"A person employed to write what another dictates or to copy what has been written by another."
The subject today is the 1803 Appraisal of Real Estate for the estate of Simon Gates (1739-1803) of Gardner, Worcester County, Massachusetts in Worcester County Probate File 23252:
The transcription of the Appraisal is:
[image 80]
Pursuant to a Warrant to us directed
by the Honourable
Nathaniel Paine Esquire Judge of
Probate of Wills &c for the
County of Worcester
We the Subscribers having been first
Sworn as the said Warrant directs
having appraised all the Real Estate
whereof Simon Gates late of Gardner
in said County of Worcester Died
Seized and possessed within the Common-
Wealth as follows (viz)
The hom????? farm lying in the
Northeastwardly part of Gardner in Said
County Containing Ninety Eight Acres
and Seventy three rods of Mowing
Plowing Orcharding Pastureland and
Woodland together with Two
dwelling Houses Barn and other out
buildings, Said land bounded as fol-
loweth: Beginning at the
Southwestwardly Corner a Stake and Stones
Being the Southeastwardly Corner of
Josiah Kendalls Land thence North
Eighty Seven Degrees forty five
Minutes East twenty one rods one link by a
Town way to Mr. Daniel Hows land a
Stake and Stones thence North
one Dregree West one rod to a Stake
and Stones thence North Eighty
Seven Degrees forty five Minutes
East by Said Hows land and Widow Rays
Dower fifty nine rods four links to
a Stake and Stones thence North
two degrees fifteen Minutes West
thirty Six rods twenty three links
by a road Called Dun's Road to a
bend in the wall thence North Tw-
enty one Degrees fifteen Minutes
East four rods seventeen links
by Said road to a bend in the wall
thence North two Degrees
Thirty minutes West fourteen rods
and four links by Said road
to a bend in the wall thence North
four Degrees forty five Minutes
West forty four rods fourteen links
by said Road to a bend in
the wall thence North fifteen
Minutes East fifteen rods four
links by said road to a bend in the
wall thence North thirty
five Degrees forty five Minutes East
five rods two links by said road
thence North nine Degrees East five
rods fifteen links by said road to
a Corner of a Wall thence North
Sixty five Degrees fifteen Minutes West
four rods nine links by John Dunns
land a Corner of the fence thence
North four Degrees West thirty four
rods by said Dunn's land to a Stake
and Stones thence South Eighty Seven
Degrees West Sixty one rods
Eighteen links by Lucas Dunn's land
to a Stake and Stones thence
South Eighty Seven Degrees thirty
two Minutes West Sixty three rods twelve
links and an half by Said Dunn's
land and Edward Jacksons land to a
Stake and Stones thence South three
Degrees East Eighty two rods
by said Jacksons land to a Stake and
Stones thence North Eighty five
Degrees fifteen Minutes East
thirteen rods twenty links by Josiah Kendalls
land to a Stake and stones thence
North nine Degrees forty five Minutes
East Six rods and fifteen links by
Said Kendalls land to a Stake and Stones
thence North Eighty five Degrees
East three rods by said Kendalls land
to a Stake and Stones South
Seventeen Degrees East Six rods fifteen
links by said Kendalls land to a
Stake and Stones thence North
Eighty five Degrees East twenty four
rods twenty five links by Said
Kendalls land to a Stake and Stones
thence South two Degrees
thirty three Minutes East Seventy
Nine rods Eight links
[image 81]
by said Kendalls land to the first
Mentioned Corner bound amount-
ing to the Sum Two thousand five hundred
and twenty five Doll-
Also another tract of land lying in
the Eastwardly part
of said Gardner Called the Conant
land Containing accord-
ing to Deed thirty acres of
Pasturing and Woodland
Butted and bounded as followeth
(viz): Beginning at a
Stake and Stones the Northeastwardly
Corner of Said premises
thence Westwardly bounded
northwardly by a Town way
to a Stake and Stones thence
Southwardly bounded west-
wardly by land of John Peirce and
William Chappel
to a Stake and Stones thence
Eastwardly bounded South-
wardly on fourth Divisions thence
Northwardly by boun-
ding East by Edward Jacksons land to
the first mentioned
Corner bound amounting to the Sum of
three hundred
and thirty Dollars
------------------------------------- $ 330=00
Also another tract of land lying in
the Southeastwardly
part of Said Gardner Called the
Marshel Lott Containing
Forty Eight Acres one hundred forty
nine rods of mow-
ing Pasturing and woodland bounded
as followeth (viz):
Begining at a Stake and Stones at
the End of a wall adjoining
a Town leading from said Gardner to
Westminster and being
the Northwestwardly Corner of Said
premises thence runing
South forty Six Degrees West one
hundred fifty two rods by land of
David Sheeds to a Stake and Stones
within three rods of the
Southeastwardly Corner of the
Brattle Lott So Called thence South
Thirty Seven Degrees forty minutes
East twenty four rods Eightteen
Links by said Reeds Land to a Stake
and Stones thence North
Forty four Degrees fifteen Minutes
East forty two rods fifteen
