Friday, September 22, 2017

52 Ancestors - Week 193: #272 Henry Smith (1680-1743) of Medfield, Massachusetts

Henry Smith (1680-1743) is #272 on my Ahnentafel List, my 6th great-grandfather, who married #273 Ruth Barber (1696-1761) in 1730 in Medfield, Massachusetts.

I am descended through:

*  their son, #136 Moses Smith (1732-1806) who married #137 Patience Hamant (1735-1780) in 1762.
*  their son, #68 Aaron Smith (1765-1841) who married Mercy Plimpton (1772-1850) in 1795.
*  their son, #34 Alpheus B. Smith (1802-1840), who married #35 Elizabeth Horton Dill (1791-1869) in 1826.
*  their daughter #17 Lucretia Townsend Smith (1828-1884)who married  #16 Isaac Seaver (1823-1901)  in 1851.
*  their son #8 Frank Walton Seaver (1852-1922) who married #9 Hattie Louisa Hildreth (1857-1920) in 1874.
*  their son #4 Frederick Walton Seaver (1876-1942) who married #5 Alma Bessie Richmond (1882-1962) in 1900.
*  their son #2 Frederick Walton Seaver (1911-1983) who married #3 Betty Virginia Carringer (1919-2002) in 1942.
*  their son #1 Randall Jeffrey Seaver (1943-living)


1)  PERSON (with source citations as indicated in brackets):
* Name: Henry Smith[1–12]   

* Sex: Male   

* Father: Samuel Smith (1641-1691)   
* Mother: Sarah Clark (1651-1704)  

2)  INDIVIDUAL EVENTS (with source citations as indicated in brackets):
*  Birth:                     16 December 1680, Medfield, Norfolk, Massachusetts, United States[1-3]   
*  Death:                   14 April 1743 (age 62), Medfield, Norfolk, Massachusetts, United States[1-2,7]
*  Burial:                  after 14 April 1743 (after age 62), Vine Lake Cemetery, Medfield, Norfolk, Massachusetts, United States[8]    
*  Probate:                24 May 1743 (age 62), will proved; Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts, United States[9]   
*  Probate:                23 September 1743 (age 62), inventory taken; Medfield, Norfolk, Massachusetts, United States[10]   
*  Probate:               17 September 1744 (age 63), account approved; Medfield, Norfolk, Massachusetts, United States[11]   
*  Probate:               16 January 1756 (age 75), widow's dower distribution; Medfield, Norfolk, Massachusetts, United States[12]  

3)  SHARED EVENTS (with source citations as indicated in brackets):

*  Spouse 1:            Deborah Pratt (1684-1706)   
*  Marriage 1:        20 February 1703 (age 22), Medfield, Norfolk, Massachusetts, United States[1-2,4]   

*  Child 1:              Daniel Smith (1706-1749)   

*  Spouse 2:           Mary Adams (1681-1725)   
*  Marriage 2:       4 March 1708 (age 27), Medfield, Norfolk, Massachusetts, United States[1-2,5]   

*  Child 2:            Mary Smith (1709-1770)   
*  Child 3:            Henry Smith (1711-1785)   
*  Child 4:            Jonathan Smith (1714-1784)   
*  Child 5:            Sarah Smith (1717-1748)   
*  Child 6:            Benoni Smith (1725-1752)   

*  Spouse 3:         Ruth Barber (1696-1761)   
*  Marriage 3:      1 September 1730 (age 49), Medfield, Norfolk, Massachusetts, United States[1-2,6]   
*  Child 7:            Ruth Smith (1730-1813)   
*  Child 8:            Moses Smith (1732-1806)   
*  Child 9:            Asa Smith (1740-1795)  
4)  NOTES (with source citations as indicated in brackets):    

William S. Tilden edited the book History of the Town of Medfield, Massachusetts, 1650-1886.  The family genealogy section of the book provides this summary for Henry Smith[1]:

"Henry Smith settled in the south-east part of the town, on what is now Plain Street.  His father had land "on the way leading to Rock Meadow;" also, a "farther field" in the same locality, which was given to Henry.  He married in 1703 Deborah Pratt, who died in 1706; second, in 1708, Mary Adams, who died in 1725; third, in 1730, Ruth Barber. He served on the board of selectmen in 1737; died in 1743."

