included Philip Trauring's Blood and Frogs under the Heritage category. But there are a lot of heritage niches to choose from.

And I will add my surprise that The Legal Genealogist didn't make the list.

footnoteMaven said...

Congrats Randy. How could The Family Curator, Denise Levenick be missing?

Heather Kuhn Roelker said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Congrats on your award. Genea-Musings, The Legal Genealogist and Roberta Estes' DNA-Xplained are three I enjoy reading. Keep up the good work.

Kathryn Doyle said...

Congratulations, Randy, and thanks for the shout-out! It is an honor to be among your additional picks.

Jacqi Stevens said...

May I add my three cheers for your inclusion on the Top Forty list? Congratulations, Randy!

And a hearty agreement to your list of the additional ten blogs for honorable mention. We certainly are rich in expressive, active, talented bloggers in the genea-world.

John said...

I am a real newbie when it comes to the genealogy blogosphere, but when I read the list I was not just surprised, I was shocked that Judy Russell's blog, The Legal Genealogist, was left off the list. I very quickly concluded when I started surfing various genealogy blogs that Judy's was among the must-reads. It is consistently "Wii" (well written, interesting and instructive). I quite often have a post by her on my Saturday Serendipity list. I figure it was an oversight that will surely be corrected next year! ;-)

Caroline said...

Congrats, Randy! Well-deserved! And thank you for the shout out as well.


Elizabeth Lapointe said...

Congratulates Randy from one of the Best Blogs of 2013 winner to another. My blog www.GenealogyCanada.blogspot.com made the list.

And I should add as you said last evening on Dear Myrt's FamilySearch gathering, that we should have been told by private email, before it went out to the general public. I could have prepared for yesterday's rush instead of being taken by surprise. But it was nice to heard from my reader just the same ...


Jana Iverson Last said...

Congratulations Randy on this well-deserved honor of being listed in Family Tree Magazine's Top 40 Genealogy Blogs for 2013!

I want to let you know that your blog post is listed in today's Fab Finds post at http://janasgenealogyandfamilyhistory.blogspot.com/2013/04/follow-friday-fab-finds-for-april-19.html

Have a great weekend!