The Torjer Olsen death record is:
The extracted information from this record (translated as best I can):
* No. 34
* Death date (dode datum): Wangen 28 February [1827]
* Burial date (begravelse datum): 6 March [1827]
* Full Name (full navn): Torjer Olsen Gjelle
* Age (alder): 73 aar (years)
* Condition: Gaardman (thanks to reader Mike Poston for this!)
The source citation for this record is:
Voss (Vangen) Parish Church (Voss, Norway), Voss: 1823-1837, Ministerialbok A12, Deaths and Burials, Page 326, item 34, Torjer Olsen of Gjelle; digital images, Artkivverket DigitalArkivet Scanned Church Records ( : accessed 12 December 2013).
Torgeir Olsen (1753-1827) married Anna Sjursdtr (1772-1826) in 1796 in Voss, Norway, and was the father of six children born in Voss parish, including Sjur Torgersen (1804-1889). Torjer died 28 February 1827 and was buried 6 March 1827 on Gjelle farm. Torjer is the 2nd great-grandfather of my wife, Linda (Leland) Seaver.
I captured these records and wrote about the process in Finding Norwegian Church Parish Records in DigitalArkivet Website (dated 12 December 2013). I also crafted some source citations then too - the process and result is in A Source Citation for Anna's Death Record in Voss, Norway (posted 13 December 2013).
Copyright (c) 2017, Randall J. Seaver
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This is so cool! I'm following your Norway findings with interest, because my husband's has ancestors from Norway, as well. When I went to the Nebraska State Genealogical Society, I made sure to attend the session on beginning Scandinavian research, since my only experience with ancestors overseas is England, Ireland, and Italy. So I'm learning a lot from your posts about researching in Norway and what can be found there.
husband has*
And I meant Nebraska State Genealogical Society Conference.
Clearly, I cannot spell or think complete thoughts this morning. :)
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