I will be presenting "Genealogy Blogging - Soapbox or Service" at the Computer Genealogy Society of San Diego meeting on Saturday, 17 March starting at 9:00 AM. You can get directions to the meeting on the University of California San Diego campus and information about CGSSD at http://www.cgssd.org/.
The entire program summary is (from the CGSSD web page):
At 9:00, there will be a Special Session on Digital Imaging. The regular SIGs will not meet today. Gene Powell will present a special “Digital Imaging Demonstration.” This will be an hour packed with information on scanning, editing, and saving digital images. Learn the basic techniques of scanning, hear about the latest developments in digital imaging processing, and see a demonstration of an HP flat bed scanner, Prime Film slide and film scanner and Photoshop Elements 5.0. Bring your own photograph or slide to scan (and a disk to take home your digital image). A break and refreshments will begin at 10:15.
At 10:30, following general announcements, Randy Seaver will present:
Weblogs (known as "blogs" - online journals or diaries) have multiplied over the last two years in all fields, including genealogy. This presentation will discuss the what, when, where, why and how of genealogy blogging, and introduce you to many active genea-bloggers - each with something to say in their own way. Genealogy news, research tips, family history examples, stories, humor, business, education - and more - are covered in genealogy blogs every day.
Randy Seaver is a retired aerospace engineer, a genealogy researcher and family historian since 1988, with a fine set of obscure Northeast US/Canada colonial ancestors, with some 19th century English immigrants. A native San Diegan, Randy is a member of CGSSD, SDGS, CVGS, NEHGS, NGS and ESOG. He is currently President of the Chula Vista Genealogical Society and has made genealogy presentations to CVGS and several other societies. Randy was the first genealogy blogger in the San Diego area, and you can read his blog "Genea-Musings," with daily postings, at http://randysmusings.blogspot.com.
My presentation will be part PowerPoint and part online demonstration, and will include visiting many of my favorite genea-bloggers. I will probably post from the meeting during my talk in order to demonstrate the ease of posting on a genealogy blog. I hope that, from this presentation, more San Diego researchers will frequent the genealogy blogs and perhaps even start a blog of their own to share their wisdom, experience and stories.
The great thing about the CGSSD venue at UCSD is that wireless Internet access is everywhere! Therefore, Internet access can be used in presentations - which leads to a much more dynamic demonstration of online resources.
I would enjoy meeting any and all of my readers at this meeting.
Welcome to my genealogy blog. Genea-Musings features genealogy research tips and techniques, genealogy news items and commentary, genealogy humor, San Diego genealogy society news, family history research and some family history stories from the keyboard of Randy Seaver (of Chula Vista CA), who thinks that Genealogy Research Is really FUN! Copyright (c) Randall J. Seaver, 2006-2024.
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