"A person employed to write what another dictates or to copy what has been written by another."
The subject today is the 1756 will of Richard Cutter (1682-1756) of Woodbridge, Middlesex County, New Jersey:
The transcription of this record is:
of the said Dwelling House &
on the North side of the Road that goes by
[page 397, image 538, right-hand page]
[in left margin]
Richard Cutter
Will Recorded
22 Jan'y 1757
In the name of God Amen the twentyeth
day of September
in the year of Christ One thousand
Seven hundred and fifty six I Richard
Cutter of Woodbridge in the County of
Middlesex and Province of East New Jersey
being sick and weak of Body but of
sound and perfect mind & memory calling
to mind the mortality of my Body and
knowing that it is appointed for all
Men once to Dye Do make and Ordain this
my last Will and Testament –
And first I Give and recommend my Soul
to God that gave it and for my
Body I commend it to the Dust to be
Buried in a Christian like & decent
manner at the discretion of my
Executors nothing doubting but I shall receive
the same again by the mighty Power of
God and as touching such worldly Es-
tate wherewith it hath pleased God to
bless me in this life I Give Devise &
dispose of the same in manner
following. Imprimis it is my will and I
do Order that all my just Debts and
Funeral Charges be fully paid by my
Executors as soon as may be
conveniently after my decease. Item I Give &
bequeath to my well beloved Wife Mercy
Cutter the one equal third part
of all the Neat profit & Income of
both my Grist Mill and Sawmill which
she shall have & enjoy for &during
her natural life also I Give to my said
Wife the one half part of the
priviledge use & benefit of my former Dwelling
House at the Cornfield Landing her part
to be taken where she shall chuse
and also the use & benefit of the
one half part of the Lands & Meadows lying
& adjoyning on the Northerly side
of the said Dwelling House & on the North side
[page 398, image 539, left-hand page]
the same Bounded Westerly by the Lands
herein after given to my Son
Richard Cutter Northerly by Zebulon
Pike's Land Easterly in part by Will'm
Cutter's Land and partly by he great
Creek including the Islands & Meadow
lying Northerly of Bradly's Creek which
moiety shall remain to my
said wife during her natural life.
Also I Give & bequeath to my Wife
aboves'd One Feather Bed &
sufficient furniture & also the Sum or value of
fifty pounds of curr't money of this
Province to be taken out of my Mo-
veable Estate in such particular things
as my wife shall chuse & being
by her chosen they shall be Prized and
Delivered to her by my Executors
and shall remain to her her Heirs &
assigns for ever. Item I give &
Bequeath to my Eldest Son William
Cutter the Dwelling House wherein he
now lives together with a piece of Land
whereon it stands which Land
shall begin at a Stake planted in the
line of my Land being nine Rods
westward from the great Buttonwood Tree
that is near the South East Corner
of his House from which Stake it shall
run eight Rods north to another
Stake planted for a Corner and from
thence Easterly on a Strait line
parrallell with the front line down to
the great Creek and from thence
down the said Creek as it runs to the
afores'd Front line where it
joyns to the said Creek and from thence
Westerly as the said line runs
to the first mentioned Stake and also
the one equal half part of my Grist
Mill and Saw Mill including one half of
the Stream & all the other priviledges
and Utensils to the said Mills now
belonging or appartaining And also
hat Tract of Land on the South side of
the Road opposite to my former
Dwelling House whereon the Barn and
Orchard now stands as far West-
ward as the line of the Land I bought
of Elisha Inslee together with all
that Tract of Salt Meadow which I
bought of Zebulon Pike lying on the
South side of the last mentioned Land &
on the North side of the Mill pond
(Excepting one acre and a half of said
Meadow to be taken of the Wes-
terly end thereof which is hereby
reserved for my Son Richard and
also the one third part of that Lott of
Land on Strawberry Hill which I
bought of Richard Dole the said Third
part to be taken off the Northerly
end of said Lott adjoyning to Zebulon
Pikes Land and also the one equal
Third part of my Lott of Land call'd
Ten Acres lying on the South side of
the Brook called Pike's Brook which
shall be Divided to him and to his Brothers
herein after mentioned by Lott drawn
for that purpose and also five acres of
Salt Meadow lying at Raraton on the
Westward side of the Meadow called
Proprietors Meadow & on the North
side of the Creek called Abrahams Creek
being that Meadow that was given to me
by my father in law John Pike
and also the one equal third part of
that Tract of Land which lyes on
and near the hill formerly called
Lockhearts hill which belonged formerly
chiefly to John Whitcher with some
other additions containing in all
about twenty seven acres which shall be
divided to him & his two Brothers
hereafter named in quantity and quality
and all abovesaid to remain
to him his Heirs and Assigns forever.
