The Genealogical Publishing Company in Baltimore has published another in its series of "Genealogy at a Glance" laminated research guides - this time for American Cemetery Research by Sharon DeBartolo Carmack, CG, MFA.
This "Genealogy at a Glance" booklet has four laminated pages on one 11" x 17" paper (folded). They are designed to give the user the basic elements of genealogy research in the allotted space. They provide an overview of the facts a researcher needs to know in order to begin and proceed successfully with research in the subject.
The American Cemetery Research folder has these subjects:
* Contents list
* Quick Facts and Important Dates
* Locating Your Ancestor's Final Resting Place
* Types of Cemeteries
* Planning Your Cemetery Field Trip
* Photographing Markers
* Tombstone Rubbings
* Finding the Living among the Dead
* Databases of the Dead
This booklet is designed primarily for the person who is not an expert, or has no experience, in American cemetery research. It provides a summary of the fundamentals of pursuing research in and about American cemeteries. Reference books, online databases and websites for some of the topics are cited in the text. A researcher wanting additional expertise should rely on quality published books with in-depth knowledge about the resources available.
For someone like me that teaches and talks about genealogy a bit, it is invaluable because I can pull it out and provide some guidance to my student or colleague interested in the subject.
The beauty of these "Genealogy at a Glance" folders is that they are very light and portable in a briefcase or laptop case. They are fixtures in my research case.
This four-page laminated booklet costs $8.95, plus postage and handling (4th Class Mail $5.50; FedEx Ground Service in the USA, $7.50). You can order it through the Genealogical Store, or use the link for the American Cemetery Research booklet and click on the "Add to Cart" link. I recommend buying these at seminars and conferences where they are offered in order to avoid the shipping costs.
I reviewed several similar works in Book Review: Genealogy at a Glance: "How-To" Series (French-Canadian, Scottish and Irish), Book Review: "Genealogy at a Glance: German Genealogy Research," Review: "Genealogy at a Glance: English Genealogy Research," and Review - Genealogy at a Glance: French Genealogy Research.
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Copyright (c) Randall J. Seaver, 2012.
Disclosure: contacted me recently and asked me to provide a review of this booklet. They mailed me a review copy for my personal use as remuneration for this review.
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