Calling all Genea-Musings Fans:
It's Saturday Night again -
Time for some more Genealogy Fun!!
(Photo courtesy of footnoteMaven)
Come on, everybody, join in and accept the mission and execute it with precision. Here's your chance to sit on Genea-Santa's lap (virtually) and tell him about your 2023 answers to Linda's 20 questions:
A) Linda Stufflebean sent in an update to her "December Meme" from last year. Copy them to your own post and write about them.
B) Tell us about them in your own blog post, in a comment on this post, or in a Facebook Status post. Please leave a link on this post if you write your own post.
Here are the 20 Questions:
1. What is one genea-accomplishment in 2023 of which you are proud?
2. Which (realistic) genea-gift would you most appreciate this year?
3. What item on your not-so-realistic wish list for Santa would you most appreciate this year
4. Have you written any genea-books (with mostly text) to give as holiday gifts?
5. Have you created any photo family history books to give as holiday gifts?
6. What is your favorite holiday main course food?
7. What is your favorite holiday dessert?
8. Which food do you eat too much during the holidays?
9. Share a favorite holiday memory.
10. Have you continued any ethnic food or cultural activities that have been passed down through the family?
11. Do you prefer warm sunshine or snow on Christmas Day?
12. Did you break through any brick walls in 2023?
13. Do you have a 2023 genea-goal which could have been accomplished, but over which you’ve procrastinated or from which you’ve been distracted?
14. Have you ever gone holiday caroling?
15. Do you have any favorite holiday decorations?
16. Who is the singer you most enjoy listening to during the holiday season?
17. Have there been any Christmas Day calamities that you remember?
18. If Santa invited you to hitch a ride in his sleigh, where would you like him to drop you off?
19. If you had to choose right this minute – which ancestor would you most like to meet? Choose an ancestor about whom you’ve researched in 2023.
20. Share one of your 2024 genealogy goals.
Here's mine:
1. What is one genea-accomplishment in 2023 of which you are proud? I added more than 48 weeks of Amanuensis Monday (record transcriptions) and 52 Ancestors (ancestor/elative sketches) blog posts this year.
2. Which (realistic) genea-gift would you most appreciate this year? Any one of the research requests I posted in my Genea-Santa letter.
3. What item on your not-so-realistic wish list for Santa would you most appreciate this year? The "Genea-AI ("Magic Genie AI")" with Artificial Intelligence that can work 24 hours a day on writing my blog posts and getting my genea-piles organized - that is so boring and there is so much to do ... but it wouldn't have to sleep or eat, visit Angel Linda at the care facility, or even spend time with her (I promise!). "Magic Genie AI" could also add Ancestry Record Hints and MyHeritage Record Matches to my RootsMagic database without having me having to type names, dates, places, notes, sources, etc. I'm sure that we can train "Magic Genie AI" to write quality source citations.
4. Have you written any genea-books (with mostly text) to give as holiday gifts? I've written about 40 stories for my StoryWorth book but have not published it or sent it to the kids/grandchildren yet.
5. Have you created any photo family history books to give as holiday gifts? Not a book. I did create a 200 photo slide show of our married life for our 50th wedding anniversary celebration in October 2023. A goal is to narrate it for a YouTube video I can save to my Forever account.
6. What is your favorite holiday main course food? I do like turkey if it's moist, and sweet potatoes.
7. What is your favorite holiday dessert? Pumpkin pie for some reason.
8. Which food do you eat too much during the holidays? Cookies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
9. Share a favorite holiday memory. Spending Christmas Eve at my grandparents house because they had a chimney, and singing carols at bedtime with my grandmother.
10. Have you continued any ethnic food or cultural activities that have been passed down through the family? We didn't have any ethnic food. Cultural activities? A Christmas tree, but I won't put it up this year.
11. Do you prefer warm sunshine or snow on Christmas Day? It may be sunny, it may rain a bit, it may be windy. It won't snow. It will be what it will be. I would prefer that it not rain so I can drive safely wherever I'm headed.
12. Did you break through any brick walls in 2023? Not really. I've been adding 5th and 6th great-grandparents to the Wiltshire families based on newly available information.
13. Do you have a 2023 genea-goal which could have been accomplished, but over which you’ve procrastinated or from which you’ve been distracted? Of course! I hoped to get the StoryWorth book published to use as Christmas gifts.
14. Have you ever gone holiday caroling? Yes. In the 1980s, our church couples group would go caroling around the church neighborhood. It was fun.
15. Do you have any favorite holiday decorations? Not any more. We used to put lights on the house when I was younger and could climb a ladder.
16. Who is the singer you most enjoy listening to during the holiday season? I really enjoy a mix of songs - I played a YouTube video for hours last week with the top 50 Christmas songs. To pick one singer - Mariah Carey.
17. Have there been any Christmas Day calamities that you remember? Not really. Thank goodness!
18. If Santa invited you to hitch a ride in his sleigh, where would you like him to drop you off? To Huntington Beach and to Brookdale to see my daughters and their families open their gifts. They could bring me home. If it's time travel, to 1930 Leominster, Mass. to see my father's family celebrate Christmas.
19. If you had to choose right this minute – which ancestors would you most like to meet? Choose an ancestor about whom you’ve researched in 2023. John Richman (1789-1867) and Ann (Marshman) Richman (1784-1856) in Hilperton, Wiltshire, in the 1850 time frame. I would love to experience Victorian England for a short time and meet my 3rd great-grandparents!!
20. Share one of your 2024 genealogy goals. To edit and publish my StoryWorth book, and start a second StoryWorth book with short ancestor biographies.
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Copyright (c) 2023, Randall J. Seaver
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Here are my answers.
I have completed this - lots of memories.
Here's mine:
Here are my answers.
Here's mine, although very late:
Somewhat late, but here's mine :)
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