Item I Give and bequeath to
my Son Richard Cutter the House and
Lands which I bought of Elisha
[page 399, image 539, right-hand page]
Insley and also that one acre &
half of Salt meadow reserved as above
to be taken off the Westerly end of the
Tract I bought of Zebulon Pike between
the Mill pond and the upland whereon
the Barn stands and likewise the one
equal third part of that Lott of Land
on Strawberry hill which I bought of
Richard Dole which third part of his
shall be taken of the South end of s'd Lott
& adjoyned to his House Lott and
also the one equal third part of that Tract or
Parcel of Land which lyes on & near
the hill formerly called Lockhearts hill
which formerly belonged chiefly to John
Whitcher with other additions con-
taining in all about twenty Seven acres
which shall be Divided to him & his
two brothers as abovesaid in quantity
and quality and likewise the one equal
third part of my Lott of Land call'd
Ten Acres lying on the South side of the
brook call'd Pikes brook which shall be
Divided to him & his two brothers by Lotts
drawn for that purpose and also one
third part of that fifteen acres Lott of
Salt Marsh lying in Raraton Meadows on
the South side of the great Creek which
shall be taken of the East end of the
Lott and also the one equal half particular
of my Grist Mill & Saw mill
including one half part of the Stream & all the
other Priviledges and utensils to the
said Mills belonging or appertaining
all abovesaid to remain to him his
Heirs & assigns forever. Item I Give and
bequeath to my Son Joseph Cutter all
that Tract of Land lying on the Easterly
side of the Road that goe to Metuchin
between the Lands of Isaac Tappen &
David Evans containing near about forty
acres being one twenty two acre Lott
& a ten acre Lott Drawn in the
right of John Whitcher & a small addition
taken up in a Ten pound right all
adjoyning together also that Six
acre Lott of Salt Meadow lying on the
West side of the highway that goes
from the upland to the bridge over the
House Lot Creek in Raraton meadows
all abovesaid to him his Heirs and
assigns for ever. Item I Give bequeath
to my Son Ebenezer Cutter all that my
ancient Dwelling House & Land &
meadow adjoyning lying on the North
side of the Road that goes from Corn-
field Landing to the Amboy Road Bounded
Westerly by the Lands of my
Son Richard Cutter Northerly by Lands
of Zebulon Pike Easterly on the
great Creek in part & partly by
Lands of my Son William Cutter together with
an Island of Meadow lying on the North
side of that Lott of Land on Strawberry
hill which I bought of Richard Dole his
part shall be bounded South west
on the Road and northeast by the Lands
of my Son Richard Cutter the Di-
vision lines to lye cross the whole
Lott parrallel with the line of Zebulon Pike's
Land moreover I Give and bequeath to my
abovesaid son Ebenezer Cutter the
one equal third part of my Lott of Land
called Ten acres lying on the South
side of the brook called Pikes brook
which shall be Divided to him & his two
Brothers as abovesaid by Lots drawn for
that purpose the Division Lines to
run parallel with the Westermost line
of said Lott, and also the one third
part of that Tract or parcel of Land
which lyes on & near the hill for-
merly called Lockhearts hill being the
Land which formerly belonged
chiefly to John Whitcher with other
Additions containing in all about
twenty seven acres which shall be
Divided as abovesaid in quantity and
quality all given to my said Son
Ebenezer Cutter in this & the above sheet
[page 400, image 540 left hand side]
shall remain to him his Heirs and
Assigns for ever. Item I Give and
bequeath to my Son Samuel Cutter the
one equal half part of my sixty
acre Lott of Woodland lying in
Woodbridge near the place called the
Pumpkin patch the whole being bounded
Easterly and westerly by William
Browns Land northerly by the County
line and Southerly by the highway
his half part shall be taken of the
Easterly side of the whole Lott which
shall be Divided by number of Acres and
Shall remain to him his Heirs &
assigns for ever and likewise my Will
is that my Son Samuel Shall pay
to my Son John Cutter the Sum of Ten
pounds of curr't money of this Province
within the space of one year next after
my decease. Item I give to my
Son Ephraim Cutter the residue or
Westerly half part of my sixty acre Lott
of woodland lying near the Pumpkin
patch the whole being bounded
