Hundreds of genealogy and family history bloggers write thousands of posts every week about their research, their families, and their interests. I appreciate each one of them and their efforts.
My criteria for "Best of ..." are pretty simple - I pick posts that advance knowledge about genealogy and family history, address current genealogy issues, provide personal family history, are funny or are poignant. I don't list posts destined for the genealogy carnivals, or other meme submissions (but I do include summaries of them), or my own posts.
Here are my picks for great reads from the genealogy blogs for this past week:
* Analysis of Evidence in the Genealogical Proof Standard, Who is this? Confirming the identity of a record’s subject, Correlating information from multiple records by Michael Hait on the Planting The Seeds blog. Michael continues his series examining elements of the Genealogical Proof Standard.
* Kids climb their family tree at the library by Joan Miller on the Luxegen Genealogy and Family History blog. Joan describes this hour-long family tree project for 8 to 10 year old children.
* Taking an Active Role in Preserving Local History by Marion Woodfork Simmons on the Discovering Yesterday blog. Marion presents a great list of activities for researchers and groups.
* Christmas Shopping: 12 Must-Have Genealogy Toys by Lynn Palermo on The Armchair Genealogist blog. Lynn helps out shopping-phobic genealogy spouses here.
* Holiday Shopping: 6 Must Haves for This Genealogist by Marian Pierre-Louis on the Marian's Roots and Rambles blog. Marian has a somewhat different list.
* What do not-so-local genealogical societies have to offer? PLENTY! by Tami Glatz on the Relatively Curious blog. She's right!
* All I Want For Christmas: A Genealogist's Baker's Dozen Wish List by Lorine McGinnis Schulze on the Olive Tree Genealogy Blog. Lorine's wish list has some different items on it.
* Family History Gifts: Something for Everyone! by Susan Farrell Bankhead on Susan's Genealogy Blog. Susan has gift ideas for everybody.
* My Dad's College Paper on the Underground Railroad in Massachusetts, My Dad's College Paper Part 2 by Heather Wilkinson Rojo on the Nutfield Genealogy blog. Heather is sharing her father's college report on the Underground Railroad in Essex County, Massachusetts. Fascinating!
* Ooooh Look - Something Shiny by Sheri Fenley on The Educated Genealogist blog. Sheri started out with good intentions, the n ... read it, you'll probably recognize yourself.
* Give the Gift of Genealogy by Carolyn L. Barkley on the GenealogyAndFamilyHistory.com blog. Here is a great list of gifts for the genealogist in your life.
Several genea-bloggers wrote weekly pick posts and news summary posts this week, including:
* Monday Morning Mentions by Lynn Palermo on The Armchair Genealogist blog.
* Ruth's Recommendations by Ruth Blair on The Passionate Genealogist blog.
* Genealogy Round Up, December 1 by Megan Smolenyak on Megan Smolenyak Smolenyak's Roots World blog.
* Genealogy News Corral, Nov. 28-Dec. 2 by Diane Haddad on the Genealogy Insider blog.
* Follow Friday: This Week’s Favorite Finds by Jen on the Climbing My Family Tree blog.
* Friday Finds - 12/02/11 by Julie Cahill Tarr on the GenBlog blog.
* Follow Friday Gems - 12-02-11 by Deb Ruth on the Adventures in Genealogy blog.
* Donna’s Picks, Link Love, and More: Advent Edition by Donna Pointkouski on the What's Past is Prologue blog.
* Week In Review by John Newmark on the TransylvanianDutch blog.
I encourage readers to go to the blogs listed above and read their articles, and add their blogs to your Favorites, Google Reader, RSS feed or email if you like what you read. Please make a comment to them also - all bloggers appreciate feedback on what they write.
Did I miss a great genealogy blog post? Tell me! I am currently reading posts from over 1060 genealogy bloggers using Google Reader, but I still miss quite a few it seems.
Read past Best of the Genea-Blogs posts here
Welcome to my genealogy blog. Genea-Musings features genealogy research tips and techniques, genealogy news items and commentary, genealogy humor, San Diego genealogy society news, family history research and some family history stories from the keyboard of Randy Seaver (of Chula Vista CA), who thinks that Genealogy Research Is really FUN! Copyright (c) Randall J. Seaver, 2006-2024.
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Thanks for mentioning the "My Dad's College Paper" posts. I went to see the Jenkins house in Andover, Massachusetts for myself this afternoon, and I photographed it and found out some more fascinating genealogy serendipity. I'll publish it tomorrow as a nice finish to this series of posts. I have to thank my Facebook friends for encouraging me to put Dad's paper on my blog.
Thanks Randy for the shout out! I seem to have struck a chord with more people than I thought LOL!
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