Wednesday, March 5, 2008

SDGS Meeting on Saturday features Kathleen R. Trevena

The San Diego Genealogical Society meeting will be on Saturday, 8 March at 12 noon at St. Andrews Lutheran Church (8350 Lake Murray Blvd in San Diego, just south of Jackson Drive).

The program features Kathleen R. Trevena as the speaker on two topics --

* 12 noon: Ancestral Dollars and Cents: Occupations, Money and consumer Spending in Early America

* 1:15 p.m.: Crime, Punishment and Our Ancestors.

The program description and speaker CV reads:

"Do you know how your ancestors earned a living? They weren't ALL farmers were they? When they had some ready cash, was it in the form of nickels and dimes or wampum and tobacco? We will answer these and other questions about how Americans made and spent money in the days before big corporations, ATMs, and malls.

"Whether a witness, juror, constable, or convict, your ancestor almost certainly had contact with the legal system of the day. If we traveled back in time, what would seem familiar and what would be strange? Why were there scarlet letters and dunking stools? When were policemen and penitentiaries invented? Learn more about the law and your ancestors and why we should always look in the many records produced by the legal system.

"Kathleen R. Trevena has been doing genealogy for over 30 years, enjoying both her own ancestors and ancestors she borrows from her friends. She has lectured throughout Southern California and recently presented two lectures at the annual conference of the Utah Genealogical Association in Salt Lake City. 'My talks are more contextual than methodological, more history than how-to. My goal is to encourage people to look at the lives of their ancestors in new ways, using both historical information and examples drawn from genealogical resources.' "

This promises to be an intriguing meeting with an excellent speaker.

SDGS is starting a four session Beginning Genealogy series at 10 a.m. on Saturday 8 March at St. Andrews Lutheran Church. The first class is "Genealogy Basics." You can see more information about this class at Space is limited, so contact the organizers at the phone number or email listed on the web page.

SDGS also holds a RootsMagic User's Group at 10 a.m. at St. Andrews Lutheran Church before the society meetings, and a FamilyTreeMaker Users Group on the first Saturday at the SDGS Library from 10 a.m. to noon.

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