I am happy to see Russ Worthington back in genealogy and FTM action after the Hurricane Sandy problems - he posted a very helpful blog today about "Citing As You Go - What About Email?" on his Family Tree Maker User blog.
I thought it might be interesting to see how a source citation crafted by the RootsMagic 5 source template might look. There are three source templates for E-mail messages in RootsMagic 5:
* E-mail message
Private, Personal-E-Mail, writer as lead element
Ref: [E!, p 80]
* E-mail, personal, privately held, by writer
Private Holdings,
Personal E-Mail; writer as lead element; see also Correspondence,
Ref: [EE, p 154-155 (Ref: QC-3, p 113)]
* E-mail, personal, privately held, filed by collection
Holdings, Personal-E-Mail, collection as lead element in bibliography; see also
Correspondence, personal
Ref: [EE, QC-3, p 113]
Because my email was a short series, I chose the second source template listed above.
Here is the Source Template screen for one email:
The "Master Source" fields are:
* Sender
* Writer's location
* Writer's e-contact
* Item type
* Recipient
* Researcher
* Contact data
* Street address
* City address
* Provenance
The "Source Details" fields are:
* Subject line
* Record date
* File
* Research series
* Collection
* Date held
I entered the information that I thought was appropriate, and you can see the Footmnote, Short Footnote and Bibliography citations created using this source template in the screen above. The Footnote is:
xxxxx Dill, San Diego, Calif., [e-mail for private use], to Randy
Seaver, e-mail, 1 May 2012, "Albert Freeman Dill," Local Folders: Surnames:
Dill-Horton-Eastham; privately held by Randy Seaver, [e-mail & address for private use], Chula Vista CA
91911, 2012.
The "Master Source" information is in red above, and the "Source Details" in blue.
I also added the text of the email to the Marriage Fact Note for Albert Freeman Dill:
This was instructive and interesting. The source templates make this pretty easy.
I wasn't sure what to put into the "File" line in the Source Details - I chose my email local folder name. If I had saved the email to my computer file system, I would have put the file folder name and file name. If I had printed the email and put it in a paper file folder or surname notebook, I would have added that to the "Research series" or "Collection" fields.
The URL for this post is: http://www.geneamusings.com/2012/11/email-source-citation-in-rootsmagic-5.html
Copyright (c) 2012, Randall J. Seaver
Welcome to my genealogy blog. Genea-Musings features genealogy research tips and techniques, genealogy news items and commentary, genealogy humor, San Diego genealogy society news, family history research and some family history stories from the keyboard of Randy Seaver (of Chula Vista CA), who thinks that Genealogy Research Is really FUN! Copyright (c) Randall J. Seaver, 2006-2024.
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