Occasionally there are job postings for genealogists by the different genealogy companies. A "dream job" (in my mind, at least!) was posted recently by Ancestry.com on their Careers page - see RESEARCH DIRECTOR - ProGenealogists.
My impression of the person who would compete for a "Research Director" at an Ancestry.com subsidiary company, with the required qualifications stated in the job posting, is someone well known in the genealogy industry, with a national presence, with many years of experience as a manager, educator and presenter. I was somewhat amazed by the summary job description:
"The Research Director will be responsible for all genealogical research at ProGenealogists, the official Ancestry.com research firm. The organization seeks an experienced and innovative individual who has a strong passion for genealogical research to communicate with the public while providing support to staff and clients in a corporate setting. The Research Director will design and refine training programs, evaluate research to insure quality, act as a consultant on difficult cases, and serve as lead research asset on the most challenging cases.
"Only those candidates with strong problem solving and communication skills and at least 5 years professional genealogical research experience will be considered."
Only five years of professional genealogical experience are required? That didn't seem like enough, given the job responsibilities, but it surely includes a wider range of individuals than, say, 15 to 20 years of that experience.
Then I remembered my aerospace industry experience, and realized that this position is targeting one or two individuals who satisfy all of the position requirements, while not excluding those with much more experience.
Putting two and two together, can you figure out who might be the top candidates for this position? Please comment if you care to with your guesses.
Well, I know who it won't be..Me. However, a dream job in my book as well. I take it your comment on my blog indicates your recommendation for this dream job!!
Sounds to me like a new job for golden boy Josh who recently resigned from NEHGS.
Another dream job (for me anyway) was recently posted. Lead Genealogist at DAR Headquarters in Washington DC.
I do wish that some of these companies would be more flexible about where I live. If you don't live in Salt Lake City, you pretty much are SOL
OK I am done whining . . for now.
OK I forgot to enter my guess. I agree that Josh is the likely candidate.
I had the same idea as you all did- Josh was the candidate that came to my mind as well. Totally agree too, that it would be nice if some of these jobs were more flexible on your home base location. It's a little disappointing when these things come up but are restrictive on those living in a specific metro area.
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