Ezra S. Stearns edited The Genealogical and family history of the state of New Hampshire (Volume 4), which provides this summary for Henry Smith[2]:

"He was a selectman and held other offices in the town [Medfield]. He was married February 20, 1703, to Deborah Pratt, who was born 1684, daughter of John and Rebecca (Colburn) Pratt. She died August 5, 1706, and he was married (second), March 4, 1708, to Mary Adams. She was born August 4, 1681, daughter to Jonathan and Mary (Ellis) Adams, and died February 23, 1725. Henry Smith was married (third) September 1, 1730, to Ruth Barber, who was born March 5, 1696, daughter of Zachariah and Abigail (Ellis) Barber. His children were: Daniel, Mary, Henry, Jonathan, Sarah, Benoni, Ruth, Moses and Asa."

Henry Smith was born on 16 December 1680 in Medfield, Massachusetts, the second child and eldest son of Samuel and Sarah (Clark) Smith[1-2,4].  

Henry Smith married, first, to Deborah Pratt on 20 February 1703 in Medfield[1-2,5].  They had one child, Daniel, before Deborah died 5 August 1706. 

He married, secondly, to Mary Adams on 4 March 1708 in Medfield[1-2,6].  They had five children (Mary, Henry, Jonathan, Sarah and Benoni)  before Deborah died on 23 February 1725.  

He married, thirdly, to Ruth Barber on 1 September 1730 in Medfield[1-2,7].  They had three children (Ruth, Moses, Asa) before Henry died on 14 April 1743 in Medfield.

Henry Smith is buried in Vine Lake Cemetery in Medfield with his wife, Ruth (Barber) Smith[8].  The rough hewn stone inscription is:

Here lies
ye body Mr Henry
Smith deced 14 Ap
ril 14 1743

Henry Smith wrote his will on 17 March 1742/3, and it was proved on 24 May 1743 in the Suffolk County Probate Court in Boston, with witnesses Samuel Clark, Ephraim Chenery, and Nathan Plimpton.   He named sons Daniel Smith and Henry Smith as executors[9].         

Henry Smith named his third wife, and all nine of his children in his will, dividing the property evenly between all of them.  Sons Daniel and Henry, and daughters Mary and Sarah, had married by the time he wrote the will, and he had, apparently, provided some land by deeds.  He left his wife Ruth her dowry and her thirds, for her natural life, and not until she married again. 

The will reads:

