Nathaniel Pierce (1655-1692) is number 562 on my Ahnentafel List, my 7th great-grandfather, who married #563 Elizabeth Pierce (1646-????) in 1681 in Woburn, Middlesex County, Massachusetts.
I am descended through:
* their daughter #281 Mary Pierce (1682-1713) who married #280 Thomas Dill (1682-1718) in 1706.
* their son #140 Thomas Dill (1708-1761) who married #141 Mehitable Brown (1714-1758) in 1733.
* their son #70 Thomas Dill (1755-1839) who married #71 Hannah Horton (1761-1797) in 1782.
* their daughter #35 Elizabeth Horton Dill (1791-1869) who married #34 Alpheus Smith (1802-1840) in 1826.
* their daughter, #17 Lucretia Townsend Smith (1828-1884) who married #16 Isaac Seaver (1823-1901) in 1851.
* their son #8 Frank Walton Seaver (1852-1922) who married #9 Hattie Louisa Hildreth (1857-1920) in 1874.
* their son #4 Frederick Walton Seaver (1876-1942) who married #5 Alma Bessie Richmond (1882-1962) in 1900.
* their son #2 Frederick Walton Seaver (1911-1983) who married #3 Betty Virginia Carringer (1919-2002) in 1942.
* their son #1 Randall Jeffrey Seaver (1943-living)
1) PERSON (with source citations as indicated in brackets):
* Alternate Name: Nathanell Pierce[5]
* Sex: Male
* Father: Robert Peirce (1621-1706)
* Mother: Mary Knight (1621-1700)
2) INDIVIDUAL EVENTS (with source citations as indicated in brackets):
* Birth: 4 December 1655, Woburn, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States[2]
* Military: 19 May 1676 (age 20), was at Turner Falls on Connecticut River in King Philip's War; Massachusetts, United States[1]
* Will: 2 May 1691, will written, Woburn, Middlesex, Massacusetts, United States[5]
* Death: before 13 December 1692 (before age 37), will proved; Woburn, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States[5]
* Probate: 13 December 1692 (age 37), Charlestown, Suffolk, Massachusetts, United States[5]
3) SHARED EVENTS (with source citations as indicated in brackets):
* Spouse 1. Hannah Converse (1660-1680)
* Marriage 1: 27 December 1677 (age 22), Woburn, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States[3]
* Child 1: Nathaniel Pierce (1679-1719)
* Spouse 2: Elizabeth Pierce (1646- )
* Marriage 2: 23 March 1680/1 (age 25), Woburn, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States[4]
* Child 2: Mary Pierce (1682-1713)
* Child 3: Hannah Peirce (1684-1688)
* Child 4: Ichabod Pierce (1686- )
* Child 5: Robert Pierce (1689-1689)
4) NOTES (with source citations as indicated in brackets):
The Pierce Genealogy book by Frederick Clifton Pierce provides a brief description of the life of Nathaniel Pierce[1]:
"NATHANIEL, Woburn, s. of Robert of the same, was sol. in K. Philip's War and was in the memorable battle at the falls of Conn. River, May 19, 1676; m. Dec. 27 1677, Hannah convers, had Nathaniel, b. Feb 2, 1678/9; his wf. d. Mar. 1678; He m. 2nd, Elizabeth (Pierce) Foster,* wid. of Hopestill of Charlestown and dau. of Thomas Pierce, Jr., and had Mary, Hannah, Ichabod, Robert.* She had been prev. m. to Thomas Whittemore, of Woburn."
Nathaniel Pierce was born 4 December 1655 in Woburn, the son of Robert and Mary (Knight) Pierce[2].
There is no record of Nathaniel Pierce's service during King Philip's War in 1676 except for a witness statement that he was present in the battle at Turner's Falls on the Connecticut River on 19 May 1676[1].
Nathaniel married (1) Hannah Converse (1660-1680) on 27 December 1677 in Woburn[3], the daughter of Allen and Elizabeth (--?--) Converse of Woburn. They had one son, recorded in the Woburn town records:
* Nathaniel Pierce (1679-1719), who married 1701 Lydia Francis (1684-1767) in Woburn.
Hannah (Converse) Pierce died before 23 March 1680/1 when Nathaniel married (2) Elizabeth (Pierce) (Whittemore) Foster in Woburn (1646-????)[4]. She was the daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth (Cole) Pierce of Charlestown, Massachusetts, and the widow of Thomas Whittemore and Hopestill Foster. They had four children, all recorded in Woburn town records:
* Mary Pierce (1682-1713), married 1706 Thomas Dill (1682-1718).
* Hannah Pierce (1684-1688)
* Ichabod Pierce (1686-????)
