"A person employed to write what another dictates or to copy what has been written by another."
The subject today is the 1754 will and 1757 administration of Sarah (Warren) (Little) Sever (1692-1756) of Kingston, Plymouth County, Massachusetts:
The transcription of this will and administration papers is:
[page 328, near the bottom]
In the Name of God Amen
I Sarah Sever of Kingston in the County
of Plimouth in NewEn-
gland wife of Nicholas Sever of sd Town
& County Esq'r being
of sound m ind & memory, but
apprehensive of Human Frailty
& the Shortness of the life of Men,
do make and ordain this my
last Will and Testament. First I
Committ my ^soul into the^ hands of God Alm-
ighty and then my body to the earth to
be Decently buried at
the Direction of my Exec'rs hereafter
named, and my Worldly Estate
which God hath possessed me with I Give
& Devise in Manner
following viz.
Imprs. I give to my son William One
Stone Ring & to my son
John one Silver Box each with the name
of James Sever dec'd on it.
[page 329]
Item I Give my waring apparell to my
two Daughters
Mrs. Tyler and Mrs. Little to be
equally Divided between them.
Item, and after my Husband's Decease I
give to my two sons
before mentioned their Heirs and
assigns two thirds of the Orchard
Near the Dwelling House to be equally
Divided between them
Also one third part of an acre on the
point up the Hill to
be alike Divided.
Item I give all the Remainder of my
Real Estate Viz. Two thirds
of this Dwelling House the yard before
it, the garden, & Brack yard
also my wood lott near Plimouth Town,
also two wood lotts in
Pembrooke which I bought of Joseph
Chade, and a
third part of a Wood lott at Ellis's in
Plimouth with all my
out lands & Cedar Swamp in Plimouth
& Plimton which decended
to ^me^ from my Father and Sisters,
after my Husband's decease, to my
two Sons and two Daughters before
mentioned their Heirs &
assigns forever to be equally divided
between them.
And I make and ordain my Husband, my
son William &
My Daughter Lucy Exec'rs the ninth day
of Feb^y AD 1754.
Signed Sealed & Delivered by the sd Sarah Sever {seal}
Sarah Sever as & for her last Will
Testament in the presence of us who
are present at the Signing &
James Warren } Plimouth Ss
May 19th 1757 I do hereby
Mary Warren } renounce the
Executorship of the within
Ann Warren } Will, tho' I approve of my son William
within named his proving of said Will
and acting as
Exec'r. Thereon Nicholas Sever
Plimouth Ss May 19th 1757
this Will being presented for prob't
by Mr. William Sever one of the Exec'rs
within named the other
Exec'r, Nicholas Sever Esq'r renouncing
the Executorship & Miss
Lucy Little the Other being Dead, the
said James Warren Esq'r. Miss
Mary Warren & Ann Warren made oath
that they saw the
within named Sarah Sever Sign and Seal
and heard her
declare this Instrument to be her last
Will and Testament
and that they at the same time in her
presence Subscribed as
Witnesses & that according to the
best of their Judgm'ts She was then
of Sound Mind & Memory. Before me
John Cushing Judge of prob't.
Province of the }
Massachusetts Bay }
Plimouth Ss } By the
Hon^ble John Cushing Esqr Judge
the probate of Wills & for granting Letters of
Admrs on the Estates of persons dec'ed having goods
Chattles Rights & Credits in the County aforesd
{ seal } Within
the province aforesd.
To all unto whom these presence Shall
come Greeting
Know ye that upon the Day of the Date
hereof before
[page 330]
me at Plimouth in the County aforesd
the Will of Mrs. Sarah
Sever late of Kingston in the County of
Plimouth (wife
of Nicholas Sever Esqr) Dec'ed to these
presents annex'd
was Proved approved approved and
allow'd who having while
she Lived and at time of her Death
Goods Chattels Rights &
Credits in the County aforesaid &
the probate of the said Will
and the power of committing adm'n &
full Disposition of
said Dec'ed and her will in any manner
concerning is thereby
Committed unto her said Husband and Son
William Sever &
Daughter Mrs. Lucy Little, but the said
Nicholas Sever Reno-
uncing the Executorship and the said
Lucy Little being since dec'ed
the said William is therefore sole
Exec'r of the same Will
Well and faithfully to execute the said
Will & to adm'r the Estate
of the said deceased according
thereunto, and to make a true & perfect
Inventory of all & Singular the
Goods Chattles Rights & Credits
& to exhibit the Same into the
Registry of the Court of prob't
for the County aforesaid at or before
the Nineteenth day of Aug
next ensuing and also to render a plain
and true acct of his
said Adm'n upon oath within twelve
months next Coming. In
Testimony whereof I have hereunto sett
my hand and the seal
of the Court of Probate Dated at
Plimouth the 19th day
of May Anno Domi. 1757.
Jno. Cushing
The source citation for these documents is:
"Massachusetts, Plymouth County, Probate Records, 1633-1967," Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org : accessed 15 July 2015), probate clerk transcriptions, ""Probate Records, 1755-1758 and 1859-1862, Vol 14-14E," Volume 14, pages 328-330 (penned), Sarah Sever will and administration; citing original records in the Massachusetts State Archives, Boston, Mass.
Sarah Warren (1692-1756), daughter of James Warren and Sarah Doty of Plymouth, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, married (1) Charles Little (1685-1724) in 1712, and had six children beteen 1713 and 1723, but had only two living daughters, Bethiah Little who married Thomas Tyler, and Lucy Little, at the time she wrote her will. She married (2) Nicholas Sever in 1728 and they had three sons, William Sever (1729-1809), John Sever (1731-1760), and James Sever (1734-1745).
Sarah (Warren) (Little) Sever named all four of her children living in her 1754 will. She left specific items to her four living children, and left real estate to all four living children (which probably devolved to the three living children after Lucy died in 1756).
The will describes her remaining real estate as "Two thirds of this Dwelling House the yard before it, the garden, & Brack yard also my wood lott near Plimouth Town, also two wood lotts in
Pembrooke which I bought of Joseph Chade, and a third part of a Wood lott at Ellis's in Plimouth with all my out lands & Cedar Swamp in Plimouth & Plimton which decended to ^me^ from my Father and Sisters,"
Perhaps Nicholas and Sarah Sever resided in Kingston on land given to her, or them, by her father, James Warren (1665-1715), after her mother, Sarah (Doty) Warren died in 1749.
Astute Genea-Musings readers will recall that there are two women named Sarah Warren - Sarah (Warren) (Little) Sever (1692-1756) who married Nicholas Sever (1680-1764) and was the mother of William Sever (1729-1809), and Sarah Warren (1730-1797), daughter of James Warren (1700-1757) and Penelope Winslow (1704-1737), who married William Sever (1729-1809).
The land and probate records are extensive for these two Sever families, and the Warren records are even more extensive.
The URL for this post is: http://www.geneamusings.com/2015/08/amanuensis-monday-week-281-1754-will-of.html
Copyright (c) 2015, Randall J. Seaver
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Copyright (c) 2015, Randall J. Seaver
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