A) Video Blogs:
1) DearMYRTLE YouTube Channel AmbushCAM by Pat Richley-Erickson:
* Night Before NGS2014 (7 May 2014)
* View From the Evidentia Booth (7 May 2014)
* Daniel Horowitz, Chief Genealogical Officer of MyHeritage.com (7 May 2014)
* Ron Arons, Mind Maps for Genealogists (7 May 2014)
* Bruce Buzbee, RootsMagic Developer (7 May 2014)
* Maureen Taylor, the Photo Detective (7 May 2014)* Shannon Combs-Bennett (8 May 2014)
* Linda McCauley FGS.org Gone to Texas (8 May 2014)
* Rorey Cathcart, FGS.org, 1812 Project: http://www.preservethepensions.org (8 May 2014)
* Jen Baldwin: TrGR (8 May 2014)
* Gaylon Findlay: Ancquest.com Ancestral Quest (8 May 2014)
* FamilySearch.org: FamilySearch Interview (8 May 2014)
* Ed Thompson: EvidentiaSoftware.com (8 May 2014)
* Crista Cowan: Ancestry.com (8 May 2014)
* Duff Wilson: Ancestry.com (8 May 2014)
* Friday 1 (Rebecca Koford) (9 May 2014)
* Friday 2 (Jordan Jones) (9 May 2014)
* Friday 3 (Patty Roy) (9 May 2014)
* Friday 4 (Dick Eastman) (9 May 2014)
* Friday 5 - Maury Cralle Jr. (9 May 2014)
* Friday 6 - Elissa Scalise Powell, CG, CGL, from GRIPitt.org (9 May 2014)
* Friday 7 - DearMYRTLE has Comments from NGS (9 May 2014)
* Saturday 1 - Jan Meisels Allen RPAC - www.fgs.org/rpac (10 May 2014)
* Saturday 2 - +Carmen Cross (10 May 2014)
* Saturday 3 - Barry Kline www.tnggn.org (10 May 2014)
* Saturday 4 - Lisa Louise Cooke - www.genealogygems.com (10 May 2014)
* Saturday 5 - Kim Jordan (10 May 2014)
B) Written Blogs:
1) BCG Springboard News and Notes blog by Elissa Powell:
* BCG Activities at NGS in Richmond, Virginia (6 May 2014)
* BCG Activities at NGS in Richmond, Virginia, Part II (8 May 2014)
2) The Ancestry Insider blog:
* #NGS2014GEN FamilySearch Blogger Dinner (7 May 2014)
* #NGS2014GEN Opening Session (7 May 2014)
* #NGS2014GEN Newspapers.com (7 May 2014)
* #NGS2014GEN Comet Ison (8 May 2014)
* #NGS2014GEN Genealogists Declaration of Rights (8 May 2014)
* #NGS2014GEN State Collection Pages on Ancestry.com (8 May 2014)
* #NGS2014GEN English Research and the FamilySearch Wiki (9 May 2014)
* #NGS2014GEN Framing the Problem for Overseas Research (12 May 2014)
* #NGS2014GEN Using Evidence Creatively (13 May 2014)
* #NGS2014GEN Using Case Studies to Learn (14 May 2014)
* #NGS2014GEN Recorded Sessions Available Online (20 May 2014)
* #NGS2014GEN Thank You to Attendees (21 May 2014)
* #NGS2014GEN Planning Your Time at a Conference (22 May 2014)
3) Are My Roots Showing? blog by Jenny Lanctot:
* NGS 2014 -- I Always Forget Something (7 May 2014)
* NGS 2014 - FamilySearch Blogger Dinner (15 May 2014)
* NGS 2014 - The (Honest) Summary (27 May 2014)
4) Journeys Past blog by Cheri Daniels:
* NGS Pre-Conference Sessions (7 May 2014)
* #NGS2014: Library Lessons (9 May 2014)
5) Adventures in Genealogy Education blog by Angela McGhie:
* From NGS: The BCG Education Fund Workshop was Excellent! (6 May 2014)
* A Speaker's Perspective on the NGS Conference (12 May 2014)
6) Leaves & Branches blog by Colleen G. Brown Pasquale:
* A First Timer at the NGS Conference (7 May 2014)
* NGS Conference -- A Great Day of Learning and Sharing (8 May 2014)
* NGS Conference - More to Learn (10 May 2014)
* NGS Conference Exhibit Hall Purchase: Colonial Bertie County, North Carolina: Deed Books (28 May 2014)
7) Eastern Washington Genealogical Society Blog by Donna Potter-Phillips:
* Greetings from Richmond, Virginia, & NGS (7 May 2014)
8) Trials and Tribulations of a Self-Taught Family Historian blog by Shannon C. Bennett:
* Day 1 Recap of #NGS2014GEN Conference (7 May 2014)
* Day 2 Re-cap #NGS2014GEN (9 May 2014)
* Day 3 Re-cap #NGS2014GEN (9 May 2014)
* Day 4 Re-cap #NGS2014GEN (11 May 2014)
9) GeneJourneys blog by Lauren Mahieu:
* NGS Day 1 (7 May 2014)
10) The Passionate Genealogist blog by Ruth Blair:
* NGS Conference, Richmond, Virginia -- Day 1 -- #NGS2014GEN (7 May 2014)
* NGS Conference Richmond, Virginia -- Day 2 #NGS2014GEN (8 May 2014)
* NGS Conference Richmond Virginia -- Day 3 #NGS2014GEN (9 May 2014)
* NGS Conference Richmond, virginia -- Day 4 -- Wrapup #NGS2014GEn (31 May 2014)
11) Carolina Girl Genealogy blog by Cheri Hudson Passey:
* First Day at NGS 2014! (7 May 2014)
* Day 2 at NGS 2014 (9 May 2014)
* NGS 2014 ~ Day 3 (13 May 2014)
* NGS 2014 ~ Day 4 (14 May 2014)
* Oh, The People I Met! (15 May 2014)
12) Eastman's Online Genealogy Newsletter blog by Dick Eastman:
* National Genealogical Society Presents Awards Honoring Excellence in Genealogy Newsletter Editorship and Service to NGS (7 May 2014)
