It's time for another edition of "Seavers in the News" - a weekly feature from the historical newspapers about persons with the surname Seaver that are interesting, useful, mysterious, fun, macabre, or add information to my family tree database.
This week's entry is from Palladium and News [Newport, Vt.] [Port Huron, Mich.] newspaper dated 22 April 1942:
The transcription of the article is:
"C.W. Seaver
"Cleon W. Seaver, a leading merchant of Barton for the past five years, died at the Orleans County Memorial Hospital in Newport on April 16, following a year's decline in health and a brief illness with acute Bright's disease and complications.
"Mr. and Mrs. Seaver came from Wolcott to Barton five years ago and leased the entire ground floor and basement in Masonic block where a stock of goods was put in and the store has done a large business since. The business in Wolcott was continued but Mr,. and Mrs. Seaver made their home in Barton.
"Except for a few years with the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company in Newport, where Mr. Seaver had owned a home for years and until his death, he had been in the mercantile business, first in North Troy, then in Wolcott and Montgomery, and in Barton.
"He was a graduate of North Troy High School and Albany and Troy, N.Y., Business Colleges, was a Mason and a member of the Congregational church in Newport. Funeral services were held from the Converse and St. Germain Funeral Home in Newport on Saturday, Rev. John Robert Gee officiating, and interment was in North Troy cemetery.
"Mr. Seaver was born in North Troy July 18, 1886, the son of Ezra T. and Amanda (Ewens) Seaver. He married Ethel Wright Elkins on February 28, 1915. She survives but only distant blood relatives are living.
"Two peculiar circumstances surround Mr. Seaver's passing. He died at the same age as his father, at the same time of the year and of the same ailment. The other circumstance is the fact that his nearest neighbor, in residence and in business, A.L. Urie, died just three weeks previously and was about the same age, one year younger, to be exact."
The source citation is:
"C.W. Seaver," Palladium and News [Newport, Vt..] newspaper, obituary, Wednesday, 22 April 1942, page 8, column 5, Cleon W. Seaver obituary; ( : accessed 8 October 2020).
This obituary provides a name, a birth date, a birth place, a death date, a death place, a marriage date, a burial location, and the names of his former neighbor, his parents and his widow, but no other relatives.
Cleon William Seaver was born 18 July 1886 in North Troy, Vermont, the son of Ezra Thomas and Almeda Alida (Ewens) Seaver. He married Ethel Ardell (Wright) Elkins (1875-1967) on 25 February 1915 in Troy, Vermont. They had no children. Cleon had a brother, Clive Gilman Seaver (1891-1916), who had two children, including one who lived until 1998. Cleon also had two step-daughters.
Cleon William Seaver (1886-1942) is my 7th cousin 3 times removed, with common Seaver ancestors of my 9th great-grandparents Robert and Elizabeth (Ballard) Seaver.
There are over 9,500 Seaver "stories" in my family tree - and this was one of them. Life happens, accidentally and intentionally, and sometimes a person leaves no descendants. I am glad that I can honor Cleon William Seaver today.
You never know when a descendant or relative will find this blog post and learn something about their ancestors or relatives, or will provide more information about them to me.
Disclosure: I have a complimentary subscription to and have used it extensively to find articles about my ancestral and one-name families.
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Copyright (c) 2020, Randall J. Seaver
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