New Records Available To Search This Findmypast Friday
Over 56,000 new records are available to search this Findmypast Friday, including;
Gloucester Apprentices 1595-1700 contains the details of over 20,000 apprentices, masters and their relatives who were listed in the Calendar of the Registers of Apprentices of the City of Gloucester 1595-1700. Originally published by The Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeological Society, the calendar has been digitised through optical character recognition (OCR), which allows you to search images of text for your ancestor’s name or a keyword, such as your ancestor’s trade.
Each record will list the apprentices chosen trade, residence, the name of their father, the name of their master, the name of their master’s wife, the length of their term and the amount they were paid at the end of their training.
Over 36,000 new additions have been made to our collection of Kent parish records, including;
· Over 14,000 additional baptisms
· Over 1,000 additional banns records
· Over 11,000 additional marriages
· Over 9,000 additional burials
The new records date all the way back to 1538 and cover the parishes of Wrotham, Stansted, Wouldham, Southfleet, and Leybourne.
Scotland Mental Health Institutions Admissions contains over 1,000 records from over 50 mental health institutions including asylums and poorhouses.
Each record includes a transcript of an original document held by National Records of Scotland that will allow you to discover your ancestors’, birth place, birth date, former residence the institution they were sent to and the date of their admission.
Search over 17,000 transcripts of prison registers to find out if your ancestors spent time in jail between 1828 and 1884.
Each record will list your ancestors’ age, birth year, birth place, occupation, former residence, offence and place of imprisonment.
Disclosure: I am a Findmypast Ambassador, and receive a complimentary subscription to Findmypast.
The URL for this post is: http://www.geneamusings.com/2016/12/new-records-available-to-search-this_23.html
Copyright (c) 2016, Randall J. Seaver
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