I received an email from Howard Swain three days later, noting that he was unable to comment on the post for some reason, but he provided this information about the Morgan family:
"Here's some more on Charles Morgan [Sr]. He had two wives. The first was, as you say, Helena Applegate. They had marriage intentions 9 Feb. 1648. He m/2 Catalyntje Huyberts from Haerlem with intentions 18 Dec. 1652.
"There are baptism records for 4 of his children. 17 July 1650 Thomas, 23 Aug. 1654 Jan/John, 21 Jan. 1657 Marie, and 20 July 1659 Rachel. All marr. and bap. records above are from the New Amsterdam Reformed Dutch Church.
"In his will, Charles also names as children: Charles, Daniel, and Susannah. I haven't seen proof which wife was the mother of Charles [Jr.]. Although, I'd guess he was first born because he was named for his father and he is named first in the will. There may be land records that might say if he is the eldest.
"Charles' will abstract is in the Abstracts of Wills pub. by the NY Historical Soc. vol. 1, p. 9. The complete will as recorded in the will liber is online at FamilySearch:
New York, Probate Records, 1629-1971 > New York Co. > Wills 1665-1683 vol 1, image #61. (Film #907920 and page 66 in the orig. liber). If you want the 19th C. copy of the above see Wills 1665-1699 vol 1-2, image #50.
"The original will itself has survived and is on film #501142, file #88. I have not been able to find this film in a digital version online.
"As to the wives --
There is more on Helena in Historical and Genealogical Miscellany by Stillwell, vol. 3, pp. 1-4. You can download a pdf of this from Internet Archive.
I doubt she is from Wales.
"Catherine m/2 Nicholas Stillwell. See New York Marriages Previous to 1784, p. 373."
It's wonderful to have help like this from my genealogy friends and readers.
I went looking for the information online that Howard highlighted, for instance:
1) Charles Morgan's 1668 probate records in New York County, New York. As he suggested, an image of the original will and inventory is in the New York, Probate Records, 1629-1971 collection on FamilySearch. Here is the image of the will:
2) Baptism records for four of Charles Morgan's children in the 1650 to 1660 time period. I found transcriptions of these records in Lorine McGinnis Schulze's Olive Tree Genealogy website - see http://www.olivetreegenealogy.com/nn/church/rdcbapt.shtml.
I found a published book with transcriptions of these baptisms on AmericanAncestors.org - the citation provided is:
New York, NY: Parents and Witnesses at Baptisms in the Reformed Dutch Church, 1639-1730. (Online database. AmericanAncestors.org. New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2012.) Originally published as: Collections of the New York Genealogical and Biographical Society, Volume 2. Records of the Reformed Dutch Church in New Amsterdam and New York. Baptisms from 25 December, 1639 to 27 December, 1730. Edited by Thomas Greer Evans. New York: Printed for the Society, 1890.
3) Marriage records for Charles Morgan and his two known wives - Helena Applegate in 1648 and Catalyntje Huyberts in 1652. Lorine McGinnis Schulze has a marriages list also the 1648 entry is on http://www.olivetreegenealogy.com/nn/church/rdcmarr1648.shtml.
I found a published book with transcriptions of these marriages on AmericanAncestors.org - the citation provided is to:
New York, NY: Marriages in the Reformed Dutch Church, 1639-1801. (Online database. AmericanAncestors.org. New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2012.) Originally published as: Collections of the New York Genealogical and Biographical Society, Volume 1. Records of the Reformed Dutch Church in New Amsterdam and New York. Marriages from 11 December, 1639 to 16 August, 1831. Edited, with an Introduction, by Samuel S. Purple, M.D. New York: Printed for the Society, 1890.
4) The Stillwell work was found on Internet Archive (www.archive.org) at https://archive.org/details/historicalgeneal03instil, and on Ancestry.com in http://search.ancestry.com/search/db.aspx?dbid=6248.
All of the above help me add content to my database for this Morgan family, and also provided more information about the parents of Helena Applegate, the probable mother of Charles Morgan (1649-1720). I like the NEHGS source citations, too!
My thanks to Howard Swain for helping me out here on a surname line that I knew little about and had performed no real research on.
The URL for this post is: http://www.geneamusings.com/2014/05/52-ancestors-week-20-27-abigail-vaux.html
Copyright (c) 2014, Randall J. Seaver
1 comment:
What a great find! It's a post like this that reminds us why we are keeping a blog in the first place
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