I had a mtDNA test done by Sorenson many years ago, and reported on it in My mtDNA is in the K Haplogroup in 2008. In my 23andMe autosomal test, they told me that my mtDNA haplogroup was K1b2b, which I reported in My 23andMe DNA Test Results - Post 1 in March 2013. However, 23andMe doesn't provide the markers or any mtDNA matches - it only provides the haplogroup.
The results from this Family Tree DNA mitochondrial DNA test:
The screen above shows the HVR1 and HVR2 regions tell me that I'm in Haplogroup K. I knew that!
The "Matches" screen shows three matches:
One of those persons has taken the myDNA Full Sequence test and is identified as K1b2b - the same as my haplogroup subclade.
The Advanced Matches screen shows more matches ( picked "Select all mtDNA," and clicked on "no" for "Show only people I match in all selected matches"):
There is another K1b2b match, but he has tested only HVR1. There are 16 others that I match in HVR1 only.
Family Tree DNA does not have family tree icons showing for any of the matches.
All of this is useful information, but I'm not sure what to do next.
1) I could contact the two persons that identify as K1b2b and see if they will share their matrilineal line with me. Perhaps we share a female ancestor within the last 6 generations or so.
2) I could enter my HVR1 and HVR2 markers on www.mitosearch.org and see if there are matches there. The "Matches" page says:
"Family Tree DNA has created MitoSearch.org as a free public service so that people who have tested with different companies can compare their results. You will be able to determine what portion of your personal information you want to disclose. "
I'll try to do that in the next week or so. Hopefully, there will be family trees there to compare to mine.
3) I could enter my HVR1 and HVR2 markers on the Ancestry mtDNA database also, and see if there are matches with persons there. Hopefully, there will be family trees there to compare with mine.
My matrilineal line is posted at Saturday Night Genealogy Fun - What is Your Matrlineal Line?
Does any reader have more suggestions?
The URL for this post is: http://www.geneamusings.com/2013/06/received-my-mitochondrial-dna-test.html
Copyright (c) 2013, Randall J. Seaver
My suggestion is that you join the K mtDNA Haplogroup project. The admin is very helpful and will answer any questions you have. I am also a K, and in the project. Apparently we are all distantly related to Oetzi the Iceman.
I was just scrolling down to strongly recommend that you join the Haplogroup K Project and I see that Mary Helen beat me to it! So, I will second her recommendation and add that the admin - Bill Hurst - knows more about mtDNA Haplogroup K than probably anyone else in the world. He can give you expert guidance regarding your next step.
Have fun!
I also just got my mtDNA results back (I did the full sequence one, which also includes the coding region), and am haplogroup H1c1. I have a whopping 144 matches in HVR1, HVR2, and the coding region, 45 of which are exact! Haven't found the connections with any of them yet; I have a lot of emailing to do!
Firstly, let me specify that I am an Aleut, certified by the Bureau of Indian Affairs, born and raised in Alaska. Being male, I have paid for the Y-DNA 111, mtDNA full sequence, and the autosomal DNA testing called family finder. I wanted a broader understanding of my ancestral history, well beyond what I was able to grasp from my rather extensive family tree.
At this point, I am very unsatisifed with the results, especially where cost for this extensive testing is considered. As far as determing Haplogroup, FTDNA seems just fine, but provides only the most generic information on origin, lacking related ethnicity. For example, my mtDNA was classified as D2A1A, which is specific of Aleuts. However, the report I received (if it can even be called that), just said that the Haplogroup first emerged about 20,000 years ago. No additional information was provided.
I haven't received the Y-DNA 111 results yet, although I already know the Haplogroup. Both my father and grandfather have done the testing, but only at 37 markers. My decision to test at the maximum level was to determine most common ancestor by those people who share my family name, currently engaged in a large testing project at FTDNA. It was already determined that my direct male lineage was originating from the Brigantes (Celt).
Now for the family finder, AKA autosomal DNA testing. It was not only expensive, but provided horrible results.
Oddly, my overall classification was European with a sub-continent of Russia at more than 96% with an additional 13+% cited as Middle Eastern. This was all wrong, so I have sent numerous e-mails to FTDNA to get this problem resolved, without success.
Just recently, I learned some valuable information that everyone should know. The most important is that if you are of Native American / Native Alaskan origins, just like me, this test is a waste of time and money and will only upset you. FTDNA has proven that not only are they incapable of identifying us, but have no problems classifying us the wrong way. All you can expect to hear, as a result of your concerns, is "sorry you aren't satisfied". I think this is unacceptable.
Furthermore, out of the 700,000 SNPs in the test, FTDNA has told me that they only match about 1/3rd of them, using a worldwide population genepool of a mere 62 ethnic groups. Their reasoning is that they believe that some people are so genetically similar, it is not worth the effort to attempt and identify them.
The only upside to my testing with FTDNA was the fact that I was able to download the raw genome data. With that, I paid $50 to a company called DNA Tribes, who performs third-party SNP analysis, and has a current reference population of almost 1,300 ethnic peoples, including nearly 900 that are considered "Native" to their particular area. They then provided me a 40 page report, matching my SNPs to the groups in their database. I will honestly say, I was not only suprised at how accurate it was, but how detailed. They were able to identify my father's primarily Northwest European background (not Russia like FTDNA said), in addition they showed my relation to several ethnic Russian groups on my maternal side, including my Aleut heritage, plus identification of Mesoamerican and Native American DNA.
In my humble opinion, based upon price and services offered, you would do far better to get tested at 23andme, which provides Y-DNA, mtDNA, and autosomal DNA results, all for less than the cost of 1 test at Family Tree DNA. Afterwards, if you crave more specific information, do the third-party SNP analysis at DNA Tribes and you will be set.
Not only do I not recommend Family Tree DNA, I do not believe that they are adequately prepared to provide reasonably accurate autosomal results or family finder services, due larger to their small genetic reference population and lack-of matching to SNPs. Not sure how they expect to find ample relations when only 1/3rd of the SNPs are matched, leaving the rest without analysis.
Hope this information helps someone else to avoid the disappointment I felt and aids in making a better selection when it comes to your DNA testing needs, whether that is for genealogy of the determination of close genetic relationship.
I'm brand new to all this, but my test revealed I'm K1b2b also. I need to do some more straight genealogy work on my mother's side it seems. I've always been more interested in my dad's side as it has deep Florida history beginning with the founding of St Augustine, and roots in Spain and Menorca and there are groups promoting that and telling our history. My mom's family always thought they were Irish, but it seems after some cousins were also tested we are more Scot. I did the basic Ancestry.com test, the Genographic Project (as part of a group that will be getting a group analysis done) and FTDNA GenoChip 2.0, still waiting for the results from the last one mentioned. I was searching for more information about my maternal haplogroup and found the posting. Maybe we could compare our genealogy and see if we have any matches.
My North Florida family also has deep roots in Menorca. Genealogical records tell me that about 20-25% of my DNA should come from Menorca. The 23andMe results were complicated, though. There was Iberian for sure, but it didn't seem like enough, and it seemed like there was too much British and French. Without going into a lot of detail about all the additional info, I'll say that I concluded my Menorcan ancestors had some mixed DNA too--Spanish yes, but also British, French, Italian, and Greek. The island was occupied by many conquerors, and it was also part of an empire at one point that was spread all over the Mediterranean. I'd love to see some DNA charts for people born and raised on Menorca. My guess is it would be quite a mix of European backgrounds.
I am also K1b2b, however, none of your surnames match mine. Here is my list: Freeman, Ward, Groseclose, Ring, Gentry, Scott.
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