Friday, March 9, 2012

Follow Friday - This Weekend's Genealogy TV/Radio Shows

There is one television show about genealogy and there are two genealogy-related radio shows on Blog Talk Radio ( this weekend.  They are:

1)  Who Do You Think You Are? (NBC, 8 p.m. EST, PST, 7 p.m. CST, MST) -- This week the celebrity is Jerome Bettis.  You can see a short video about this episode at

You can watch past episodes at

2)  GeneaBloggers Radio Episode 58 -- Thomas MacEntee hosts the show this week with co-host 
 Lisa Alzo of The Accidental Genealogist.
  titled "Grandma, Is That You? Locating Your Female Ancestors"  This show is on:

Friday, March 9, 2012
*  9 pm-10:30 pm Eastern US
*  8-9:30 pm Central US
*  7-8:30 pm Mountain US
*  6-7:30 pm Pacific US
*  2 am London UK

*  1pm Saturday Sydney AUS  

The show guests are:

*  I
nternationally recognized photo identification and family history expert Maureen Taylor, who will discuss her new book Fashionable Folks: Bonnets and Hats, 1840-1900 as well as how to date photos of female ancestors based on the fashions they wore; 

*  Beverly Rice, a professional genealogist specializing in locating female ancestors, will provide tips and strategies on finding those elusive women in your family tree;
*  Genealogist, blogger and author Gena Philibert Ortega of Food.Family.Ephemera. and who will talk with us about her forthcoming book The Family Table. 

You can read more information about the guests at 
"Grandma, Is That You? Locating Your Female Ancestors"  

Don’t forget that there is a chat room where all the “cool kids” hang out on Friday night! Sign in to BlogTalkRadio with your Facebook account or set up a free BlogTalkRadio account to join in the fun.

3)  FGS Radio - My Society, an Internet radio show on Blog Talk Radio presented by the Federation of Genealogical Societies.  This week's show is TBD.
    It will be hosted by TBD The show airs at:

Saturday, March 10, 2012
*  2-3 pm Eastern US
*  1-2 pm Central US
*  12-1 pm Mountain US
*  11 am-12pm Pacific US 

The special guests and features include:

*   TBD.

Tune in to FGS Radio – My Society each week to learn more about genealogy societies and join in a discussion of the issues impacting the genealogical community. 

You can also listen to the archived shows on Blog Talk Radio by going to the two show sites:

*  Geneabloggers Radio:

*  FGS Radio - MySociety:   

The URL for this post is:

Copyright (c) Randall J. Seaver, 2012.

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