"In the Name of God amen. The Seventeenth Day of March in the year of Our Lord one thousand seven hundred & forty two, three: I Henry Smith of Medfield in the County of Suffolk in his Majesty's Province of the Massachusetts Bay in New England Husbandman: being Sick & weak and under Bodily Infirmities: but of perfect Mind & Memory, thanks be given unto God. Therefore calling to mind the mortality of my body and knowing that it is appointed to all men once to dye Do make & ordain this my Last Will &Testament That is to Say Principally and First of all I give & recommend my Soul into the hands of God that gave it, hoping for Salvation by Jesus Christ alone,and my Body I recommend to the Earth to be buried in a decent manner at the discretion of my Executor. And as touching such worldly Estate wherewith it hath pleased God to bless me in this Life: I give demise & dispose of the Same in the following manner & form. Impr's I give & bequeath to Ruth Smith my beloved Wife for her Dowry & thirds in my Housing & Lands during the term of her Natural Life the West End of my Dwelling House to the middle of the Chimney with all the privileges thereto belonging, also a third part of the Barn, also a third part of the orchard to lye nearest the House, also a third part of all the Lands at Home to be set off on the West Side also a third part of my Bridge Street Meadow, on that side next the Meadow of Henry Harding: also three acres of Meadow lying near the Pine Swamp Joyning on the Meadow of Samuel Smith towards the East, also I give & bequeath to her one third part of my moveable Estate forever when my Just Expences are first paid out. I give & bequeath to my son Daniel Smith besides what I have already given him by Deed: the Remainder of that Lott whereon his House Stands lying Southward of his House: and in Case that End of the Lott which I give to him be Judged as good as that End I give to my Son Henry, then said Daniel to have so much Land at the north End of said Lott as to make his part as good as said Henry's part provided he pay out to my Daughter Mary Clark the Sum of fifty pounds in the Old Tenour: also an Equal Share in my Moveable Estate with his Brothers and Sisters after my Just Debts are paid & my wife's thirds taken out: and my four youngest Children made Equal in Moveable Estate to those that are gone from Me. Also an Equal Share with his Brothers & Sisters in the Iron oar. I give & bequeath to my Son Henry Smith besides what I have already given him by Deed, the Remaind'r of the Lott whereon his House stands lying northward of his House: Excepting so much as may be Judged needfull to make Daniels part of said Lott as good as his also about one acre & an half of Meadow lying at a place called Jade Walk: provided he shall pay out to my Daughter Sarah Boyden fifty Pounds in the old Tenour: also an Equal Share with his Brothers & Sisters on my moveable Estate after my Just Debts are paid and my Wife's thirds are taken out, and my four youngest children made Equal in moveable Estate, to those that are gone from Me. Also an Equal Share with his Brothers & Sisters in the Iron ore. I give and bequeath to my Son Jonathan Smith besides what I have already given him by Deed fifteen acres of Land lying on the West Side of the Land that I have given him at Home also another piece containing about four acres lying Eastward from his House also one third part of my Bridge Street Meadow to lye in that Side near the Meadow of the Heirs of my Brother Samuel Smith deced provided he pay out to my Daughter Mary Clark Fifty Pounds in old Tenour. Also an Equal Share with his Brothers & Sisters in my Moveable Estate after my Just Debts are first paid and my Wife's thirds taken out: and my four youngest Children made Equal in Moveable Estate to those that are gone from Me: Also an Equal Share with his Brothers & Sisters in the Iron Oar. I give & bequeath to my Son Benoni Smith all the Remainder of my Lands & Buildings at Home besides what I have disposed of to my Wife and my Son Jonathan, also a third part of my Bridge Street Meadow, also a third part of my Cedar Swamp lying in Walpole, also a third part of my Meadow in the Pine Swamp, provided he pay out to my two Daughters Sarah Boyden & Ruth Smith, to Sarah Boyden Fifty Pounds and to Ruth Smith one hundred Pounds, all in the old Tenour: to pay to Sarah Boyden her part in one year after he comes to the age of Twenty One years, and to pay to Ruth Smith the Sum of fifty pounds when she come to the age of Eighteen Years, or at the Time of her Marriage in Case she should Marry before she attain to that age. And the other Fifty pounds within one year after her Mothers decease, also at the decease of my Said wife, her Dowry in the Housing & Lands shall go to my said Son Benoni Smith, also I give him one ox & one cow & one Mare, also a third part of all my Tackling for the Team with Tools for Husbandry, also an Equal Share with his Brothers & Sisters in the Iron Oar. I give & bequeath to my two youngest Sons Moses Smith & Asa Smith all my Lands in Walpole which I have not otherwise disposed of, also two thirds of my Meadow in the Pine Swamp also two Oxen, two cows, also two third parts of all my Tackling for the Team, and Tools for Husbandry, and so much more of my Moveable Estate ass to make ^each^ them Equal to what my other Children had when they went from Me, also an Equal Share with their Brothers & Sisters in the rest of my Moveable Estate after my Just Debts are paid and my Wife's thirds taken out: also each of them an Equal Share with their Brothers & Sisters in the Iron Oar. Moreover I do will & bequeath that my Daughters within named Mary Clark & Sarah Boyden shall have besides what I have already given them at their Marriage or otherwise: and also my Daughter Ruth Smith shall have such certain Legacies within ordered to be paid in Each of them: and each of them shall have an Equal Share in my Moveable Estate with their Brothers, and also an Equal Share with their Brothers in the Iron Oar: The Iron Oar to be Dugg in a Time of Year when it may do less Damage. I do also constitute make & ordain Daniel Smith and Henry Smith my Sons within named: to be Executors of this my Last Will & Testament, and I Do hereby utterly Disallow Revoke & Disannul all & every other & former Wills Testaments Legacies & bequests & Executors by Me in any wise before named Willed & bequeathed: Ratifying & Confirming this & no other to be my Last Will & Testament. In Witness whereof I Do hereunto set my Hand & Seal the Day & year abovewritten. Henry Smith and a Seal. Signed Sealed pronounced & declared by him the said Henry Smith as his Last Will & Testam't in prsence of us the Subscribers Samuel Clark Ephraim Chenery Nathan Plimpton,                                                                    
 Exam'd And'w Belcher Reg'r

