It's Saturday Night -
time for more Genealogy Fun!
1) Did you make any New Years Resolutions, or state Goals and Objectives, for genealogy research in 2018? If so, tell us about them.
2) If not, then make ONE resolution, or state one goal, for your genealogy research that you are determined to keep during 2018. We'll check on progress toward that resolution/goal during the year in SNGF (if I remember!).
3) Tell us about it in your own blog post, in a comment to this blog post, or in a Facebook status post or Google+ Stream post.
Here's mine:
I have NOT made resolutions or stated goals for 2018, based on my seemingly poor performance in recent years.
The ONE, most important, genealogy Goal that I have for 2018 is to:
Make a spreadsheet for my autosomal DNA Matches from AncestryDNA, 23andMe, FamilyTreeDNA, MyHeritageDNA and GEDMatch. The spreadsheet will include the name of the tester, the test service, the amount that matches in cMs and percentage, the number of matching segments, the known or approximate relationship, the known common ancestors, and more.
I haven't even started in on looking at specific chromosomes and segments with my matches on FamilyTreeDNA, 23andMe and GEDMatch. I will try to get that started also.
My problem is time. I spend a lot of time reading blogs, watching webinars and videos, writing blog posts and the supporting research, and adding Ancestry Hints to my RootsMagic family tree database. I need to carve out time to do this DNA task on a regular basis - say 10 matches a day until it's completed, and then a weekly update.
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Copyright (c) 2017, Randall J. Seaver
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Please comment on this post on the website by clicking the URL above and then the "Comments" link at the bottom of each post. Share it on Twitter, Facebook, Google+ or Pinterest using the icons below. Or contact me by email at
My one resolution for 2018 is to blog more than I did in 2017. Considering that I blogged a great deal less in 2017 (due to taking the B.U. class over the summer and then getting lazy in the fall), this is a resolution I should be able to keep. In fact, I've already scheduled a couple of posts for January and I plan to participate in Amy Johnson Crow's 52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks!
I would say that my goal would be to increase my blog posts to my 2015 level or close. Over 100 posts per year. These past couple of years have been tough. 2016, the loss of my Mom and 2017 my several month intensive research to find my daughter in law’s bio parents. Successful by the way.
I hope you achieve your goals Randy.
Mine's a goal, not a resolution, but I've made the commitment!
Good question for the end of the year, Randy. My genea-resolution is to finish the book I've been writing on my husband's grandmother's family. I've written it, and it's been edited by others. But in September, I got stuck finishing the footnotes, indexing, adding photos and then uploading to the publishing company.
I've been working on my genealogy software Behold for 15 years. It still is only a GEDCOM reader and does not have its own database or export to GEDCOM. I can't add editing (which is what I've been needing and wanting for 15 years) until I add its own database (so that edits can be saved) and GEDCOM export (so that the data can be extracted for other uses).
So let me resolve, here publicly on your blog Randy, that 2018 will see the release of Version 1.5 of Behold, which will include its own database and GEDCOM export.
Now that I've declare this to be a New Year's Resolution, it will happen for sure!!
My goal is two pronged: (1) I hope to "finish" researching my family lines back to migration/immigration to America (about 3/4 done now) so that I can start writing the stories that go with them, and to have an outline for that book completed; and (2) I hope to have at least half of the stories about my own life and that part of the family that I knew personally written at least in draft form by yearend 2018. The outline and a bit of the writing for that book is done, and the accompanying cookbook of family recipes is ready to be typed into the system as soon as I pick the software I want. To accomplish this I am committed to writing and researching daily. Feels good to put this in writing and get it out there...hoping it will give me incentive to actually do it.
I have a goal I'm pretty determined to fulfill.
Randy -- please post more as you develop your spreadsheet!
I have several 'goals' for 2018 -
This kind of post is a great way to start the new year. Thanks! Here are my goals:
A little late, but it's never too late to set goals :)
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