Yes, I know it's supposed to be Treasure Chest Thursday, but I can't help it - I want to share some of the records that I (and others) have found in my/their repository and online searches for my ancestral families.
This week's Treasure is the 1863 petition in the Montgomery County, Pennsylvania Orphans Court for William Henry Auble to choose a replacement guardian:
The Auble record is on the right-hand page above:
The transcription of this record is:
"The petition of William Henry Auble by himself his father & next friend William Auble
of this county,
Was presented setting forth,
That the said William Henry Auble is a
minor above the age of fourteen years a son of the said William & Tamsen Auble. The
said Tamsen is dead leaving an estate in which he is interested and has no
person legally authorized to take charge of his interest in the same.
That at the May Session 1862 of said Court T. Elwood Conly was
appointed Guardian of the said minor Estate who has since died thus leaving
the petitioner without a Guardian.
And therefore praying the Court to appoint some suitable person Guardian of
his estate in the place of the said T. Elwood Conly deceased & names as such Guar-
dian Jacob P. Tyson.
Whereupon November 16th 1863 Jacob P. Tyson was chosen and
by the Court appointed Guardian agreeably to the prayer of the petitioner."
The source citation for this record is:
Pennsylvania Wills and Probate Records, 1683-1993, indexed records and digital images, (, accessed 3 May 2016), Montgomery County > Orphans Court Dockets, Vol 13-15,1857-1866, Volume 14, page 477 (image 698 of 1066), William Henry Auble petition for guardianship.
This is the second of two guardianship records for William Henry Auble in the Montgomery County, Pennsylvania Orphans Court records. It provides his full name, his age, and the names of his parents.
Apparently, his mother, Tamsen (--?--) Auble, died before 1860 in Montgomery County with an estate in which William Henry Auble had an interest. A Guardian was appointed in 1862, but the Guardian died, so this petition is to appoint another Guardian to protect William Henry Auble's interests. It is likely that his father, William Auble, also had an interest in the estate of his wife, and therefore could not be the Guardian of his son.
William Auble is the son of John and Anna (Row) Auble, my third great-grandparents, and the brother of my second great-grandfather David Auble (1817-1894), making him my second great-granduncle. Both were named in the will of Elizabeth Auble (1814-1899) of Philadelphia, William Auble's sister and my second great-grandaunt.
Copyright (c) 2016, Randall J. Seaver
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