It's Treasure Chest Thursday - time to "show-and-tell" some of the treasures found in the papers of my parents and their families. I scanned some of these papers in the February Scanfest, and recently converted some of them to JPG format.
I wrote to the Keene, New Hampshire Town Clerk in 1994 requesting a Marriage Certificate for my great-grandparents, Frank W. Seaver and Hattie Hildreth. This is what I received:

This is a standard New Hampshire "Certified Abstract of a Certificate of Marriage." The name and residence of the bride and groom are provided, but their ages, birthplaces and number of marriages is not provided. When this marriage occurred, Frank was 22 years old, and Hattie was only 17, so they probably went out-of-state to avoid the age 18 requirement for Hattie.
Just curious any idea why the age and birthplace are left blank?
Sanjay - the certificate only recounts what was required by the town clerk at the time. Evidently, age and birthplace weren't written down in the town leadger. If it had, it would have revealed that Hattie was only 17! Which is why they married in Keene NH insterad of Leominster MA.
Cheers -- Randy reading in NZ
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