Monday, August 6, 2007

Aloha -- Off to Maui

After a week with granddaughter Lauren, and a long weekend with grandsons Lucas and Logan (with their mom and dad), Linda and I are jetting off on Aloha Airlines on Tuesday morning to beautiful Maui.

We have a condo near Napili Beach north of Lahaina on Maui - for the next seven nights.

I am taking my laptop, so there may be some genealogy blogging done, but it will be spotty - it probably depends on how many hula dances I get roped into (they always pick me for some reason!) and how sunburned I get (gotta wear a hat at all times, and a T-shirt in the water). I have a bunch of books to read if I get bored with watching the surfers and young people acting crazy.

Are there genealogy libraries on Maui? What does "wiki-wiki" mean in Hawaiian? I need to learn the Hawaiian words for cousin, uncle, aunt, brother, sister, grandmother, grandfather, etc.

This came about because I asked Linda the question: "Would you rather go to the FGS conference in Fort Wayne, Indiana, or someplace with a beach?" And she said "Maui." OK - the FGS Conference will have to do without my attendance.

I'm counting on my fellow friendly genea-bloggers to hold down the fort. My faithful readers are asked to click on one of the genealogy blogs on my blogroll that you haven't read before.


Miriam Robbins said...

Aloha! Have a grand time, Randy, you and Angel Linda!

JMK said...

You lucky devil Randy! Will have to get my fix of genealogy news elsewhere until your return...

Anonymous said...

WHAT? I am not packed in a bag? and on the way with you? I am much nicer to look at than a LAPTOP and I do genealogy too! Well I don't do YOUR genealogy but that is beside the point... Can a Laptop HULA? can a Laptop Drink Hurricanes with you? Next time you ask Angel Linda a question like that ALSO ask HOW Many genealogy FRIENDS you can BRING to the BEACH and see if she does not pick the least there they pay for their own transportation and hotel and meals!

Hope You and Linda have a GREAT TIME! I am not wishing the same to the Laptop...Sand and water is bad for them.

Janice said...


Hmm.. thats one tough decision you had to make! :D Have a great time!
