Here is helpful information from Paula Hinkel about the SCGS Jamboree:
Register by April 30 to receive:
a $10 discount on registration
PLUS $5 discount on all special events
PLUS get a free copy of the printed syllabus, worth $20.
Save even more with a membership to the Southern California Genealogical Society.
As a reminder, Jamboree will be held June 11-13, 2010, at the LosAngeles Marriott Burbank Airport Hotel and Convention Center.
There are so many reasons to attend Jamboree, but here are just some:
1. Over 120 lecture sessions, workshops, and events. www.scgsgenealogy.com/2010jam-SpeakerListHoriz.htm
2. 50 internationally recognized genealogy experts will be in attendance. Jamboree brings you the best array of speakers in the West. scgsgenealogy.com/2010jam-Speaker.htm
3. FREE sessions on Friday for Kids (age 8-16), Librarians and novice family historians
4. Friday morning guided cemetery tour of Evergreen Cemetery in Los Angeles followed by lunch at Philippe's
5. FREE roundtable small group discussion sessions Friday morning - dozens of topics lead by experts. You'll find regional and ethnic research, searching birth families, genealogy society management sessions, just too many to list here. Watch the Jamboree blog for updates. (www.genealogyjamboree.blogspot.com)
6. Hands-on minicourses for Excel, Word, Skype and blogging and Google applications to help advance your research and save you money!
7. Nearly 70 exhibitors - commercial organizations as well as societies. www.scgsgenealogy.com/2010jam-exhibitors.htm
8. FREE document and photo scanning provided by Ancestry.com http://www.scgsgenealogy.com/2010jam-ancestry-scan.htm
9. Thousands of dollars worth of door prizes, including a week-long stay at the Salt Lake Plaza Hotel, and a weekend at Strawberry Creek Inn or Bunkhouse in Idyllwild, California B&B. The B&B is owned by an avid genealogist!
10. Immerse yourself in a weekend with about 1600 others who share your passion for family history.
11. Classes for individuals of all experience levels - beginner, intermediate, advanced
12. Live podcast Saturday with Lisa Louise Cooke of Genealogy Gems Podcast
13. Friday night banquet with Chris Haley, nephew of Alex Haley,author of Roots.
14. A FREE webinar to help you get the most out of any genealogy conference, including Jamboree. Click on the webinar image at www.scgsgenealogy.com
15. A FREE webinar on Saturday morning conducted by DearMYRTLE. Societies from across the US and Canada can participate from home via GoToWebinar. You can join us for breakfast (special event fee) or join us over the web. http://tinyurl.com/y6m3qod With the webinar, you get everything but the orange juice and bacon.
Get all of the details on Jamboree at www.scgsgenealogy.com - click on the Jamboree logo. You can also follow all of the Jamboree updates at www.genealogyjamboree.blogspot.com or follow us on Twitter (@scgsgenealogy).
Make your Marriott hotel reservations before May 10. The reservation block is full but the Marriott is extending it. If you get a message that there are no rooms available, please let me know and I'll contact the Marriott on your behalf.
Upcoming deadlines:
April 30, 2010 - Early Bird Registration ends at midnight
May 1, 2010 - registration opens for mini-sessions
May 10, 2010 - Marriott hotel discount closes
June 1, 2010 - preregistration closes
Don't Miss This Fantastic Weekend!!
Southern California Genealogical Society
417 Irving Drive
Burbank, CA 91504
818-843-7247 phone
One added bonus for Jamboree goers - you can meet the shy writer of Genea-Musings LIVE and in-person - wearing his name badge with many colorful ribbons on it. Please stop me and say hello and let's get a picture together! I love meeting Genea-Musings readers!
I am all reserved and getting my genealogy face on - and can hardly wait to enjoy the Jamboree in 2010! Game on, genea-bloggers!!
Welcome to my genealogy blog. Genea-Musings features genealogy research tips and techniques, genealogy news items and commentary, genealogy humor, San Diego genealogy society news, family history research and some family history stories from the keyboard of Randy Seaver (of Chula Vista CA), who thinks that Genealogy Research Is really FUN! Copyright (c) Randall J. Seaver, 2006-2024.
1 comment:
Shy writer? Good one, Randy! We'll get you out of your shell.
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