links by Ephraim Pratts land to a
Stake and Stones thence
South Seventy four Degrees East
thirty nine rods five links by
said Pratts land to a Stake and
Stones thence North forty nine
Degrees East Ninety Six rods by John
Peirce's land and Jabez
Biglows land to a Stake and Stones
thence North two De-
grees twenty Minutes West Nineteen
rods five links by
William Pennemans land to a Stake
and Stones by said
Road thence North Sixty Eight
Degrees twenty Minutes
West twenty five road ten links by
said road to a bend in
the wall thence North Sixty Nine
Degrees West Seven
Rods thirteen links by said road to
a bend in the Wall
thence North fifty one Degrees
fifteen Minutes West
Eighteen rods thirteen links by Said
road to the first
Mentioned Corner bound Amounting to
the Sum
of four Hundred and Ninety Dollars
------------------ $ 490=00
Also two fourth Division Lotts
Number Ninety nine
and One Hundred Containing or by
Deed thirty seven acres
be the same more or less Butted and
bounded as followeth (viz):
Beginning at a Stake and Stones
thence Westwardly bounded on
Lott Number One hundred and one One
hundred and
Eighteen rods to a Hemlock Tree
Marked thence Southeastwardly
thirty Eight rods to a Spruce tree
Marked thence South-
eastwardly Twenty one rods fifteen
links to a Spruce tree
[image 82]
Marked thence Eastwardly about
twenty five rods to a Stake
thence Eastwardly about fifty five
rods by land belonging
to Aaron Wood Esq to a Hemlock tree
Marked thence North-
wardly about Twenty five rods by
lott Number thirty to the
first Mentioned Corner bound
Amounting to the Sum of
One hundred and Eighty give Dollars
Also another tract of swamp land
lying in the North-
wardly part of Westminster in said
County of Worcester
Containing Eighteen Acres one
Hundred and nine rods
Called the Coburn Swamp butted and
bounded as follow-
eth (viz): Begining at a Stake and
Stones the Southwest-
wardly Corner of said premises and
northwestwardly Corner
of Lt Biglows land thence runing
North three degrees
West forty seven rods seven links by
Jewel and
Wilkinsons land to a Stake and
Stones thence North-
Sixty Eight Degrees forty nine
Minutes East fifty
Two rods by David Cowee's land to a
Stake and Stones
thence South Sixteen Degrees East
forty Eight rods
Sixteen links by Baldwins and
Maynards land to
a Stake and Stones thence South
forty six Degrees
three minutes West twenty one rods
by lott Num-
ber one hundred twenty two fourth
Division land to a
Spruce tree Marked thence Eight
Eight Degrees forty
three Minutes West forty four rods
by Lieutenant
Biglows land to the first mentioned
Corner bound
Amounting to the Sum of One hundred
and Ninety
------------------------------------------------------- $190=00
Also a Pew in Said Gardner Meeting
house Number fifteen
on the Lower floor appraised at
forty four Dollars ----- $ 44=00
Also a Pew in the Galleries in Said
Meeting House Appraised
at Twenty Seven Dollars
------------------------------------- $ 27=00
Also a Horstable Near Said Meeting
House Appraised at
five Dollar
------------------------------------------------------- $5=00
Amounting in the Whole Sum total of
three thousand
Seven hundred and Ninety Six Dollars
--------------------$ 3796=00
One third of which is One Thousand
two hundred
Sixty five Dollars thirty three
Cents and one third
of a Cent
------------------------------------------------------- $ 1265=33-1/3
The source citation for the appraisal of the real estate is:
Massachusetts, Worcester County, Probate Files, 1731-1925, Case 23252, Simon Gates Estate, 1803, Appraisal of Real Estate; digital images, FamilySearch.org,(https://familysearch.org: accessed 12 August 2014); in "Case no 23243-23330, Gates, Sarah-Gay, William, 1731-1881" (images 80-82 of 1069); original records in Worcester County, Mass. Courthouse.
This is the fourth of several transcriptions from the Estate packet for Simon Gates (1739-1803), my 5th great-grandfather. He died 11 March 1803 in Gardner, Worcester County, Massachusetts.
There are five plots of land, two pews and a horse stable appraised in this document, and the sum of the real estate is $3796.00.
In the next post, I will transcribe the remainder of this document wherein the appraisers will divide this Real Estate between the named heirs - the widow and the children of Simon Gates.
I need a Deed Mapping program in order to plot out the four land parcels described in this document, and to try to find the location of these parcels in present-day Gardner and Westminster.
The URL for this post is: http://www.geneamusings.com/2015/01/amanuensis-monday-post-250-appraisal-of.html
Copyright (c) 2015, Randall J. Seaver
1 comment:
While you didn't ask I really like DeedMapper 4.2 http://www.directlinesoftware.com/deedmapper_42 to plot land records. They also have a Deed Data Pool on-line that was very helpful in my research. I am not affiliated in anyway with the company, just a happy customer that has used the software and purchases the upgrades when they are issued.
Ric Tobin
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