East & West by William Browns Land
Northerly by the County Line and
Southerly by the highway which shall be
equally Divided by number of
acres to him his Heirs & assigns
for ever and likewise my Will is that my
Son Ephraim shall pay to my Son John
the Sum of Ten pounds of curr't money
of this Province within the space of
one year after my decease and fur-
thermore my Will is that my two Sons
Samuel and Ephraim Cutters
shall have occupy and enjoy all my
Priviledge Right and property
(which I have and hold by a Lease) in
and upon the Plantation that was
formerly John Skinners to be by these
my two Sons equally enjoyed
and the Rents and conditions of &
in said Lease mentioned by them equally
paid & performed according to the
Tenor of said Lease as I my self ought
to do and my Executors to be discharged
from any manner of right of
having doing or paying any thing in the
said Lease mentioned or
intended. Moreover I Give to my Son
William Cutter all that Lott
of Woodland lying on the North side of
Piscataway Road Containing
Twenty acres which was taken up in the
right of John Whitcher
Bounded East by Moses Collyers Land and
West by Samuel Comptons
Land to remain to him his Heirs and
assigns forever. Likewise I
further Give to my Son Richard Cutter
all that piece of Woodland
being Twenty Acres bounded Easterly by
Alexander Edgars Land Sou-
therly by Jonathan Rowlands Land and
West by Israel Thomels Land
to him his Heirs & assigns forever.
And furthermore I Give to
my Son Joseph Cutter all that Lott of
woodland Containing about nine-
teen Acres Bounded North by Jonathan
Congers Land East by Land of
Israel Thomel & West by James Ayers
his Land all to him his Heirs
and Assigns for ever. Moreover my Will
is and I do order that my Son
William Cutter shall pay to my Daughter
Sarah Jaqueth the Sum of
five pounds and to my Daughter Hannah
Dennis the Sum of Ten pounds
and to my Daughter Esther Marsh the Sum
of five pounds all in curr't
money of this Province within the space
of one year after my decease,
and also my Son Richard Cutter shall
pay to my Daughter Rebecka
Cutter the Sum of Twenty pounds in
curr't money of this Province within
the space of one year after my deceased
And also my Son Joseph Cutter
shall pay unto my Daughter Mary Baker
the Sum of Twenty pounds
[page 401, image 540, right-hand page]
of curr't money of this Province within
the space of one year all to
remain to my abovesaid Daughters and
each of them their Heirs & assigns
forever. And further it is my Will and
I do order that my three Eldest
Sons William Cutter Richard Cutter and
Joseph Cutter Shall joyntly & equally
pay and discharge all my funeral
Charges the Probate of my Will and all
my other just Debts that shall be found
due at the time of my decease
each of them shall pay a third part of
the whole. And further it is my
Will and I do order that if any of all
my Sons do bring an accompt of Debt a-
gainst my Estate after my Decease for
Services done for me or mine before my
decease then the Party so proceeding
and Demanding shall be forever thereupon
debarr'd & cut of from any Legacies
herein given and the same shall be equally
Divided amongst all the rest of my
Children. And furthermore I Give to my
Son Samuel Cutter the Westermost third
part of that my fifteen Acres of Salt Marsh
lying in Raraton Meadows on the South
side of the great Creek Bounded North
west on the highway & South on
Parkers Pattent to him his Heirs & assigns for
ever. Also I give to my Son Ephraim
Cutter the remaining third part of that
my fifteen Acres of Salt Marsh in
Raraton Meadows lying & to lye between
that part given to my Sons Richard and
Samuel the Division to be made
by South line runing through the whole
Lott to him his Heirs and
assigns for ever. And further I Give
to my son William Cutter the
one half part of those Freehold Rights
which I bought of Richard Dole
the other half part of said Rights to
be equally Divided between my
two Sons Richard and Joseph Cutter with
all the undivided Lands
yet to be taken up or found belonging
to the said Rights to them their
Heirs and assigns for ever. And
further I Give to my two Sons
William and Richard Cutters all that
Ten Acres of Salt Meadow
which I bought of Richard Dole lying at
Redroot Landing Bounded
South by Carkis his Lott and North by
John Taylors Lott to each of my said
Sons an equal part of the whole to them
their Heirs and assigns for ever.
