I posted First Look at RootsMagic App for iOS Devices yesterday and went through the highlights of the "Views" menu on the app on my iPhone.
There are two other useful menu items - the "List" item and the "Tools" item. I will go through the "Lists" menu item today, and do the "Tools" menu item tomorrow.
From any screen, the user can tap on the "Lists" menu item (on the bottom of the screen) and see the list of Lists available to the user:
All of these Lists are available in the RootsMagic software on the "Lists" menu.
The Source List provides the Master Sources in alphabetical order:
If you tap on one of them, you see the master source portion of the "Footnote," plus any Source comments for that master source. You can navigate to a section of the Source list by tapping on the small letters on the right of the screen, then swipe to scroll up and down. You do not see any source citations - those are in the source citations for the persons and events in the "Views" menu.
The "ToDo" item in the "Lists" provides some selections for what to show, the priority level, and the status filters, plus the list of To-Do list items:
You swipe to scroll down the ToDo list. Tapping on one of the items on the list opens the item for review. You cannot add to the list or edit an item on the list - this is "view" only.
The "Research" List opens the list of Research Logs:
To view a specific Research Log, tap on the specific research log on the list. The log opens and you can see the objective and research log items. You can navigate to a section of the Research list by tapping on the small letters on the right of the screen, then swipe to scroll up and down. Again - this is "view" only - you cannot edit the items or add to the list.
The "Media" List item provides a list of the media items in the RootsMagic database:
Tapping on one of the items opens the thumbnail image of the media (which the user cannot enlarge), the media caption, the File folder name, and the Description text. You can navigate to a section of the Media list by tapping on the small letters on the right of the screen, then swipe to scroll up and down.
I did not take pictures of the Address, Repository or Correspondence items on the "List" menu list.
The "Place" list is an alphabetical list of places in the database:
Tapping on one of the places on the list brings up the Standardized place name, the Abbreviated place name, the Geocode (latitude and longitude), Notes and Place details. You can navigate to a section of the Place list by tapping on the small letters on the right of the screen, then swipe to scroll up and down.
As noted, these are "view" only lists - you cannot add items or edit items on the list.
The value of these lists is great if you are at a repository, or at a friend's place, and want to see your source citations, research log, to-do list, place list, etc. Now I have this information, along with my database information (names, dates, places, relationships, events, source citations, media), hiding in my pocket to use when I need it. Great job, RootsMagic!
I will show the Tools menu items tomorrow. Don't forget the RootsMagic webinar on the RootsMagic app today 6 PM (EST), 5 PM (CST) 4 PM (MST), 3 PM PDT, 11 PM GMT. Register at - https://www3.gotomeeting.com/register/419532118.
The URL for this post is: http://www.geneamusings.com/2012/12/lists-on-rootsmagic-app.html
Copyright (c) 2012, Randall J. Seaver
Welcome to my genealogy blog. Genea-Musings features genealogy research tips and techniques, genealogy news items and commentary, genealogy humor, San Diego genealogy society news, family history research and some family history stories from the keyboard of Randy Seaver (of Chula Vista CA), who thinks that Genealogy Research Is really FUN! Copyright (c) Randall J. Seaver, 2006-2024.
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