* NGS Conference in Richmond, VA -- Day #1 (7 May 2014)
* NGS Conference in Richmond VA -- Day #2 (8 May 2014)
* NGS Conference in Richmond VA -- Day #3 (9 May 2014)
13) Climbing My Family Tree blog by Marian Burk Wood:
* NGS 2014: Scotch-Irish and Runaways and Mining the Data (8 May 2014)
* NGS 2014: Pennsylvania, Yearbooks and Scotch-Irish (Again) (8 May 2014)
* NGS 2014: Looking for Local Info -- NARA, Periodicals, Newspapers (12 May 2014)
* NGS 2014: Prothonotary, Census tips and Case Studies (15 May 2014)
14) Jollett, Etc. blog by Wendy:
* Bowties and Chickens: Friday at NGS (9 May 2014)
15) Upfront With NGS by Diane L. Richard:
* Excellence in Genealogy Scholarship and Service Honored by NGS Awards (9 May 2014)
* NGS 2014 Family History Conference -- Session W145 -- Using Civil War Maps in Genealogical Research (14 May 2014)
* NGS 2014 Family History Conference -- Session T222 -- Oh, the Things You Can Map: Mapping Data, Memory, and Historical Context (15 May 2014)
* NGS 2014 Family History Conference -- Session W154 -- "She Bore Her Suffering With Christian Fortitude": Using Religious Newspapers and Periodicals (19 May 2014)
* NGS 2014 Family History Conference -- Session F313 -- Your Ancestor's Famous Neighbors -- Recorss of the Prominent as Sources for Information of Others (20 May 2014)
* NGS 2014 Family History Conference -- Session T242 -- Finding Relatives Like a Private Eye (22 May 2014)
* NGS 2014 Family History Conference -- Session T260 -- Diving Into Archives: Uncovering ArchiveFinder and ArchiveGrid (26 May 2014)
* NGS 2014 Family History Conference -- Session T219 -- Tech Tools That Catapult the Newspaper Research Process Into the 21st Century (27 May 2014)
* NGS 2014 Family History Conference -- Session F303 -- Newly Discovered Records of the Poor: Rich Records of the Indigent and Downtrodden (29 May 2014)
16) A Sense of Family blog by Shelley Bishop:
* Photos From NGS 2014 Family History Conference (10 May 2014)
17) The Legal Genealogist blog by Judy G. Russell:
* Conferencing Continues (12 May 2014)
18) Lisa Lisson blog by Lisa Lisson:
* Genealogy Lessons Learned at NGS 2014 (12 May 2014)
19) Smoky Mountain Family Historian blog by Lori Thornton:
* NGS Recap (12 May 2014)
20) Finding Forgotten Stories blog by Anne Gillespie Mitchell:
* Power Point Slides From Wytheville Family History Day and NGS 2014 (12 May 2014)
21) Homestead Genealogical Research by Melanie Frick:
* The NGS 2014 Family History Conference (15 May 2014)
22) Your Genetic Genealogist blog by CeCe Moore:
* AncestryDNA at the National Genealogical Society Conference - A Report from Angie Bush (10 May 2014)
23) Genealogy Certification: My Personal Journal blog by Jill K. Morelli:
* NGS 2014: Some Personal Highlights (19 May 2014)
* NGS 2014: Wrap up (22 May 2014)
C) Twitter -- Be sure to read the #NGS2014GEN hashtag on Twitter.com for latest information from many conference attendees.
D) Facebook -- There is a Group on Facebook for Genealogy Bloggers at NGS2014. Other attendees may or may not mention NGS or the National Genealogical Society Conference.
E) If you have blogged about the NGS 2014 Conference events and activities and I've missed it, please let me know with a comment here or an email to rjseaver@cox.net.
I will update this blog post several times a day until the volume dies down.
First posted: 8 May 2014; Last updated: 31 May 2014, 11 a.m. PDT
The URL for this post is: http://www.geneamusings.com/2014/05/national-genealogical-society-ngs-2014.html
Copyright (c) 2014, Randall J. Seaver
Thanks for doing this Randy - you always keep me updated!
Thanks for this NGS blog compendium!
I want you to know that two of your blog posts are listed in today's Fab Finds post at http://janasgenealogyandfamilyhistory.blogspot.com/2014/05/follow-friday-fab-finds-for-may-9-2014.html
Have a great weekend!
How do you do all that! Your awesome!
Many thanks for these recaps and for including mine! I'll have more posted soon. Looking forward to reading what everyone else did and learned...
Great round up, Randy! I've shared my recap of the conference here: http://homesteadgenealogy.com/2014/05/14/the-2014-ngs-family-history-conference/
Randy, thanks for the mention and the links to other posts about the conference. It is great to find out everyone's thoughts & experiences.
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