"Suffolk Ss By the Hono'ble Josiah Willard Esq'r Judge of Probate &c
The foregoing Will being presented for Probate by the Executors therein named Samuel Clark Ephraim Chenery & Nathan Plimpton made oath that they saw Henry Smith the Subscriber to this Instrument Sign & Seal & heard him publish & declare the same to be his Last Will & Testament and that when he so did he was of Sound disposing Mind & Memory according to these Depon'ts best discerning and that they set to their hands as Witnesses thereof in the Said Testator's presence.
Boston May 24. 1743.                                                    J. Willard                                
                                                                  att.d And'w Belcher Reg'r

The inventory of the estate of Henry Smith of Medfield was appraised on 22-23 September 1743 by Samuel Morse, Seth Clark, and Edward Turner[10].  The estate totaled £2609, of which £2035 was real estate.  The court approved the inventory on 21 October 1743[11].  The executors filed their account on 17 September 1744, showing £58 in expenses to be reimbursed. 

The widow's dower was set off and approved by the Court on 19 May 1755.  A second division of the land for the widow's dower was made and approved by the Court on 16 January 1756[12].  

1. William S Tilden and John A S Monks, History of the town of Medfield, Massachusetts, 1650-1886 : with genealogies of the families that held real estate or made any considerable stay in the town during the first two centuries (Boston, Mass.: G.H. Ellis, 1887), page 483, Henry Smith sketch.

2. Ezra S. Stearns, Genealogical and Family History of the State of New Hampshire (New York : The Lewis Publishing Co., 1908), Volume IV, page 1874, Henry Smith sketch.

3. Vital Records of Medfield, Massachusetts to the Year 1850 (Boston, Mass. :  New England Historic Genealogical Society, 1903), Births, page 92, Henry Smith entry.

4. Vital Records of Medfield, Massachusetts to the Year 1850, Marriages, page 172, Henry Smith and Deborah Pratt entry.

5. Vital Records of Medfield, Massachusetts to the Year 1850, Marriages, page 174, Henry smith and Mary Adams entry.

6. Vital Records of Medfield, Massachusetts to the Year 1850, Marriages, page 174, Ruth Barbur and Henry Smith entry.

7. Vital Records of Medfield, Massachusetts to the Year 1850, Deaths, page 234, Henry Smith, husband of Ruth.

8. Jim Tipton, indexed database, Find A Grave (, Vine Lake Cemetery, Medfield, Mass., Henry Smith (1680-1743) memorial #24020196.

9. "Massachusetts, Wills and Probate Records, 1635-1991," indexed database with digital images, (, Suffolk County, "Probate Records, Vol 35-37, 1740-1745," Volume 36, Pages 333-335 (images 512-513 of 927), Henry Smith will, 1743.

10. Massachusetts, Wills and Probate Records, 1635-1991, indexed database with digital images, (, Suffolk County, "Probate Records, Vol 35-37, 1740-1745," Volume 36, Pages 443-444 (images 572-573 of 927), Henry Smith inventory, 1743.

11. Massachusetts, Wills and Probate Records, 1635-1991, indexed database with digital images, (, Suffolk County, "Probate Records, Vol 35-37, 1740-1745," Volume 37, Pages 261-262 (images 771-772 of 927), Henry Smith estate account, 1744.

12. Massachusetts, Wills and Probate Records, 1635-1991, indexed database with digital images, (, Suffolk County, "Probate Records, Vol 50-51, 1755-1757," Volume 51, Pages 76-78 (images 444-445 of 825), Henry Smith land warrant and division, 1755.


NOTE:  Amy Johnson Crow suggested a weekly blog theme of "52 Ancestors" in her blog post Challenge:  52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks on the No Story Too Small blog.  I have extended this theme in 2017 to 208 Ancestors in 208 Weeks.

Copyright (c) 2017, Randall J. Seaver

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1 comment:

Shelina said...

It looks like both of his first wives might have died in childbirth. Glad the children survived.