And for the better enabling my Sons
William Richard & Joseph Cutters
to pay & discharge all my just
Debts & funeral Charges & Legacys as abovesaid
I do hereby Give to them my said three
Eldest Sons all the remaining part
of my Moveable Estate that is not
before herein given away to my Wife to
them their Heirs and assigns for ever.
And Lastly I do hereby nominate
constitute and appoint my three Sons
William Cutter Richard Cutter and
Joseph Cutter to be my Executors of
this my last Will and Testament And
I do hereby utterly revoke &
disannull all & every other former Wills ^Testaments^ &
& Executors by me at any time
heretofore named, Willed & bequeathed Ratify-
ing & Confirming this & no
other to be my last Will and Testament. In Witness
whereof I have hereunto set my hand and
Seal the day & year above written.
Signed Sealed published pronounced &
Declared }
by the said Richard Cutter this to be
his last Will & } Rich'd Cutter {L S}
Testament in presence of us the
Subscribers }
William Knt Richard Jaques Joseph +
Haveland David Donham
Be it Remembered that on the twenty
Second day of January One thousand Seven
hundred and fifty seven William Kent
and Joseph Haviland two of the within Witnesses
personally came before me Thomas Bartow
duly Authorized to prove Wills and they
[page 402, image 541, left-hand page]
being Sworn on the holy Evangelists to
do Depose that they were present and Saw
Richard Cutter the Testator within
named Sign and Seal the within written Will
and heard him Publish and Declare the
same to be his last Will and Testament
and that at the doing thereof he was of
sound mind & memory to the best of their
knowledge and as they verily believe
and that at the same time Richard Jaques
and David Donham were present and
Signed as Witnesses together with
them the Deponents in the Testators
presence. Tho's Bartow
Be it also Remembered that at the same
time William Cutter
Richard Cutter and Joseph Cutter the
Executors within named were qua-
lified by taking the usual Oath of
Executors as by Law appointed.
The source citation for this record is:
New Jersey Surrogate's Court, Middlesex County, Wills, Liber F, pages 397-402 (images 538-541), Richard Cutter will, 1756; "New Jersey, Wills and Probate Records, 1656-1999," digital images, Ancestry.com (http://www.ancestry.com: accessed 2 September 2015, images no longer available); citing original data from New Jersey County, District and Probate Courts.
Richard Cutter was married twice - first in 1706 to Mary Pike (1687-1721). Some Cutter researchers list these children to Richard and Mary (Pike) Cutter:
* Sarah Cutter (1707-1758)
* Rebecca Cutter (1709-????)
* Elizabeth Cutter (1711-1750)
* John Cutter (1713-1759)
* Ephraim Cutter (1715-1770)
* Esther Cutter (1717-1784)
* Hannah Cutter (1719-1756)
* Richard Cutter (1721-1768)
Richard Cutter married second to Mercy Kelsey (1698-1760). The Cutter surname book lists these children for Richard and Mercy (Kelsey) Cutter:
* William Cutter (1722-1780)
* Joseph Cutter (1725-1767)
* Mary Cutter (1728-????)
* Rebecca Cutter (1730-????)
* Ebenezer Cutter (1732-????)
* Samuel Cutter (1734-1759)
The will of Richard Cutter mentions all of those children, except for the first Rebecca and Elizabeth who died in 1750.
