Saturday, June 22, 2013

Saturday Night Genealogy Fun - Your Genealogy Database Statistics

Hey genea-folks, 
it's Saturday Night again, 

 time for more Genealogy Fun!

Your mission this week, should you decide to accept it, is to:

If you have your family tree research in a Genealogy Management Program (GMP), whether a computer software program or an online family tree, figure out how to find how many persons, places, sources, etc. are in your database (hint:  the Help button is your friend!)

2)  Tell us which GMP you use, and how many persons, places, sources, etc. are in your database(s) today in a blog post of your own, in a comment to this blog post, or in a Facebook status or Google+ stream comment.

Here's mine:

I use RootsMagic 6 at present for my Genealogy Management Program of choice.  In File > Properties this window popped up:

The information in this window says my current database has:

*  People: 41,699
*  Families:  16,640
*  Events: 121,157
*  Alternate names: 160
*  Places: 6,474
*  Sources: 902
*  Citations: 41,301
*  Repositories: 73
*  To-do tasks: 110
*  Multimedia items: 409
*  Multimedia links: 1,301
*  Addresses: 1
*  Correspondence: 0

If I do this in other programs, the process is:

*  Family Tree Maker 16 (and earlier):  Tools > Family File Statistics
*  Family Tree Maker 2008 (and later):  in "Plan" Workspace, click "More" button
*  Legacy Family Tree 7: Help > General Information

*  Ancestry Member Tree:  Select your tree, then click on "Tree Pages," and select "Tree Overview."

While I use each of these programs, the only program file that is "up-to-date" is my RootsMagic 6 database.

Copyright (c) 2013, Randall J. Seaver


my Heritage Happens said...

Thank you for tonight's fun! This was a great one for me and I had time to do it! to boot! Here is my post ~

GeneGinny said...

Here's my contribution, Randy:

Carol said...

My contribution is here:

Dr. Bill (William L.) Smith said...

Hadn't looked for a while, Randy... thanks for a good excuse:

Individuals - 15628
Families - 11120
Places - 3229
Last Names - 2902
File Size - 14.1 MB
Reunion Version - 10.0.4
on my Mac

I've only added a thousand or so in recent years... working on other projects, and, 'improving' what I have. I use WikiTree - where I'm trying to add 'improved' citations of sources, as well.

Thanks, again, Bill ;-)

Unknown said...

A day late and a dollar short ... here's the link :)

Sandy Scott said...

* People: 4283 and 1625
* Families: 1539 and 632
* Events: 6187 and 2460
* Alternate names: 11 and 9
* Places: 1336 and 574
* Sources: 636 and 222
* Citations: 7043 and 5119
* Repositories: 73
* To-do tasks: 110
* Multimedia items: 257 and 517
* Multimedia links: 233 and 385
* Addresses: 77 and 2
* Correspondence: 0

I use Roots Magic and have two different family files I'm working with: my own and my husband's; thus the two sets of numbers.

Still working on adding/improving the sources and citations and finding new information.
