Thursday, December 4, 2014

CVGS Holiday Luncheon Meeting is Thursday, 11 December at South Chula Vista Library

from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.

At Chula Vista South Branch Library Conference Room 
(389 Orange Avenue)

The annual Holiday Luncheon will have turkey, ham, and drinks provided by CVGS.  The pot luck breakdown for the rest of the meal will be coordinated by JoAnn (phone 619-421-3628, email and Jane (phone 619-434-4051, email– please contact them by 12/7 to coordinate potluck dishes.   The potluck schedule is:

A to F Surnames:  Potatoes (Irish or Sweet), Veggies, Casseroles

G to K Surnames:  Desserts

L to P  Surnames: Salads, Rolls, Butter 

Q to Z Surnames:  Snack trays, Condiments, Olives, Pickles, Cranberry Sauce, etc.

The program will be installation of the newly elected officers for 2015-2016, plus some society historical reviews.

There will be a free door prize drawing, and a bring one/get one gift exchange ($10 limit). 

 Attendees are requested to bring canned food and/or unwrapped toys for donation to the Salvation Army. 

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