The will says that William, Richard and Joseph are the three eldest sons. That doesn't match the list above very well. But the son Richard Cutter's gravestone says he died in the 46th year of his age, so born about 1722. The gravestone for William Cutter says he died in 1780 in the 58th year of his age, so he was born about 1723. The gravestone for Joseph Cutter says he died in 1767 in the 42nd year of his age, so he was born about 1725. Of course, the gravestones may be wrong!
Mercy (Kelsey) Cutter also wrote a will in 1759, and mentioned only her living children - William, Ebenezer, Rebecca and Mary. She doesn't mention Joseph or Samuel (who died in 1759).
'Tis a puzzle! I am descended from William Cutter (1722-1780) who married Mary Kent (1726-????), and then their son, Stephen Cutter (1745-1823). I note that William Kent was a witness to the will of Richard Cutter in 1756. Could he be a father or a brother of Mary (Kent) Cutter?
The URL for this post is: http://www.geneamusings.com/2015/12/amanuensis-monday-post-298-1756-will-of.html
Copyright (c) 2015, Randall J. Seaver
Please comment on this post on the website by clicking the URL above and then the "Comments" link at the bottom of each post. Or contact me by email at randy.seaver@gmail.com.
New Jersey Surrogate's Court, Middlesex County, Wills, Liber F, pages 397-402 (images 538-541), Richard Cutter will, 1756; "New Jersey, Wills and Probate Records, 1656-1999," digital images, Ancestry.com (http://www.ancestry.com: accessed 2 September 2015, images no longer available); citing original data from New Jersey County, District and Probate Courts.
Richard Cutter was married twice - first in 1706 to Mary Pike (1687-1721). Some Cutter researchers list these children to Richard and Mary (Pike) Cutter:
* Sarah Cutter (1707-1758)
* Rebecca Cutter (1709-????)
* Elizabeth Cutter (1711-1750)
* John Cutter (1713-1759)
* Ephraim Cutter (1715-1770)
* Esther Cutter (1717-1784)
* Hannah Cutter (1719-1756)
* Richard Cutter (1721-1768)
Richard Cutter married second to Mercy Kelsey (1698-1760). The Cutter surname book lists these children for Richard and Mercy (Kelsey) Cutter:
* William Cutter (1722-1780)
* Joseph Cutter (1725-1767)
* Mary Cutter (1728-????)
* Rebecca Cutter (1730-????)
* Ebenezer Cutter (1732-????)
* Samuel Cutter (1734-1759)
The will of Richard Cutter mentions all of those children, except for the first Rebecca and Elizabeth who died in 1750.
The will says that William, Richard and Joseph are the three eldest sons. That doesn't match the list above very well. But the son Richard Cutter's gravestone says he died in the 46th year of his age, so born about 1722. The gravestone for William Cutter says he died in 1780 in the 58th year of his age, so he was born about 1723. The gravestone for Joseph Cutter says he died in 1767 in the 42nd year of his age, so he was born about 1725. Of course, the gravestones may be wrong!
Mercy (Kelsey) Cutter also wrote a will in 1759, and mentioned only her living children - William, Ebenezer, Rebecca and Mary. She doesn't mention Joseph or Samuel (who died in 1759).
'Tis a puzzle! I am descended from William Cutter (1722-1780) who married Mary Kent (1726-????), and then their son, Stephen Cutter (1745-1823). I note that William Kent was a witness to the will of Richard Cutter in 1756. Could he be a father or a brother of Mary (Kent) Cutter?
The URL for this post is: http://www.geneamusings.com/2015/12/amanuensis-monday-post-298-1756-will-of.html
Copyright (c) 2015, Randall J. Seaver
Please comment on this post on the website by clicking the URL above and then the "Comments" link at the bottom of each post. Or contact me by email at randy.seaver@gmail.com.
What a phenomenal will! Great to have captured it, before it was returned to near-invisibility. If only it, and so many others, were still accessible at Ancestry! My tears have yet to dry.... The letter to Santa is a gem: funny, serious, and "twinkling," just like the old guy himself. Please keep us posted on what happens: I'm sure he will come through with something (and I don't mean cinders). And please see my new, but belated comment on the Rhode Island Wills and Probate Records, which I'm adding to your comments on same.
Zebulon Pike? Pumpkin Patch? I love it, even though they weren't my ancestors.
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