* Robert Pierce (1689-1689)
The will of Nathaniel Pierce of Woburn, a "taylor," was written on 2 May 1691 and proved in the Middlesex County Probate Court on 13 December 1692[5]. There are only three papers in Middlesex County Probate Packet 17539 - the will and two witness affidavits. The will says:
In the Name of god AmenI Nathanell Peirce of the Towne of Woburne in the Countyof Midlesex in the Masathusetts Collony in New England Taylorbeing of sound understanding do solomaly make ordayne andconstitute this writting my last will and Testament thewhich lett not man presume to alter or change herebymaking voyd all former wills by me made.And first I give my soule to God father son and holy spiritthree glorious persons but one Infinite and Eternall essencehoping to be saved by the above merits of Jesus Christ andbeleve that thought wormes destroy this body of mine yetmy soule and body shall againe be united and I be in thepresents of God to al eternity.Secondly I give my body to the Earth there to be decentlyburied and after my Just debts and funerall charges areSattisfyed the rest of my Esteat I will and bequeth as followethfirst I give to Elizabeth my loving and beloved wife tenn poundsto be payd her out of my effects she chosing in what of mymoveable Esteat she will have it in to be at her owne deseaseand also the use of the whole of my housing and lands duringher terme while my Eldest son cometh of Age and after thatthe use of but one halfe so long as she continueth my widow.2ly To my eldest son Nathanell ^I give^ the twenty pounds to be payd himout of my Effects the which I have given my bond alredy forand after all is payd as abovesaid the rest of my Effects I appointto be Equally devided amongst all my Children my eldest sonbeing one that is to say Mary, Nathanell, Ichabod ^and Robert myhousing and lands ^and all my effects^ bouth reall and personall to be equally devidedamongst them.I also ordaine my beloved wife and my Eldest son Nathanellto be Executors to this my will and desire my dear friendsDanell Baldwin and Benjamin Peirce Juner my owne Brotherto be my overseers and in case my movable Esteat will not beSuffishiant to pay my debts then my executors with the adviceof my over seers shall have power to sell those lands of minethat may be best ?????? to pay them and give my sd over seerstenn shillings apece as a token of my love to the conformationhereof I the said Nathanell Peirce have hereunto sett my handand seale this second of May Sixteen hundred and ninety one.Signed sealed and deliveredfor the End above said beforeusWilliam Johnson Nathaneill PierceJames BurbeenJoseph Polly
The witness affidavits are:
Charlestown dc^br 13 1692By y'e Honorable James Russell Esq'rW'm Johnson Esq'r appearing p'rsonally made oath y't he waspresent & saw y'e Subscriber Nathan'll Pierce Deced Sign & Sealand heard him Publish & declare this to be his last Will &Testament & y't when he said it he was of a disposing minde and y'the saw James Burbene & Joseph Polley set to theire handtogether w'th him selfe as Wittnesses to y'e same.Sam'a Phipps Reg'rJurat'h Cora Ja Russelldcbr 14'th 92: James Burbene in prsence of James RussellEsq'r made oath y't he was p'rsonally p'rsent and sawNathan'll Pierce Dated Sign & Seal & heard him publish andDeclare this to be his last Will & Testament & y't thenwhen he said it he was of disposing minde & that heSaw y'e other Wittnesses W'm Johnson Esq'r and Joseph Polleysett theire hands there unto together w'th himself as WitnessesSam'll Phipps Reg'rJura'th Cora Ja Russell.
NOTE; There are no other papers in this probate packet - no inventory, account or distribution.
Nathaniel Pierce died before 13 December 1692 in Woburn at about age 37[5]. There is a death record with only "1692" but no day or month in the Woburn vital record book. There is no known burial location of Nathaniel or Elizabeth Pierce.
1. Edward F. Johnson, Woburn Records of Births, Marriages and Deaths [5 Volumes], Volume 1,
Births, page 193, Nathaniel Pierce entry, 4 December 1655, "son of Robert".
2. Frederick Clifton Pierce, Pierce Genealogy; Being the Record of the Posterity of John Pers, an
Early Inhabitant of Watertown, in New England ... with Notes on the History of Other Families of
Peirce, Pierce, Pearce, Etc (Worcester, Mass., Press of Chas. Hamilton, 1880), page 18, Nathaniel
Pierce sketch.
3. Edward F. Johnson, Woburn Records of Births, Marriages and Deaths [5 Volumes], (Woburn,
Mass.: The News Print, 1893), Volume 3, Marriages, page 209, Nathaniel Pierce and Hannah
Converse entry, 27 Dec. 1677.
4. Edward F. Johnson, Woburn Records of Births, Marriages and Deaths [5 Volumes], Volume 3,
Page 209, Nathaniel Pierce and Elizabeth Foster entry, 23 March 1680.
5. "Middlesex County, Mass.: Probate Papers, 1648-1871," digital images, American Ancestors
( : accessed, 8 October 2020), Probate Case File 17539,
Nathanell Pierce of Woburn, 1692.
NOTE: In 2014, Amy Johnson Crow suggested a weekly blog theme of "52 Ancestors" in her blog post 52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks on the No Story Too Small blog. I have extended this theme in 2020 for a seventh year to 364 Ancestors in 364 Weeks. The list of 52 Ancestors biographies from my great-grandparents to the 7th great-grandparents (in work) is in
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