By attending RootsTech 2012 you’ll have the opportunity not only to network with other genealogists, vendors and developers and share the knowledge you currently have, but you’ll also get the chance to learn even more about the latest in technology for family history.
As an Official RootsTech 2012 Blogger, here’s a look at the technology I currently use and what keeps me rooted in my genealogy research. I also explain why I am using or not using certain technologies and gadgets as well as what skills and knowledge I’m hoping to gain at RootsTech this year.
If you want to join in the fun and show off your own tech cred, here are the rules for the My Rooted Technology meme:
- Technology you already use: bold face type (in blue)
- Technology you would like to use or learn more about: italicize (in red)
- Technology you don’t use, have no interest in using or no longer use: plain type
- Explain or give opinions in brackets [ ] at the end of each bullet point
- I have a tablet computer such as an iPad that I use for genealogy [I have been pondering buying a Tablet...but probably would use a small laptop to better use]
- I have downloaded one or more apps to a Smart Phone or similar device. [I don't have a smart Phone either, and am pondering buying one]
- I belong to a genealogy society that uses social media. [NGS, NEHGS, SCGS and SDGS have webinars and a Facebook presence, and they plus CVGS have blogs]
- I use GEDCOM files and understand the various compatibility issues involved [too much understanding, I fear!]
- I have added metadata to some of my files and digital photos. [another task TBD]
- I have utilized an API from a genealogy-related application or website. [what's an API?]
- I have taken a DNA test related to my genealogy research. [Y-chromosome, mitochondrial, and FTDNA Family Finder]
- I have used the FamilySearch Research Wiki.
- I have a Facebook account and use it regularly for genealogy.
- I use tech tools to help me cite my sources in genealogy research. [well, is EE a tech tool? Are the source templates in RM5, LFT7 and FTM2012 tech tools?]
- I have developed a genealogy-related app for a Smart Phone or similar device. [nope]
- I use a genealogy database program (Family Tree Maker, Legacy Family Tree, RootsMagic etc.) [yes, those three!]
- I use cloud computer resources to store my genealogy data. [I use Dropbox for the most critical files, and Google Docs for working files; plus online trees at Ancestry, Geni, MyHeritage, others]
- I have made one or more contributions to the FamilySearch Research Wiki.
- I have attended a genealogy webinar. [too many to count...]
- I have organized and administered a DNA testing group related to my genealogy. [no plans...]
- I use apps involving GPS and Geo-caching for my genealogy research. [not yet...]
- I have a Google+ account and use it regularly for genealogy. [yes! We need more genies on Google+]
- I have created and published a family history e-book. [Long time ago now, not available online now]
- I have created a wiki related to my genealogy research. [Not planning to. I have contributed to WikiTree and WeRelate family tree wikis]
- I have conducted a genealogy webinar as a presenter. [No real desire to do this]
- I read genealogy-related blogs to help improve my own research. [All day long it seems!]
- I have one or more genealogy-related blogs to help improve my own research. [Only four, with others in mind; great cousin bait]
- I have a Twitter account and use it regularly for genealogy. [mainly to highlight blog posts or conference news]
- I have one or more genealogy-related websites which I run and administer. [an old one...still there!]
- I have created a screencast or video related to genealogy and posted it at a video sharing site (Vimeo, YouTube, etc.). [Not yet, and don't have plans for it. Was interviewed by Lisa Cooke once]
- I use one or more digital tools to capture and record my family history. ([igital camera for family pictures, photos at cemeteries, document images at repositories; Digital audio recorder for interviews, seminars, etc.]
What about you, dear Readers? What technology tools do you use (you don't have to be an Official RootsTech blogger to post this meme)?
It appears i have a long...long way to go.
I am about to receive Family tree maker for Mac.
I have a genealogy blog that is "primitive" and needs more care.
I have lots of information, not yet well organized.
I already have a few brick walls, which i enjoy researching.
I am still accumulating resources and finding out what regional organizations i should join.
I am subscribed to Ancestry, Geneanet and six or so blogs.
I have a full-time job...that may be the current problem...will fix that soon.
I enjoyed your post becasue it gave me great ideas.
I have alot to learn.
Roger Robineau
I should have read the "rules" before posting.
Okay - I'm game and posted at
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