Monday, January 6, 2014

Best of the Genea-Blogs for 2013

For the Year 2013, I wrote 48 Best of the Genea-Blogs posts.  I missed the weeks of 3/24 (RootsTech), 9/29 (cruise), 10/6 (cruise), and 12/28 (Christmas).  

There were 174 different genealogy blog writers featured in those posts, and a total of 477 blog posts.

While quantity is not necessarily the best metric, for something like a "Best Of" summary it's the only metric I have to determine which genea-bloggers were listed most often in my series.  I have not included the weekly "best blogs and news" posts from other geneabloggers in thisl ist.  Therefore, here are the top 20 listed in order of number of mentions (note that persons with multiple blogs are ranked by adding the blog totals):

 1) Judy G. Russell on The Legal Genealogist blog (35 mentions)

2)  James Tanner on the Genealogy's Star   blog (27 mentions) 


3)  Harold Henderson on the Midwestern Microhistory: A Genealogy Blog (10 mentions) and the Archives Expert Series (5 mentions)

4)  Thomas MacEntee on the Geneabloggers blog (2 mentions), Flip-Pal Mobile Scanner Genealogy blog (2 mentions), Hack Genealogy blog (4 mentions), Expert Series blog (3 mentions), Uprfront With NGS (1 mention), and Destination:Austin Family (1 mention).

5)  Diane Boumenot on the One Rhode Island Family blog (12 mentions)

6)  Michele Simmons Lewis on the Ancestoring Ask a Genealogist blog (11 mentions)

6)  Kenneth R. Marks on The Ancestor Hunt blog (11 mentions).

8)  The writer of The Ancestry Insider blog (10 mentions)

9) Heather Wilkinson Rojo on the Nutfield Genealogy blog (9 mentions)

10)  Caroline M. Pointer on the Family Stories blog (1 mentions) and the blog (7 mentions)

10)  Louis Kessler on Louis Kessler's Behold Genealogy Blog (8 mentions)

10)  Michael Leclerc on the Mocavo Genealogy Blog (8 mentions)

10)  Lorine McGinnis Schulze on the Olive Tree Genealogy Blog (8 mentions).

14)  Roberta J. Estes on the DNAeXplained - Genetic Genealogy blog (7 mentions).

14)  Michael John Neill on the blog (7 mentions).

16)  Pat Richley-Erickson on DearMYRTLE's Genealogy Blog (6 mentions)

16)  Russ Worthington on the Family Tree Maker User blog (4 mentions) and A Worthington Weblog blog (2 mentions).

16)  Diane on the Nuts From the Family Tree blog  (6 mentions).

16)  Denise Levenick on The Family Curator blog (6 mentions)

20)  CeCe Moore on Your Genetic Genealogist blog (5 mentions).

20)  John D. Tew on the Filiopietism Prism blog (5 mentions).

20)  Jenny Lanctot on the Are My Roots Showing? blog (5 mentions).

20)  Jen Baldwin on The In-Depth Genealogist blog (3 mentions), Ancestral Breezes blog (1 mention), and Expert Series (1 mention).

There are 23 listed there, and each of them is different and uniformly thought provoking, informative and well written.  Congratulations to these Top 23, and thank you for being such talented and dedicated genealogy bloggers 

If someone asked me "what genealogy blogs do you recommend," these 23 would be on my list, along with quite a few others not on the list above.  

Check out previous year's post about the 
Best of the Genea-Blogs - for the year 2011 and Best of the Genea-Blogs for 2012.  13 genea-bloggers are repeaters on this year's list from last year.

My thanks to all of the active genea-bloggers who fill my day with news, views and experiences in the world of genealogy.  I estimate that I read over 300 genealogy blog posts each and every day (that's over 100,000 genealogy blog posts a year!), and I try to highlight 10 to 15 posts each week.  The "Best Of" posts highlight about 0.05% of the candidates.  I have a bias for thoughtful, poignant and humorous posts... Obviously, I don't read every genealogy blog there is, but I do have over 1,400 on my reading list.  If you know of a really good genealogy  blog, please tell me about it - send me a link in a comment to this post and I'll add it to my Google Reader list.  

For what it's worth - this is Post #326 in the Best of the Genea-Blogs series!  That's over six years of trying to curate the world of genea-blogs (started 23 September 2007).  

I really enjoyed reviewing my lists today - I cannot remember every post that I've listed, but it was fun refreshing my memory.

The URL for this post is:  

Copyright (c) 2014, Randall J. Seaver


James Tanner said...

Thanks for reading so much Randy and thanks for reading my blog posts, even I can't do that :-)

clp said...

THANK YOU Randy for all you do. I read your blog everyday and I have learned so much. I don't know how you do it, but don't stop.

Diane Weintraub said...

Thanks Randy for including Nuts From The Family Tree! I sure was surprised. Fast company here... better spruce up my game for 2014. Here's wishing you and yours a Happy New Year!
Diane Weintraub

Roberta Estes said...

Thanks for the shout-out, all 14 times, plus this one. I love your blog and thank you for all that you do for all of us! Roberta Estes of

Thomas MacEntee said...

Thanks Randy for the shoutout - and for all your work in the genealogy community!

Olive Tree Genealogy said...

Olive Tree Genealogy blog is onoured to be in such amazing company! Thanks for the mention Randy

Yvette Hoitink said...
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Yvette Hoitink said...

Great selection! I wonder if you would give me your opinion about my Dutch Genealogy blog. I discuss a range of topics here: sources, methods, history, geography, tips, whatever I can think about. I just posted an article about a very naughty source today...

Historical Melungeons said...

Please consider including the Historical Melungeons Blog:

Thank you.

John said...

Randy: Thank you so much for the inclusion on your list for 2013. I sent a belated thank you directly to you via email, but a broader appreciation is the subject of today's post at Filiopietism Prism.


Heather Wilkinson Rojo said...

Thanks, Randy, I didn't know about this list until I read John Tew's post. I'm very impressed with your ability to read all these blog posts and to do the weekly lists. I'm obviously not up to par on that skill. I'm also very humbled to be on your year end list. Thank you so much!